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Posts posted by Chach

  1. Stop strawmaning trying to devalue his goals, the link says premier league goals not total including ones Haf doesn't like.


    That wasn't a straw man, nobodies argument was misrepresented, at worst it was a cherry pick which is unlikely or he would have mentioned 1 of those two goals was against Villa and the other Stoke.


    As for the service, its very likely we would have lifted at least one of those domestic cups if he could take a simple chance and control the ball first with his first touch, let alone put away pens.


    $65 million lol, him and his old man must be panicking now Bobby isn't around to talk about how he's in an incredible moment of form during a period when he couldn't hit a barn door.

  2. it's not panic button time.


    I know its only 24 hours but I take this back.


    There's no path back after that performance, its almost certain he already knows he's gone and they are just trying to negotiate a settlement, had a bit of a look around at the contract law on those types of contracts this morning and it's plausible that they are disputing whether its termination for convenience or for breach of contract. (would makes sense, were not Abramovich, Bill's a nice guy but a tightarse by nature and his new accountant mate would be the same)


    Also read this interesting paper on the study of Managerial Performance.




    This below conclusion is certainly true of all three seasons if you look at them in isolation.


    "It is evident that managerial performance can plausibly be gauged after 10 games with outstanding managers shining right from the start and the underperforming managers rarely being able to reverse their teams’ early failures. Managers who begin as mediocre performers tend to remain there as well, although their future fortunes could also go into either extreme. The lesson, therefore, is that managers who perform below expectation usually remain that way and therefore it may be optimal to remove them from office sooner rather than later; on the other hand, those managers who are merely somewhat disappointing should be given time to further develop their teams."



    Right to have been given the third season, but on performance metrics definitely time to go now.

  3. Chach I gave him chance after chance despite at times not believing what I was seeing or hearing. That doesn't mean I had to stick to it. The time comes when enough is enough.


    This board van fuck fight off along with a few players who have stopped playing. Disgusted isnt the word


    While I agree with your sentiment, the time when enough is enough for me is when senior management have got an agreement in principle on a marquee name to replace him.

    While I think the situation is bad, it's not panic button time.

  4. That's my point though, I didn't say everyone at Goodison should all be holding hands and singing Kumbaya, I just said in my opinion it started way too early.

    We finished that first season on 72 points, that's good enough for runner up this year.

    Gave up some early leads the next season against Arsenal and Leicester and the knives were straight out, good and deep run in Europe, lose against Kiev, knives straight out.


    Team selections, pretty much the only bone of contention with fans for the majority of the season was Kone playing at left mid instead of Mirralas, during a period when we actually couldn't stop scoring and all the problems were defensive.

    The first time he did make the changes the fans wanted, against Swansea, we got beat 2-1.


    One big criticism I will make though in regards to his constant positivity is that he's lied through his teeth about the strength of the squad, there's almost no competition for places and it needs a complete overhaul, love jags but we also need a new captain, zero on field leadership has played a big part, again that's down to Martinez.


    I said I agreed with it, yes, but I'm not discounting anyone who thinks differently or belittling anyone who thinks differently. That seems to be your job.


    Not at all, I have spent the majority of the year on social media getting abused on EFC facebook pages for finding positives in our games (mostly pre West Ham game, not since, although I did cop an inordinate amount of abuse for sticking up for FM after the derby)


    I know it wont be a popular opinion but I think the fans negativity at Goodison started way too early and that has played a part in our capitulation, its a confidence game, professionals or not, nobodies going to react well to constant negative reinforcement, if they're reading social media its a wonder a few of them haven't thrown themselves out the window.

    Let's face it, no one really wanted him and they turned on him the first chance they got.


    The amount of Everton fans that are looking down on other Everton fans for their opinions is at crisis point. That's very much how this post comes across.


    I'm not saying it's just you by the way. Fans who have let the current situation get to them look down on those who aren't spitting feathers over it too. It's really quite annoying and just not right. If you want to lose your mind over what's happening then go for it. If you want to just go with the flow and not get caught up in it then go for it. But don't judge, don't make it out like either way means you support Everton any more or less. And neither viewpoint is wrong in my eyes.


    And yet you post a link to the most judgemental, POS article that does nothing except attempt to figuratively shit all over the club and then laud its genius.


    If I didn't know any better I'd say that article was written by a koppite, oh surprise surprise, he writes for the Daily (hate) Mail.

  7. It's a shame that he's the only striker we've been able to spend good money on in 30 years. Rooney is the best we've had... no question.


    I would argue that in the martinez set up saha yak and rooney would have slotted a load.


    What is it that makes him good? to me he's completely overrated, a lazy, gifted athlete with a poor touch and a knack for finishing when his head isn't up his arse.


    I will say it right now... his career will follow a similar path to Adebuyor. Another player who will do it when he fancies and becomes a well paid journey man who pisses off fans galore.



    We're on a unity ticket on this one, as much as I have enjoyed him when he's in form, he's just not an Everton player in our current set up, and he's never going to be a complete striker, one day he will realise that himself (when he hasn't got Bobby wrapping his little feeling up in cotton wool) and that will be the start of his downward trajectory.


    We were so keen to demonstrate our "ambition" that we spent all our money in the one shop and with hindsight, I think the team has collectively suffered.

  8. https://www.grandoldteam.com/2016/05/08/mediocrity-disease-everton-fans-arent-allowed-think-big/


    I'm going to like my own post because that article is spot on, IMO.


    There's so many things fundamentally wrong with this article I don't know where to start, but the amount of people online now in despair because they are attempting to live vicariously through their football club is at crisis point. The clubs success is not your success and neither are it's failures


    References to the pre- EPL era are pointless, Football is now a global business and mediocrity has a much different context, if you are in the EPL you are not mediocre by definition, and given its in a country of rich white people and the favourite league of countries full of other rich white people that is only going to become more pronounced.


    There is nothing mediocre about Everton football Club and there never has been, seems a lot of fans wish it on us though with their constant negativity.

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