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Posts posted by StevO

  1. i think the problem is that to have the luxury of a man just sat in the box waiting, the other players need to be making the sacrifice if you get what i mean. when ruud was at united he just sat in the box while the rest of the side do the hard work, but they knew he would make up for it with goals, i hope we can do that too

  2. Liverpool are the New Chelsea.


    dont say that, i like chelsea!


    but gerarrd seems to be struggling for form, so i guess asking for help from the ref keeps him upto scratch. im quite disappointed to be honest, i normally like to see him play because he can win a match on his own, but let down this seaosn so far

  3. starting to seem too little too late by bradley and his muppets.

    they should never have let all this get so far, now it may be too late.


    i heard last nite there are 11000 people willing to not renew season tickets next season, both terrace fans and corporate, including evertons very first corporate customer, cant remember the guys name. but it seems keioc are getting a few more people involved

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