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Posts posted by Makis

  1. Big Joe as manager


    Goal:- Southall

    LB:- Baines

    CB:- Watson (captain)

    CB:- Gough

    RB:- Coleman

    CM:- Arteta

    CM:- Parkinson

    LM:- Limpaar

    RM:- Kanchelskis

    ST:- Rooney

    ST:- Saha


    As a team a perfect balance.

    I was going to write almost the same lineup. I'd swap Gough with Jagielka and Hinchcliffe is a good contender for LB (but I'd still pick Baines). I agree about Parkinson, he edges it for me over Carsley. And I would replace Saha with Cahill purely because Timmy had a great knack of scoring important goals, was a real fighter and had great determination. Limpar vs. Pienaar is a tough one, but that would be my third change because Limpar was really an on/off player and his attitude sometimes stank. Pienaar always works hard and is a better team player.




    GK: Southall

    RB: Coleman

    CB: Watson

    CB: Jagielka

    LB: Baines

    RM: Kanchelskis

    CM: Parkinson

    CM: Arteta

    LM: Pienaar

    ST/CF: Cahill

    ST: Rooney

  2. I don't think that's ever been confirmed as fact, certainly not as far as I can see searching the net. Lot's of speculation and "Doug Ellis told me..." but no concrete proof.

    Usually you don't get confirmation until a deal is done, so you quite rarely hear about failed attempts. In this case admitting it would have been bad for both parties ("Kenwright, why didn't you sell" and "So, Randy, you are saying Villa wasn't your first choice?").

  3. Seriously you should check out some facts first. Everton have debt? Well so do others.



    There is nothing that special about our debt compared to others. Some have more, some less and this holds true both absolutely and as a debt/turnover ratio.


    You are contradicting yourself and don't even realise it. First you say Kenwright could have sold to the first fella who came along and then you claim no-one wants to buy the club (you must claim this since you object to me calling BK a liar for saying no-one wants to buy Everton - so either people *do* want to buy Everton and BK is a liar or no-one wants to buy in which case he couldn't possibly have sold to the first buyer since there's no-one). You actually said there are no buyers, several times:



    Their point makis is there are no bidders. It's known we are available yet no one had come in with a bid. So don't throw BK out while there isn't anyone to come in.

    As Mark says the point is there is no buyer and so nobody to come in.

    As for your plan, sounds great , now if you could just show me all the buyers who are queuing up to snatch Kenwrights hand off we could be in business

    So how could he have sold to the first fella? Are there buyers or are there not? Could you make up your mind?


    As for swapping places, you yourself asked if I would swap places with some of the clubs:



    would you honestly swap places with any of them?

    Why did you ask that if you didn't mean it? I know this is just a red herring you use to try to deflect the discussion. It has nothing to do with whether there are buyers or not. There clearly are so you try to change the subject.


    As for lying, well he has done it. You didn't see the Kirkby ballot paper? You haven't heard of Fortress Sports Fund (which disappeared once BK got rid of Gregg)?



    For someone so quick to throw abuse around I think you need to stop and read your own posts before you accuse anyone of being full of shit


    You're just making statements up off the top of your head that have no bearing on reality


    1. I haven't said that it's not Kenwright's fault that the club has not been sold yet.
    2. I haven't said it's not Kenwright's fault we don't have a new stadium yet. Although if he hasn't got the money it doesn't make it his fault
    3. I haven't mentioned anything about our owners investment into the club.
    4. I haven't said that Lerner would have sacked Moyes (since that's the only way we could have swapped places with Villa).
    5. I have never said that Kenwright is the sole reason we have been doing so well or that changing the chairman would mean swapping places with QPR or Sunderland or Fulham or any of the other clubs.
    6. I have never said Everton is the least saleable club in the world by far. Even clubs like Hull and Leicester are more saleable.
    7. I never claimed that you were in the Buffoon Union , I stated that your childish attitude was typical of some of the morons that have tainted the BU by mere association
    8. I have never apologised for Kenwright, its not my place to do so
    9. Nobody has said Lerner is a shite chairman for backing his manager
    10. Villa have not been sold and they have been on the market a while now
    11. I have not told you to ring anybody ( although a good psychologist might not be a bad idea)
    12. You have completely swerved my point about the other clubs you mentioned, also you for every Chelsea there is a Portsmouth for every Man City there is a Leeds , but again you didn't mention them because it doesn't suit your argument

    Blatantly making stuff up to strengthen your argument just makes you look pathetic and your argument less feasible, are you sure your not in the Blue Union?

    I made stuff up to get you to address some of the points instead of dodging around them. It seemed to work. Let's see.


    1. Ok, so it is Kenwright's fault?

    2. How can the other clubs build stadiums when we can't?

    3. Don't you think it doesn't look good on them since so many other owners have put money into their own clubs? Shouldn't this count against Kenwrigth & co?

