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Everything posted by Randomness

  1. ^^thats... brilliant improvisation! Hats off to that man
  2. 1 point from 6? jesus some crises we're in arnt we. thank goodness we have those 57 points on the board.
  3. he didnt have a tackle to make in the 2nd half, the game kind of petered out, but he did have to block 3 shots from Anelka, Ribery and dribble cisse he did well enough.
  4. only in the last 20 minutes. how soon we forget he was having a fine game before they scored. anyway lescott did better than terry did in his 45 minutes last night (i blame terry for losing anelka, James sending him flyingwas inevitable)
  5. it makes me wonder, i did see someone who looked a lot like him fall over drunk in the brookhouse who spoke bad english so if that was him then yes he can be that stupid. anyway. he's out of the derby so i expect liverpool to replace him with lucas though there is a chance crouch may come in.
  6. true, memories of hibbert comming on instead vaughan vs tottenham spring to mind.
  7. that explains why howard webb was left out of "grand slam sunday" descirbed as the best ref by fergie, we had him for the 1-2 vs man u at OT http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/e...rem/4145814.stm expect that card average to go up. how long to the RS wum's (wind up merchants) arrive? where will we all be watching it? and will louis use the excuse of the derby to sneak in to everton office's and find out some more about kirkby? (at ht of course)
  8. i heard a few years back that we were going to get him because they were going to let him go coz of the eye injury he sustained. wouldnt mind him though just dont let him tackle. but i agree with jamie, if he leaves united he'll go to his hometown club get them promoted (they should with him in the side) before he heads off into the sunset.
  9. apparently they flew rather than take a train. on a side not i read a bit of cass pennants (one of ICF's top boys) book while i was in waterstone's once and he claims that while being bombarded with golf balls, bricks and coins, him and four others ran up all 230 feet of everton hill and battered "200 or so everton hooligans." now i'm not going to come out and "our firm is well harder than yours" etc. but i think he's being a bit economical with the truth. being in the 1985 documentry went to thier heads methinks. anyway isnt a reunion a bit stupid because anyone who met there would instantly identified as a hooligan and seized upon?
  10. and bought david ginola instead to go with gazza.
  11. Randomness

    Sperm Bank

    Brutal, but funny
  12. did anyone else watch "grand slam sunday part II" after he subbed makelele and ballack and brought on anelka and belletti chelsea fans started chanting "you dont know what you doing" "Jo-se Mourinho" etc some people eh thoughts?
  13. liverpool susceptable to the long ball. neville and hibbert loving that then.
  14. Randomness

    West Ham

    first half we should have 2 even 3-0 up, if vic had taken an extra touch green had committed. we didnt feed the yak properly yesterday, we were giving it to him and expecting miracles. how that goal was given offside... its criminal. oh yeah and freddie sears, well on his way to being a chelsea player with that dive.
  15. he's just got himself sent off and refused to leave the pitch Surely he misses the derby as its 4pm next sunday its outside 7 days so the ban occurs?
  16. i've already posted this on the everton facebook group but.. You know that one club one city one name banner..... ohh the hilarity. thats why i'm glad KEIOC have not tried to make a breakaway team. Compare our Fans To Liverpool's by taking one from the farm's cup final remix "All together now..... For Everton <forever>" will liverpool fc be kicked out of anfield and replaced with afc liverpool? best get some new derby chants.
  17. yeah though that was back in 96ish wasnt it??, thats why LCC greenlighted any development of Goodison because between EFC and LCC they own all the houses that would stand in the way of redevelopment. the only people who dont want to redevelope...... is the people who run the club!!
  18. His parents decided to stub offers from Man United and Liverpool in favour of Everton because they feel he will be given the best care at Goodison Park. Yeah!!!!! Everton Childcare 1 Other clubs 0
  19. anyway i thought cyclists are supposed to wear bright clothing now so they dont look like moonwalking bears?
  20. so are these the bastard bastard sons of anfield? btw check this out from yesterday's Mirror: Devotees of the People's Front Of Judea scene in Monty Python's Life Of Brian will enjoy this tale from the frontline of Liverpool supporters' battle to depose unpopular American owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett. It seems one protest group gave themselves the name Sons Of Shankly - until female members objected. So they dubbed themselves Sons And Daughters Of Shankly - until someone pointed out that spelled SADOS. Their new name is Spirit Of Shankly. For now, at least. The Judean People's Front? Splitters!
  21. hold on, he's paying £48. LOL he's getting Ripped. Rittenburg? that would be a suitable name change disguise for someone called say mark clattenberg?
  22. yeah but louis that would be sense... sensa....... * i think it means 'to make sense'*...... [checks everton dictionary] *word not found*........... (joke would be so much better if there was a physical aspect rather than me typing) sensible! THATS THE ONE. doing it that way would sensible.
  23. see this is the problem with the club's decision to make only 1000, why such a stupidly low number.
  24. last night wasnt as pretty as man city but it was random and the viola didnt know which way the ball was comming at them, we're two more player away from nearly men to made men.
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