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Posts posted by Makis

  1. So, apparently the board want 200 million for the club. Villa, with their presumably superb stadium (not my words) would cost 150 million. Which one sounds more appealing?


    Not a bad return as TBH paid 20 million for the club when they bought it off Johnson. Maybe it's time for people to realise Kenwright is in it for the money, just like the rest of the board?

  2. Mike, the point I'm making is the side Martinez took over was a REGULAR top 7 time. I don't go looking at stats etc before I post it, I'm talking generally mate, there were the season here and there where we were outside of it but 8 out of 11 we were top 7 once 8th an 11th and 17th that's pretty much a consistant top 7 finish no matter which way I write it and more importantly the last 5 years (again I've not looked) we have been thrre like a permanent fixture.

    And Moyes inherited a regular Premier League winner. If we look at just that then we can conclude Moyes is a shite manager and a charlatan?

  3. We pulled uniteds pants down with Felliani, he was given 27 million to replace him he did with Lukaku (love him or hate him) but that's irrelevant anyway. You're bleating on comparing this situation to Walter Smiths reign and if we want to be honest that was a massive faliure as well.


    Fact is this squad is MUCH better than what Smith had, he was given 35 million but even if by your reckoning we had kept Felliani not bought Lukaku we'd of still had the same team thats finished 4th-7th for 9 years on the bounce.


    So reming me how 11th place and a negative win-lose ratio, goal difference etc is acceptable? I wouldn't mind if Martinez was honest about it and showed any signs of recognising it's not good enough but he continues down this road of absolute mediocrity blinkered to anything other thsn his "ideals" look at some of his quotes, he would rather lose playing well than win playing shite, he is glad Barkley missed a pen, the players taking the ball off each other for set pieces, him freezing Distin out, refusal to drop his senior players when needed, bringing back Howard when Robles was settling in after Howard has and continued to be shocking all season, his constant "we were perfect" despite us getting twatted... Do I need to go on?


    The mans a fucking charlatan and a clown to boot. Open your eyes mate, he's taking the piss out of all of us.

    We actually replaced Fellaini with McCarthy. Lukaku came on loan. Lukaku's buy also required selling Jelavic and Anichebe.


    The rest of your message is just ranting.

  4. My mates don't compare him to Smith because it's an entirely different situation. Just because he sold players doesn't mean he never had the money, how his him selling Felliani tantamount to him not spending 35 million.


    Smith had a struggling team massively on the decline with shit players, Martinez has a side that has consistently finished top 6 for 9 years solid full off full internationals and stars, he smashed our transfer record on a player then plays him in a way that is ineffictive, he has taken a very good side and made it mediocre.


    You cannot compare Smiths side. Smith played in a way he had to with the shite he had available to him, he didn't have a team with this teams ability at his disposal. You cannot say because Smith played the way he did then it's ok for that pile of shite season we just had to be acceptable. It's like saying "well look at when we were relegated in the 50s, would you sooner that?"


    Absolutely ridiculous argument. Totally different teams, eras, financial situations and situations.

    First off all, of course you have to factor net spent. If a team sells their star player to Real Madrid for 100 million and then buy players for 50, will you say the manager spent 50 million and not take the 100 million into account?



    And if you remember, Johnson initially gave Smith transfer money, something Kenwright has never done.

  5. Smithdidn't inherit a top 6 side or have 35 million handed to him.


    Why do people keep going on about this. If Martinez had inherited a pile of shite mid to bottom table side then fair enough but he has turned a top 6 team into exactly this in 2 seasons flat!


    The football is boing , it's just dreadful.

    First of all, Martinez did not get that money either. He sold Fellaini (was forced to), Jelavic and Anichebe to generate funds.


    But more importantly what does that have to do with how bad the football is? Did it make things less bad under Smith? He was, after all, initially given a (then) huge transfer kitty when he bought players like Dacourt, Materazzi and Collins. Seriously, your mates think Smith's seven or eight defenders was better?

  6. What should they do that they could do and that would be within the law?


    There is no real reason to deny Everton a new stadium or make it harder to build. It would directly mean more money to the local economy (which city wouldn't like a 100-200 million cash injection to their economy?). So even if they were all kopites (and Anderson is known to support Everton) it still wouldn't make sense.

  7. On a loan? Why not. Doesn't need to play every game. Has been very good in Portugal (you would all be drooling already if he hadn't already played in the PL) and has a decent scoring & assists record. 25 goals and over 50 assists in about 150 PL games isn't too bad. Far more effective than Deulofeu.

  8. What about that doesn't excite you? I see his head is always up, his feet are always moving, he has quick feet and a quick mind, he is always making a run, and he is always looking to create danger for the opposition.


    I think he would be a breath of fresh air for our team as a 60th minute sub here and there. I don't know how well we could rely on him defensively, but if we are chasing a game, having him on one wing and Mirallas on the other would be exciting I think.

    I didn't say he doesn't excite me, I said he didn't impress me (yet). He still looks like someone who should play in the reserves, there is a big step-up to the first team. Nothing is impossible, but he needs to toughen up a lot and improve his decision-making to be of use in the Premier League.

  9. It's land locked though mate, the parking is virtually zero the corporate hospitality is virtually zero and there is obstructed views everywhere.


    Villa Park is surroundedby a massive park and there is space all around it to redevelop it properly, roomfor parking, shops, restaurants etc, Goodison is plonked smack bang in a housing estate. Not sure where you're from so ifyou've never been look at it on google earth then look at Villa Park.


    Not saying it's the reason but Villas ground is betterand has better scope to redevelop than ours.

    Corporate hospitality is the thing that can be fixed with redevelopment, and so are obstructed views. They are obstructed because construction techniques were not as good back then as they are now. The school in particular should be available for expansion.


    Here's a look at what the plan looked like: http://toffeeweb.com/club/goodison/gfe/


    Ward McHughes Associates are no mugs when it comes to stadium development.

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