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Posts posted by Chach


    What about this is dignified though? The club have been deathly silent while Martinez is in the firing line, they've left him there to have shit flung at him. I don't see any dignified behaviour whatsoever.


    If you were a top top manager looking to take a risk on a club that hasn't won anything in 21 years except plucky club of the year award 20 times, it might be what tips the scale to "fuck that for a game of soldiers"

  2. The point being missed is that it shouldn't take the fans to remind the board "nothing but the best is good enough".


    If a board needs reminding of its duty to the club then they aren't the right board.... they haven't been for quite some time and I want to see what moshiri is all about.


    I don't think anyone is missing that point and the board don't have a "duty to the club" they have a duty to the shareholders, shareholders who are monitoring the situation in the context of all variables and likely impact on their investment.


    Moshiri is also now in a position where it might look like he's pandering to the fans, he might not like that, couple that with the fact that he's an accountant I wouldn't be holding any breath holding competitions on radical change.



    "His time is up" is not a decision that the fans get to make,


    Given Bill has been subjected to the planes and banners, I wonder how much that might add to his solidarity with Martinez.

    He said at the time of his appointment of Martinez "When you know, you know" and I just can't see him sacking him because we're mid table and semi final of both domestic cups.

    That said I was able to take positives earlier in the season, since that last international break we've been dire all over the park and that has to change, just depends on whether he's going to be saved by the bell.

  3. Fair victory. Not a full on game but well done boys.


    Good mentions for Barkley, Gibson, Pennington, Baines.


    Hibbert stole the show though. Faultless in that 2nd half.


    A few muted banners at full time. Means nothing either way.


    Was Big Dunc missing from the bench???


    No mention for Stones? Thought he was great today.

  4. Moyes should do himself a favour and go to Villa or Celtic, we're not the club he left.


    My position is still the same, if we're going to sack a manager because we're mid table and semi-finals of domestic cups, then the replacement better be an all singing all dancing all winning superstar and they better cash him up because the squad in nowhere as good as everyone is making out.

  5. "If I had been given ten years to work with Everton by being mediocre I would not accept that. We are a big club with big expectations and we have not won silverware for 21 years."


    Of course it's a dig at Moyes... the clue is in the 10 years.... moyes is the longest tenured manager at a premier league club to not win a trophy.


    I know you are looking to defend Martinez but come on... That's as clear as daylight


    To me it says that he knows he's going... hope so anyway.


    Thanks, but believe it or not I had already considered the quote and the context in which it was made. The clue for you is that Martinez would not consider Moyes achievements to be mediocre in the context that he achieved them, and unless you can direct me to a long line of malicious quotes by him, which you can't, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on a quote that doesn't even actually make any sense anyway if that's ok with you.

  6. Just been cause he isn't gone doesn't mean were not already looking at potential replacements.


    You don't just burn 2m for the sake of it.


    Not just for the sake of it though is it, it's just decisive action and much easier to look for a new manager when you're open about it and sack the old one.


    I would be much more concerned if that story about saving the 2 million was true though, that wouldn't be the actions of an ambitious club in my opinion, you make a mistake, you pay the price and move on.


    We don't need to be buying bench players given the investment though surely? We need to have 22 starters fighting for a place.


    The squad is not as competitive as people have been making out, that's down to Martinez talk "we have phenomenal competition for places" nek minnit, couple of injuries and one of our midfielders is getting a crossy to the game off the right back.


    He isn't "desperately out of his depth" at all. Semi finals of both cups this season (no other manager did that), and if a few of those absurd 'last minute' results had gone our way we'd be up near the top 4 of the league. Yes,some of the performances have been poor, but earlier in the season some of the performances were pretty awesome and we were very unlucky not to win. You may want someone slightly better than Martinez, and that'd be fair enough, but to suggest Martinez is "desperately out of his depth" is insanity.


    Thats the thing though isn't it, when he said it wasn't all about results but performances, I could kind of see where he was coming from (Klopp has said the same thing this year to far less ridicule) that sooner or later great performances would turn into great results, in our case poor results have turned into a lack of confidence, which has fed into negativity which is producing poor performances and I don't see anyway back for him now, he's persona non grata.

    He's going to have to go, likely straight after we get knocked out the cup.

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