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Everything posted by Ola

  1. your only right mac they dont want to upset the apple cart do they
  2. whats all the fuss over this klose dont rate this lad at all
  3. sounds like untd are on track carnt believe fergie is selling his out an out goalscorer what a tit
  4. think he wants first team footy tbo mark and hes not gonna get it at chelsea iff cole signs
  5. have you ever met one who is on are level carnt remember one fish have you
  6. at the end of the day i hope they both get the fooking shite kicked out of them this season carnt stand the pair of them cocksuckers
  7. this has been on the cards since he was caught getting tapped up,now hes moaning that arsenal said he could go for 15 mil wake up ashley their gonna take chelsea for as much as possible and i dont blame them
  8. your making a big mistake fergie keep it up real will get rvn, lets hope he nocks untd out of the champs leauge
  9. thats iff they can afford his wage demands ? THIS LAD WANTS TO MUCH LOOT
  10. i have never heard such utter bollox in all of my life lay off the vallium
  11. think its cos the usa are all brain dead no offence intended
  12. agreed were just one part of are team no matter what or who you are we are all the same very very lucky
  13. your a very wicked boy mac but i like it
  14. is it ever gonna happen, this lads had some bad luck
  15. their all shite, but would have barry
  16. must admit i do think given is a top keeper and would love to see him at Everton also think newcastle have had trouble with their defence for a couple of years now tbo they need at least 4 if you ask me
  17. no point in messing round just be frank, and give your honest views,the forum of science is very educational for are new guests
  18. you dont stab your team your surpose to support in the back no matter what this lads comments make us realise that he wanted out no matter what,and using david moyes as a scape goat does not wash with me,carnt see alex ferguson being as soft as davie this lad wanted everything at once thought he would get it at untd greedy turncoat <_<
  19. tbo mark i hope they have to sell them all and it goes tits up at untd
  20. think chelsea have more money than sence would not pay that 4 carlos
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