    4. So how would we have ended like Villa if Lerner had bought the club in 2006?

    5. But you keep saying that, for instance when you commented "would you honestly swap places with any of them?". If you didn't mean that, what did you?

    6. So why haven't the club been sold when so many others have been?

    7. Fair enough.

    8. You don't seem to criticize him a lot while making excuses why Everton haven't been sold.

    9. Yet you keep saying that we might have ended up like Villa.

    10. Well, let's wait until summer then.

    11. How would I then come up with the list you demand? Or are you asking me for something that is impossible to deliver? Wouldn't that be quite unfair?

    12. Yes, there are failures. But I'm completely sure that if someone offered enough money Kenwright & co wouldn't care a jolt who that was.


    And we forgot the commercial side. Do you think Everton is doing well in that front?


    villa and sunderland prove money doesn't mean success. money and good manager and commerical setup might mean success, but money alone does not. remember paulo di canio's big spend? all have flopped. he was canned, then poyet spent a bunch, and they still suck.

    Again, are you saying that if Moyes had gotten some 75 million extra money during those years we wouldn't have done any better? That's basically what you imply. And that argument is stupid anyways, maybe we should just slash the budget to half if it doesn't matter?


    as you have said before haf, he is the CEO, he is ultimately to blame for hiring a crap manager. just like if roberto gets us relegated, it falls on BK as well becuase he hired him.


    Makis - you didn't get my point. my point is we spent 15m and got occaisionsal champs and europa league. they spent 100m and have spent that time in the bottom half of the table. money doesn't mean success. as pointed out by haf's personnel choices he showed.

    Didn't Moyes buy Bilyaletdinov, Kroldrup etc. So they were actually Kenwright's fault for backing his manager?


    I get your point, it's just so stupid it beggars belief. Moyes was Everton's manager in 2006 and I can't see any reason for Lerner to sack him right away. So the only reasonable speculation is that Lerner would have backed him just like he backed O'Neill. O'Neill, btw, had much better pedigree than Moyes had when he joined Everton.


    And money *does* buy success. There is a very clear dependency between money spent and league position. Only very few clubs can break that, Moyes was excellent at it but money is the reason why certain clubs finish in the top four almost every year.



    Your abusive response is typical of the gobshites who have attached themselves to the Buffoon Union and the reason why nobody takes them seriously


    Of the teams you mentioned , if you seriously think we could attract the same amount of interest as Man Utd and The Shite then you are unbelievably deluded. City and Southampton had new stadiums which has been the main stumbling block for Everton and as for the rest would you honestly swap places with any of them?


    As for your plan, sounds great , now if you could just show me all the buyers who are queuing up to snatch Kenwrights hand off we could be in business


    Your responses actually proves the point the original article made. Abusive rants made up of hot air and rumours with zero substance


    Villa have the ground in place we don't , is it really that difficult to understand ?

    First, I have nothing to do with Blue Union. I'm not even sure I know anyone who is. This just shows how desperate you Kenwright apologists are.


    Kenwright has had 16 years to build a new stadium. Why hasn't he delivered? Whose fault is that? People told him the Kirkby proposal was against planning laws and would never pass yet he persisted with it til the end. Whose fault what that? Whose fault is it that King's Dock never happened? Everyone else did their part, Kenwright couldn't find 30 million no strings attached to enable it. Gregg offered that money but wanted more control in exchange. Yes, Kenwright's ego and greed stopped that from happening.


    Did I really imagine all those clubs being sold? Or are you REALLY saying none of those were interested in Everton? You are basically saying I should call every rich person in the world and ask if they want to buy Everton because that's the only way to gauge interest. Your "snatch the hand off" is actually more accurate than you probably thought: anyone buying will need to pay so much over the odds that he'd be crazy to do that.


    And swapping places? How does that happen? Say Lerner had bought us instead of Villa. How would this "swapping" had happened? Lerner would have sacked Moyes and installed O'Neill first thing and then O'Neill would have sold the entire squad? I think with that sort of investment we would have finished in the top four at least once under Moyes.


    And I see you have no comments on the commercial side of things. You just keep expecting people to hand over lists of names and come up with excuses why the sale of this or that club was a completely different thing and Everton is the least saleable club in the world (well, should be by now if half the Premier League and Championship have changed owners but no-one has been interested in poor ol' Everton). Funnily enough you just dismissed a lot of clubs who don't have a new stadium but do have new owners. Oh, and what new stadium does Villa have? Have I missed something? They have a permission to increase capacity, but if our board really wanted to, they could do the same. But they have decided against developing GP.


