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Elston Gunnn

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Everything posted by Elston Gunnn

  1. Love Coleman, but poor cross there with 2 men in good position in box.
  2. Ha. I’m not necessarily condoning it either. But maybe someone should downvote my post, just to punish the very thought. Or ban me forever from TT.
  3. I’ll guess it’ll be 3-4-1-2. Mina Keane Godfrey Coleman Allan Davies Digne Sigurdsson DCL Richarlison
  4. Yes, this is a real possibility. Maybe it explains the several dismal Everton performances when presented with good opportunities to move up the table. So if — if — the pressure got to our boys, it could obviously get to the Hammers, too. Although, it seems to me both teams will feel some pressure today. Not much time left.
  5. Tomorrow is a 6-pointer for us, then. Take 3 points and that (1) helps Leicester and Chelsea stay top 5, and (2) keeps us in the fight for 7th with WHam,Spurs, and Liverpool. But lose or even draw, it certainly means (3) WHam are a threat to Leicester, and (4) makes 7th a long shot in the run-in.
  6. Agree. But combined with Leicester’s loss yesterday, it also gives WHam a big boost in their push for top 4, even top 3. Spurs’ loss doesn’t quite eliminate them from overtaking WHam, but these 2 results will energize the Hammers. Not sure why I’m so pessimistic about tomorrow......
  7. I fear that W Ham will have much more energy and determination than Everton on Sunday. For Leicester’s embarrassing loss at home today to Newcastle (2-4, no less) means the Hammers will have every reason to believe they can overtake Leicester, and possibly Chelsea, too. W Ham will have the kind of opportunity on Sunday that Everton had several times this spring to push for Europe, in their case the great prize of the Champions League. We cannot count on them to play as lethargically as we did, when presented with such a golden opportunity. W Ham’s run-in is: Everton (H), Brighton (A), W Brom (A), Southampton (H) Leicester’s is: Man U (A), Chelsea (A), Spurs (H) Chelsea’s: Man City (A), Arsenal (H), Leicester (H), Villa (A)
  8. No James, still injured. Doucouré “fully fit.” Hope so. https://www.evertonfc.com/news/2131066/everton-boss-gives-team-news-update
  9. Sometimes I am tempted to think the lack of fight is really just a lack of pace throughout most of the team. Yet the number of times so many of our players seem to be outhustled for 50-50 balls isn’t solely, maybe not even mostly, a matter of pace. We just don’t have relentless players. Godfrey and Coleman look relentless, but few others. Combine that with a variety of players who absolutely fail to challenge the goalie with half and even good chances, and the result is kind of pathetic.
  10. Our best chance to hold on is to let James dribble for 10 minutes.
  11. I guess that’s why Richarlison is over on the right. Sigurdsson and Digne look a more effective pair on the left, but maybe Richarlison will have more opportunities with the ball at his feet in the second half. Arsenal is worried about him, double-teaming him.
  12. Gomes is slow, but he does protect the ball at his feet so well.
  13. Don’t think Richarlison looks effective on the right. I guess Ancelotti wants James in the middle.
  14. Like others, I think this development is outrageous. So I admit to being desperate to think of what can stop it. Best I can tell this early, the answers are: (1) EPL kicking them out; (2) FIFA barring players from World Cup; (3) fans of traitorous clubs saying No. Will any/all of these things happen?
  15. Bayern and Dortmund say no. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/apr/19/bayern-munich-and-borussia-dortmund-not-joining-european-super-league
  16. I don’t follow other teams in the EPL closely enough to have any idea whether some of them match us in demonstrating such a variety of dismayingly “creative” ways to drop points. Today was maddening. One would have thought that after the embarrassing miscommunication between Keane and Holgate that caused the first Spurs’ goal, that Ancelotti would have pointedly reminded them to be alert, yell at each other, get on the same bloody page. That they’d have talked constantly with each other for the remainder of the match. Yet the second goal looked equally, even identically, the product of an utter failure to play in synch as CH’s. They just looked stupid. Yet another deflating variety of bumbling mental and physical torpor.
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