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Everything posted by Paddock

  1. The only difference so far from last season is we've swapped Besic for Delefeau (sp) although I'm not complaining about the window so far. 3 excellent signings and contracts for our best young players but we are definitely not stronger in the sense of squad size or quality..
  2. I think this could be a wheelie good deal.
  3. Looks good. Could be playing against the cabbage to be fair though
  4. Still think Steve is right , he wont keep our bench warm will he. I can't believe he's still so young tbh, he seems to of been around forever.
  5. I'd love Milner here, I think he would fit in fantastically. Unfortunately even if he is on his way out I can 't see it being to us.
  6. He's better defensively, but as an attacking fullback Coleman is miles better. Richards is a really really solid defender but that's alls he has to his game. You get 110% off him as well. I would defo have him to push our centre halves and coleman for a place and he would most definitely push them all the way imo
  7. Please no, he scores at least 3 a season against us!
  8. That seems to be the analogy of a 13 year olx boy . But whatever floats your boat. To compare Man U to some ugly fat bird compared to playing for Everton who I assume to be your bird (again just breaking your post down) is just fucking stupid. Your bird may be ok but the one he 's talking about is many times more attractive (again using your analogy) Don 't be so fucking stupid in other words.
  9. I wouldn't go that far. He's a good defender but his fitness is questionable. He 's not better than Jagielka and Stones will be twice the player he is when he develops. Distin is more solid and experienced but admittedly is getting older. Coleman pisses all over him as a right back.for attacking play, Richards is a better defender than him though. He's miles better than Alcaraz and Duffy.
  10. It may well be Dunc, I hope it is, I've probably gone completely overboard, hysterical over it if truth be known. As I kept saying IF he said it, IF the context was right etc etc. Like I said, I'm just wary as an Everton fan when the feeling around the club and fans is like this I just get a bit paranoid waiting for the inevitable piece of bad news that usually follows. A bit like (I think it was Matt who posted) watch him get injured (after Lukaku signed) Maybe I'm just being a pessimist maybe I'm right in my suspicions only time will tell to be fair.
  11. Yes and it comes at a really crucial stage of the season. FA Cup time and (hopefully) when the Europa League kicks in plus straight after the busy Christmas period and at that time of the season when players are starting to get tired or little niggles. Still if Martinez thinks it's the right player who am I to argue
  12. I hadn't thought of this. Seems a strange move for a loan player now this doesn't it!
  13. If he has said that in the way sky have made out then he's out of order and Martinez should give him a rocket up his arse for it imo. No it doesn't mean he doesn't want to play for us but reading between the lines it could mean the second United bid I'm off. Whatever spin you want to put on it if that's whats been said he should not be saying things like that full stop. That's my take on it Steve, each to their own on how you want to interpret it but "we'll see what happens" were the wrong words to use when you've just gone on about how great a club they are and how flattered you are they may be interdsted.
  14. I never said anything of the sort. What I said was if he has said that and he does want out then we should sell him. We don't need a player here that doesn't want to play for us. If, I said IF, I said it at least 4 times. He talked about how great a club United were before that and said how flattered he was by their interest then finish that off by "we'll see what happens" In what other universe again I'll say IF he said it that way and in that order is that not a message to United he'd be interested?
  15. Why say "we will see what happens" then, what's the need to say that?
  16. To be honest mate, I agree . I was surprised when someone said there was going to be an option to buy on it but if there is, something has to be written in to the deal before it goes ahead. I'm not even sure if Jose signed him or another manager. If he didn't and doesn't fancy him (as we know he can do) then to double their money isn't a bad deal regardless of how he does. Either way it's a gamble. I'll be surprised if an option to biy is put in it I think it'll be a straight loan. Even if Jose isn't overly keen he'd be a fool not to just loan him at first and take a look at how he does.
  17. I hope you're right mate and I know the chop and change odds constantly but when a player does move they usually get it spot on. As I've said and at the risk of repeating myself, it's the players comments that have startled me then a huge flood of money on him today. Probably means nothing but I'll feel a lot better when Martinez quashes it like he usually does with stuff like this. It's just been a long time since Everton have made me feel this optimistic, I'm extremely wary of what's coming next.
  18. It 's worked out great for them, he's stayed so they can't lose can they!!! I mean IF a player does move the odds they give are usually correct. It's not just the odds though is it Romney it's the players comments.
  19. Even if they put it at 7 they would have doubled their money on a player they don't want (if they want rid like)
  20. Wonder how much of a hit they're prepared to take on him?
  21. I know how it works Ten, mate, they sctually stopped taking bets Saturday after a flood of money came in on Wolfsburg after that agent on twitter posted he was going, they then re opened them and suspended them again yesterday dinner hour when he tweeted his "time for a new chapter" tweet. It's just them protecting their own interest mate and I get that and as I've already said it's probably all bollocks. I'm just a bit twitchy over this one for some reason.
  22. I'm not taking it as gospel. However, bookies very rarely get it wrong.
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