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Everything posted by rowlo-efc

  1. I heard that he is going into the racing pigeon breeding game !
  2. The Everton v charlton team that moyes put out is by far the most in form yet he changes it for the Millwall game. Ok - big dunc needs a rest, so just swap him for mcfadden or bent - Dunc didn't do much anyway (but his presence makes a difference). I think Moyes was foolish to change a winning formula.
  3. WEll thats respect for ya! and its also what happens when you have 750,000 loyal scouse fans! At least 749,999 of them are going to be complete arseholes that have total lack of respect for anything other than themselves.
  4. 1 vs Villareal 1 vs Portsmouth 1 vs Newcastle 1 vs Bucharest (home tie) 1 vs Bolton 1 vs Charlton And these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head! Its SHIT!
  5. You can absolutely forget Keane - regardless of what happens at Spurs, he is never ever going to wear an Everton shirt. We will be lucky to tempt Nugent from Championship side Preston north nobheads at this rate and given our apparent lack of funds. Why did Bullshit Billy tell us that he could make money available to sign Owen but then can't even free up half of that money for the january transfer window - its all about pacifying the soft shite fans!
  6. Charlton game the midfield was fantastic. Arteta in the middle and Osman on the right made us look like the team of last year. Arteta had the in form danny Murphy in his pocket and both Osman and Kilbane flew at the defence for the whole of the game. It was a joy to watch and in some ways made me realise that the midfield of Neville and Davies (although better on paper) was not working. So.... what happens today. neville is fit - arteta goes to the right and osman is dropped. 1st half we were shit. Second half. Arteta brought into the middle and osman on the right - we play out of socks and get a goal back. By all accounts we were unlukcy to have not won - given that we had several chances that were squandered. So why change a good midfield?
  7. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. All the Best. Don't get too Drunk!
  8. Weir? doing well? He's poo! and only got away with last year because he linked well with Stubbsy. I think that it has to be time to introduce Kroldrup to the side. He cant, simply cant, be as bad as Weir.
  9. 6 goals aint really enough - but when you compare it to the amount of games he has played....it aint so bad. I would like him to be much sharper than Moyes says he is. He needs to play off the ball better - his positioning is nothing to shout about. Glad you liked the 'tampon' analogy!
  10. Where are we going to get £125m from? WE can't get Keane on 40,000K a week and yet the board are talking about a new stadium and taking on a more long term debt - long term as in NEVER pay it back - EVER... I will be 6foot under, my kids will be 6 foot under and my grand kids will be 6 foot under by the time the stadium is paid for. Its a load of shit and I really wouldn't hold my breath!
  11. Yeah - but look at it in a different light...RS are building a stadium. Gigs/concerts/shows can be held there and as our stadium will be built after their's, they will get a foot hold in the market and yet again we will be chasing revenue and trying to compete with something that has been allowed to establish... Its pie in the sky and the thinking behind it is ludicrous. Its all about pacifying the fans.
  12. More pie in the sky me thinks! I think that we had better get a decent team going before we think about expanding a stadium... WE are only attracting 35,000 a game now - how the fuck are we going to attract 50,000? My Theory... WE will wait for the RS to build their stadium then we will move to their shit hole whilst Goodison is rejuvinated and the pitch turned around so that the goals are at the bullens and main stand end. It will be like 'going' home for a bit in the RS stadium and then back to Goodison once rebuilt. Then we can all smash the fuck out of anfield...
  13. I think that it takes a lot of time to take a club back to the big time - but I agree, an opportunity was missed this year - we simply didn't capitalise on our success last year. We didn't bark loud enough about it, we didn't sell our image enough on the back of it, we didn't product more merchandise and put it in more, different, shops across the country. The advertising boards are the same as last year and there are now fewer than ever (that I can remember). The corporate sections of the ground are half full at best and the club are finding themselves doing 'deals' to get people into the exclusive marque and Alex Young lounge. The basis of the clubs future lies with the children in Liverpool etc. Yet we rarely hear of the club offering the schools free or reduced tickets - especially when the corporate section is so low on attendance. Why not throw a party each game for a local primary school and let them sit in the lounge seats and watch the game - for some kids it would be like xmas come early and they WOULD NEVER forget it - i.e. when they grow up and starting earning their own money... But no the club pays little attention to the future generations and is trying its best to take cash from those that support the lads now. (Which is all very well and good but look at Utd - they turn up to the opening of an envelope if it raises the profile of the club) - okay, we need to play well at the same time - but more money = better players = a good team... Is it really that difficult?
  14. Okay - it aint a great deal but how many times did you see liverpool coining it in off the back of Garcias/owens/beardsley's (ignore the last one ) image? How many times did owen appear on TV - hwo many posters do you see of Gerrard? - It all raises club profile and makes it more attractive to investers - as they will want to use the 'pin-ups' in ads etc. Beckham for example - united sponsorship deals with vodafone etc. included work around beckham and van horse in the ads... Its all about image and EFC hasn't got one! Therefore -no investment!
