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Everything posted by Paddock

  1. I don't want us to sell him regardless of the price, he is the future of this club, he's our next captain. I rate him that highly.
  2. They only paid 3.5 for him like so could be a goer I suppose. Wise move to get him on loan with a view to buy first though so we can have a look. I'd be fucking thrilled with this, I really like the lad.
  3. Is it though, his odds slashed to 1-3 on (this a full week after the story by the way) and IF he has said those things then there is no smoke without fire. It probably is bullshit but for some reason it's caught my attention and I get a bad feeling from it. Maybe it's because I'm just waiting for the bombshell to arrive to knock us all off cloud 9 after the Lukaku deal. Isn't that what usually happens On a side note and totally off topic, John Oster on SSN now, he's playing for Gateshead. Remember him!
  4. Yep me too. Would be typical of Everton to unveil Lukaku then flog Mcarthey!! I hope it's bullshit, I'll be absolutely gob smacked if we sell him. His comments to sly sports worry my slightly though. I'm hoping it 's being twisted but I'd like to watch the actual footage of that interview. The "we'll see what happens" comment is what disturbs me slightly allegedly said straight after he had said how flattered he was that United were sniffing around. Come and get me plea? If it iswe should fuck him off immediately. He's brilliant but if he doesn't want to play for us then fuck him. I'm saying all this on the premise he actually said what sky say he did and said it in that context. It does go on to say how excited he is to start the season with us and stuff to be fair.
  5. Pretty sure we haven't, Matt. He only signed last August.
  6. I'd be delighted with that, I rate Atsu so if as I suspect he does well we 're guaranteed him if we and the plater both want it if not he gets launched back down the m6.
  7. You would like to think so but you never know. The club should move asap to pour watsr over it.
  8. Ofds slashed from 5/2 to 1/3 on sly sports. I'd be fucking livid if we sold him after one season. I 'm also hoping sky put words in his mouth with the "we'll see what happens" comment they claimed he made. The club should move uber quickly to quash this one. We don 't need this hanging over us all window. Usual "is this why we bought Besic" shit floating about already!!
  9. I'd be pleased with this. I hope they put an option to buy in it , as can't be doing with another Lukaku-gate next summer if he's a hit.
  10. I 'm torn in the love Bill/ hate Bill brigade. I do look at times and wonder how we get outspent by "lesser" clubs and how money "seems to magically disappear and we seem to struggle to compete in the transfer marker. At times the books don't seen to balance (meaning there should be money but doesn't seem to be) However, love or hate him nobody can deny that he's steadied the ship and the club is moving in the right direction. Most here remember the dark days of the 90s and very early 2000 and slowly but surely, year after year we've either improved or maintained our position and we seem a solid stable club. We've all seen what's happened to Leeds and Pompey, even Rangers so we have to give him credit for what he has done, nobody can deny that.. However.... I can 't help feeling we are just treading water these days, happy to be a top 8 club and nothing else and no chance of doing anything else. A feeling he's taken us as far as he can (a bit like Moyes) but people are scared of life without him (look whats happened after Moyes) and his steadying influence. I suppose it' all depends what side of the fence you fall really. One thing that changes this season though is the signing of Lukaku has made this window different. Who knows , maybe he's been waiting and holding the money back until he's thought the times right to back the manager. Maybe he never truely trusted Moyes. It's all guesswork really but season after season we've been 2 or 3 major signings away from a champs league place and the signings haven 't come and it's been frustrating. I'm totally split in half over him to be honest.
  11. Look online and get some Everton history books and dvds , read and watch and read and watch and read and ... You get the picture. Welcome, glad you chose us you'll be welcomed into the Everton family by all.
  12. We need a new no2 as Joel is garbage.
  13. That's an excellent post to be fair. We all know he has what it takes it's down to him now to get his mindset right. One thing for sure though, he has a point to prove to Jose.
  14. What was everyone panicking for? New he'd sign In all seriousness though I don't get this "28 million yokes" line of thinking. He's easily worth that IN TODAYS MARKET. Obviously no player is worth that money but in todays market... Lallana 25, Loven 20, Shaw 32 need I go on? 28 million for a /1 year old proven premier league striker is not too much money in todays market. He'll be worth close to double that in 4 years. Excellent piece of business from the club. Hat tipped to all involved
  15. Sly sports have took the story of him signing off the main site??? Something isn 't right here...
  16. Seriously. 30 minites late? Wtf, why can 't we do anything properly?????
  17. Noooooo pleasenot 10 it has to be 9 although he can weR 99 as long as he signs I am poised waiting to order the away 9 shirts with Lukaku on the back for my boys
  18. I can 't even eat my tea and I 'm not messing. I've just threw it in the bin my stomach is knots that much. I know for a 41 year old man this is not right but that is just how it is.
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