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Everything posted by GoldfishMemory

  1. Lock him up with sum NF lunatic wh has turned to bum fun cos his sentance is so long. Whatch him act hard with a sweaty sock stuffed in his mouth and a c*** stuffed up his ar*e!
  2. Why do woman like older gynecologists? Cos they have shaky hands!
  3. For everyone who enjoyed the brief appearence of those bouncy titties as my avatar here is the site it came from http://www.animatedboobs.com/ Hours of fun to be had
  4. Whats he done right? I think thats the question we need to ask!
  5. Anyone got any tips as far as online betting goes? Do you open a account with one particular bookies or is there a central location (like pay pal) where you can store your money and bet using different bookies? I know i'm sowing my stupidity again where it comes to 'tinternet but i just aint got the memory for remembering all this techno stuff Oh and is there one bookies thats better than the others or is it just a case of looking around for the best odds? Paddy Power seems to always get a mention!
  6. Too right Pat, commonly refered to as the "Bitters" these days but seriously who is the bitter one now.
  7. I would love to see this happen and Wright mite fuck off back down south
  8. Stop bitching boys! I agree with the "sign by x date" comment but you have to appriciate that he will be speaking to other clubs & discussing with his agent & family. Do any of you have the inside information to know moysey's offer? Maybe the date is thursday and an announcement will come at Fridays weekly press conf' positive or negative! Calm down and let things happen. Oh and just to add to the opinion Keane will disrupt, dictate, control etc do you all seriously think DM will let that happen? I think not! Do you all seriously thing Duncan will let the little irish prick disrupt our dressing room? I think not!
  9. We are in the sh*t big time. As long as killa & wright dont play we will have a fighting chance!! Sadly they will both figure
  10. Simple AJ could make the England squad if playing in the Prem. He re-signed to repay palace so they will get some money for him when he does leave.
  11. Its Mr i think its all ok when its not O'leary for me! You can tell he has run out of steam cos he has started blaming the chairman which he always does.
  12. Cos when 600 milwall see you and your big mates swaggering back to your car you will no doubt get a taste of what so many before you have also experienced! A throw back to 70s style football thuggery!
  13. So as the transfare window nears who should Everton singn in January. I was a member of the sign up Keane and sign him fast brigade up until recently but after some careful thought this is what i think we should do come January. AJ needs to put his mark on the dotted line for no more than 6 million. Lee Trundle needs to put his mark on the dotted line for no more than 1 million Marcus Bent should be sold to Charlton for 2 million Then if we can get a decent price or a possible part-ex with wright i would take a gamble on nugent too. May be too many strikers but in reality the Big Man is gone at the end of the season and either Faddy, Nugent or Trundle could be moved on with very little lost on the fees paid. Any other thoughts?
  14. Someone kill him so we dont sign him please
  15. This seems very simple to me, don't let him take them!
  16. I'm starting to think along the same lines Licker. 6 in 7 is his reccord this season i think! AJ is the man for me and he would fit into the work ethic. Can you imagin a slow, lazy Robbie Keane with Roy Kean behind him! Then again can you imagin the lazy irish poacher with big dunc / BT knocking them down! What a bitch of a choice.
  17. I voiced the same concern a few weeks back. I think he is an excellent talent in front of goal however if you view the Football Frenzy then both Tottenham & Ireland fans do not rate him & worryingly say he is slow and lazy! Having said that he scored again at the weekend!
  18. Cos she is a he, and hates our James for stealing away will for sum bum fun! Ok so i posted the same thing twice..................... damn that back button!
  19. Cos she is a he, and hates our James for stealing away will for sum bum fun!
  20. After his sacking Gazza decided to do what he doed best & go on the piss in LIVERPOOL! After a photographer asked for some pictures Gazza walked towards him with outreached hand, then proceeded to beat on him The photographer was taken to hospital to sort the blood pouring from his eye whilt Gazza shouted about how he would show everyone when he bought Ketering Town FC and took them into the top flight! What a waste! Mr Best mark two me thinks.
  21. This game will not be about football trust me! Theres gona be fighting all over, all day with our history and their current league position it will take a brave fan to travel to milwall without the protection of numbers. If anyone is planning on going steer well clear of the tube and dont go in a car! Theres been bad blood between the two clubs since several milwall were cut badly during one of our past meetings!
  22. Thought u where gona say you had got one for your birthday! Pity you could have swaped it with Adam for his bird for a few weeks while he tried it out!
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