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The Beard

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Everything posted by The Beard

  1. New clue, Harold MacMillan. Come on Marco, thought you would have had it by now.
  2. I would be seriously worried on two accounts. Firstly, that you are telling the truth and secondly, I knew about it.
  3. Ok for those who like to have their brains taxed, what connects, Prince Charles, Loyd Grossman, Princess Margaret and Marti Pellow.
  4. Where are the instructions for ice slide because it just seems to slide when it wants to, obviously doing something wrong!
  5. No probs Marco. I shall endeavour to get another one and be a bit more devious.
  6. That is correct Marco, well done, but you could have messaged it to me and let it run as only avid Python fans (or serial googlers) would have got anywhere near that until Spam was given as a clue. Next clues would have been A Party Political Broadcast, A Book at Bedtime, The Spanish Inquisition then Spam. There where 45 episodes of Monty Pythons Flying Circus, and other wonderful titles include, Owl-Stretching Time, Mr and Mrs Brian Norris' Ford Popular and E. Henry Tripshaws Disease, classic.
  7. Ok first extra clue,and it is another link or connection to the previous four, The Money Programme.
  8. What connects, Scott of the Antarctic, Grandstand, Hamlet and Whickers World. A clue a day until resolved. See if you can get this without the wonderful world of google.
  9. Nearly there Mike. Gary Oldman did indeed play Sid Vicious in the film Sid and Nancy and he is the sister of Big Mo (actress Laila Morse) from Eastenders, hence the Eastend sibling clue. Martin Scorcese did direct Taxi Driver and Gangs of New York (the Dead Rabbits clue). Their common link comes from the film Casablanca, the quote clue, and is indeed Ingrid Bergman. Why? Because both Oldman and Scorcese have had Ingrid Bergman as their Mother-in-Law as they have, in the past, been long term partners of her daughter Isabella Rosselini. Incidentally Oldman's sister from Eastenders Laila Morse took her stage name from the Italian nickname that Isabella Rosselini gave her, it was 'Mia Sorella' which means 'my sister' and is an anagram of Laila Morse. Now you can all sleep tonight.
  10. No Bill, I can be just half way through a level and it just goes back to the scores page, rather frustrating.
  11. Is it just more but the Mahjong game is so frustrating, it just goes off half way through a game. Really annoying when doing well.
  12. Thanks for the tip, I shall remember it for the next time, it only took me the best part of two months to get that score as well.
  13. Boo Hoo, I got high score in mahjong but then it just went back to the start without recognising it as highscore.
  14. Ok I shall make it easier for you all. An actress in Eastenders has a famous actor brother (clue for Sid Vicious, who he once played) and he has a connection with the director of Taxi Driver who also directed The Gangs of New York (clue The Dead rabbits are a gang in the film). The clue regarding the quote from the film Casablanca should also lead you to the connection. Apart from telling you the answer I can't divulge any more.
  15. OK, seems we are struggling and I have one more ultimate connection before the season starts. On this one, connected clues include the movie Taxi Driver and 'Dead Rabbits' appeared in another of the guys movies. Link him with a guy and Sid Vicious and who has a sibling acting in Eastenders. This will lead you to someone who links to the film with the quote I gave. Does that make sense?
  16. We can't even blame it on the weather.
  17. mmmmmmmmmmmm all very quiet, another clue. Dead Rabbits!
  18. Another clue, "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine".
  19. I'd like to say yes but I would be lying. You have siblings with an Eastenders connection and the film Taxi Driver to guide you to the initial connection.
  20. No Bill BUT good thinking regarding the programme and the sibling.
  21. As you had some inspired thinking regarding the movie, think of someone who was connected to the movie.
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