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Goodison Glory

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Everything posted by Goodison Glory

  1. Godfrey - Shit. myko - shit Dobbin - anonymous Chermiti - Shit. then looked even worse when he was off the pitch because Beto was so much better. I'll give Chermiti a pass. He's young and it's only his 2nd game.
  2. But let's not have recency bias...his last contribution was awful but he was one of the best players. He broke stuff up and he moved it through midfield quickly: he even played a couple of nice balls from the edge of the box
  3. Chelsea also needed not 1 but 2 £100M footballers to comE off the bench to beat Wimbledon.
  4. I'd also go as far to say Gana was a massive improvement (low bar)
  5. I'll just remind everyone that EVERY time we've beaten Doncaster, we've won the league
  6. Yes but if we are going to comment on them being shit then we have to comment on the positives. Sure it what you expect, but with so many under whleming it is refreshing to have someone perform as they should and his play (not just goal) has changed the way we play.
  7. I think that's being very very generous. id rather give Myko the benefit of saying stuff in his homeland is affecting him.
  8. Fucking Godfrey man. That's twice recently...numbskull
  9. There's been a lot of players who have played passes that just beggar belief. Garner, Godfrey etc. he's not been perfect but I think Onana has been decent
  10. Yep that was a bad one but I think he's still been a positive - pact, direct, wants it
  11. That's what dyche is telling him to do - you can see him waving his arms every time the ball goes back - he wants it hoofed forward
  12. Chermiti is not ready that's evident. I'd risk Beto at this point (call it desperation) Branthwaite for Keane to get a bit of composure or perhaps move Godfrey out left and take Myko off instead.
  13. This might be off the wall and unlikely but I think he needs to change the system.
  14. Cmon then dyche. You can blame the players (rightly so) but something has to come to the manager - tactics, motivation.
  15. Under the cosh by the worst team in the country!
  16. How much Space did he have there...why was Myko so central
  17. Chermiti playing like he's made of paper. He also looking very clumsy.
  18. That's harsh. We've tried to play without myko whenever possible and signed a starting LB in his place.
  19. I meant 4-0 on pens.....and even that might be a stretch!
  20. Things are breaking down when it gets to Danjuma too.
  21. Zero shots after 20 mins...not the stat we were trying to change boys.
  22. We aren't imposing ourselves on this at all. Sad. Very sad.
  23. Yes I was just being slightly pedantic. You said no-one wants them, whereas the truth is plenty of clubs want them, they just don't want to pay for them. Slight difference, neither helps us of course.
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