    So, to recap your arguments:

    1. It's not Kenwright's fault that the club has not been sold yet.
    2. It's not Kenwright's fault we don't have a new stadium yet.
    3. It's perfectly ok that our owners haven't put a penny into the club.
    4. Lerner would have sacked Moyes (since that's the only way we could have swapped places with Villa).
    5. Kenwright is the sole reason we have been doing so well since just changing the chairman would mean swapping places with QPR or Sunderland or Fulham or any of the other clubs.
    6. Everton is the least saleable club in the world by far. Even clubs like Hull and Leicester are more saleable.

    Anything I missed?


    then I would hold him to blame - the reality he backed his manager with the type of money that a decent manager would have spent far better. Thats is what a good chairman does. He did that.


    He also pumped millions into redevelopment of the holte end, corproate facilities, "owning" a training camp.


    He was unlucky that he had the wrong manager to spend his millions.

    Yeah, it's funny that when Kenwright backs his manager it proves how good a chairman he is. When Lerner does the same, it proves how shite he is.


    exactly there's no one in there and he publicly put it up for sale, now it's just sitting there decreasing in value and stature while he doesn't care anymore.


    Makis - he put 100 million in and look what they are, didn't do any good if they are bottom of the table and get relegated or stay up to just fight for relegation every year.

    It's hard not to be abusive when someone says something as stupid as you. Are you saying that if Moyes was given 120 million pounds we would have been worse off?


    Villa's net spend:

    2006-07 7 million.

    2007-08 14 million.

    2008-09 6 million.

    2009-10 45 million.

    2010-11 18 million.

    TOTAL: 90 million


    Everton's net spend:

    2006-07 4 million.

    2007-08 10 million.

    2008-09 6 million.

    2009-10 -3 million.

    2010-11 -2 million.


    TOTAL: 15 million.


    Are you seriously saying that if those net spends had been reversed we would have been in Villa's position?

  10. Lerner has put over 100 million to Villa, which is roughly over 100 million more than Kenwright, Woods and Earl combined. His problem was sticking with O'Neill for too long and allowing him to waste money on average players on huge wages. What if Moyes had got that money instead?


    As for selling, didn't we just see reports like this? http://7500toholte.sbnation.com/2015/3/28/8306517/aston-villa-sale-agreed-takeover-randy-lerner and http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/gossip-aston-villa-owner-randy-8843528 and http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/aston-villa/11506254/Aston-Villa-owner-Randy-Lerner-puts-3m-home-up-for-sale-as-American-edges-towards-Villa-Park-exit-door.html .


    Everton is not for sale because no sane businessman is going to pay the 150 million pound price they are after. Nice little profit on a 20 million outlay.


    How the heck does it look like Villa found a buyer almost immediately after Lerner put them up for sale but the greatest salesman ever, Bill Kenwright has failed to find a single one in sixteen years?

  11. No buyers? Did I imagine the sales of Aston Villa, Newcastle, Manchester City, Liverpool twice, Manchester United, QPR, Fulham, Sunderland, Southampton, Leicester, Charlton, Hull…? All during Kenwright's time?


    You are so full of shit. How to back the manager? How about not f**king around with business side? You know, like the Kitbag deal? How about not renewing with Chang as a default? Not waste millions on idiotic plans like the Kirkby stadium which was never going to be accepted? What do you expect? Should people really go and tell Elstone how to do his job? I thought he's very well paid to do it already? How about marketing? Why is pretty much the only place you can find Everton stuff on sale the club's own shops? Kitbag doesn't seem to be interested. Some facts about our great deal with them: http://www.sos1878.co.uk/everton-fans/kitbag-continue-hold-everton-back/


    So we make about a third of what Spurs make out of that deal? Who exactly thinks that's stellar? Spurs have already, since 2012, made more money on their deal than we will make in 2009-2019!


    And the board hasn't put in a dime of their money into the club. Someone like Lerner has put over 100 million of his into Aston Villa. Imagine what Moyes could have done with that money? Instead we have Kenwright (not enough money), Woods (BK's puppet) and Earl (don't give a flying **** about Everton) in the board. What exactly do Woods and Earl do at the Board? What's their contribution? Has Earl done anything apart from getting Stallone to visit GP?


    So how's this for a plan: sell to someone who is either a) willing to give money to the club and/or B) has any business acumen and is actually INTERESTED in the club? And who would get a competent CEO in place and reorganize the marketing department so it's not run by people who shouldn't be organizing a yard sale.


    And do you know who pockets the high interests paid on the Vibrac loan every year? Why have we loaned from there when I'm certain the club could have borrowed money elsewhere with smaller interest (the money is, after all, guaranteed by the ticket sales so is low risk)?


    And if you again ask who to sell, I already gave a list of clubs that have changed hands. Unless you expect people to call every possible candidate and ask if they were interested, how do you propose we can name names? BK keeps telling no-one really wants to buy the club. Is he saying Lakshmi Mittal, Randy Lerner, Sheikh Massour, Shahid Khan, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, Markus Liebherr or Roland Duchatelet never made contact? What makes Everton such an unattractive club?

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