  15. I think that we have to have some perceiverance (excuse the spelling - I was up all night clearing my sewar drains!). Moyes is having a bad season and he hasn't yet got the team playing forward or anywhere near fit enough to play the current 'counter attack' style of footie... Time is all that is needed, I am sure of that...Alex ferguson was one game from the boot 15 yrs ago at Utd - but look what happened to them. I am not that misguided to think that the same will happen to Everton, but there is nothing (except this season) stopping us from finishing high in seasons to come. The league this year is very tight, infact, two wins sees you in the top half - Charlton are 5 pts ahead of us and they have been described as having a good season, with Danny Murhpy playing well etc.etc. Boro are only 3pts ahead and nobody is considering them for the drop! So all it takes is a good run and things start to turn around and we, as relegation candidates, will start dreaming of Europe again. We have had the shittest start to teh season that we could have had but I am sure that it will turn around. Not sure how, but I am hoping that it will be sooner rather than later. Another 5 games unbeaten and we will more or less be flying and aiming for a decent finish. Lets hope that Moyes can rally the guys together and get them playing for one another and make them lose their individuality on the park. Its a team game and we aint playing as a team - last year we where a unit and sadly that has disappeared this year.
  16. Just spoken to BK and he said that he will swap yer it for a west life CD. ...yeah but, no but....
  17. We must be able to release capital from somewhere - its just farscical to think that we are skint, isn't it?! I mean with £2m we could sign another Marcus bent or even better, buy Theirry Henry's right boot lace, frame it and charge people to come and see it.
  18. I'll swap you a 4gb mini ipod (gold), a half eaten apple and second hand bog roll for it!
  19. I'm just glad that they didnt win it because I couldn't stand the stick from the RS in my work... 'we're the best club in the world' - glad they got done! Now all I hear is 'its a mickey mouse comp anyway' laughable but better than them lot winning the accolade of best club in the world! WANKERS!
  20. BT is nowhere near fit enough to play competitive football and the fact that DM has said that 'he is looking sharper each game' suggests that the coaching staff know that he aint fit enough - but there is simply nobody to compete for his place. Kroldrup - A mirage, figment of the imagination. VDM - signed whilst injured as a panic buy. Good player but please, not another tampon (in for week, out for a month). Naysmith, Pistone - they can both do one anyway But thats enough about the injuries - the fact is we are not winning the games that we should be. There is no doubt that we have a lot of talent in the team. Neville is good midfield general, Cahill is a superb attacking CM, Arteta - right winger- - -what a find! VDM, the best crosses I've seen for a while at Goodison. But the lads aren't gelling together properly and for some of them, this season is crucial - they need to hit form to try and get to the world cup - an added incentive to do well this year (no doubt why spurs are putting in the results!) We are a good team and things will turn around but Moyes has to change his negative tactics and playing style - they wont win us games and we desparetly need to turn over Villa - although I cant see it happening.
  21. we all know now that the FSF didn't exist - I have more money in my back pocket than that 'organisation' ever did! Its all a matter of management from the top down at EFC - we simply do not get the basics right and it shows - other club such as Spurs, laugh at our poor ability to produce money when we are sitting on a prime brand name. How many times have Everton signed an Edgar Davids figure? hmmm.... last one was probably Kanchelskis. Apart from being a good footballer (although past his best) Davids puts bums on seats and sells shirts for Spurs - which of our players can you say does that - how many people come to Goodison to see just on eof our megastars? NONE! WE have no 'pulling' power because we do not invest properly - we should have signed Davids, irrespective of wages - his image would have paid his wages! and his play would have kept the fans happy... Neville & Davies & VDM are hardly pin-up poster material, are they?!
  22. Its irrelevant - its not good enough. The teams that followed WBA where Boro and the Skunks - they are not Liverpool FC, flying high in 3rd (with games in hand) are they?! WE are going to struggle big time and every team that comes to Goodison is starting to fancy the win. Last year, most teams were content with a point if they could manage it - this year, everyone wants the full three! So extra effort is put in to put the points on the board and I guarantee that the RS will come out with all guns a' blazin'. If we go 4-5-1 and defend (like at Man U, West ham and Bolton) we will see a cricket score!
  23. even when we finished 4th , the message from the club was one of a fairy tale...so nobody really read into the 4th spot being down to us actually being good - but down to a fairy tale and enchanted magic - the spirit of the people's club! When RS do well, they tell everyone that they did well because they are great - becuase their team is the best and because their club is the biggest. WE tell them that we really tried hard with a small, inexperienced squad that was tipped for relegation, but the boys did well. Look at the difference in attitudes (and it hurts to say that the RS have got it right!) - is there any wonder why no fucker invests in EFC?! Apart from the fact that BK doesn't allow anyone to invest!
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