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Everything posted by nyblue23

  1. Maybe I'm naive but is there a reason we don't want both Kone and Austin pushing Lukaku for form? Austin is clearly capable and with quality service from our fullbacks and hopefully improved service from our midfield (and maybe even a second striker as demonstrated in the Watford match with Lukaku and Kone providing assists), will score goals. Again, maybe it's naivety but we have to have money having spent as little as we have and I'm all for splashing 15 million on a guy who's proven he can score goals better than anyone on our squad can. That leaves at least 10 million left over for a CB and a #10, who will no longer be the quality of a Shaqiri but can at least be serviceable, no?
  2. I agree with the investment, but right now, with the money flowing in from the top 4-6 teams, this article is scary: http://www.skysports.com/football/news/11661/9930930/you-cant-win-anything-with-kids-premier-league-winners-rarely-feature-many-young-players I have no problem with the tendency to develop young players into stars, but it's increasingly clear that we're becoming a farm team for any club with billionaire owners. I've only been an Everton supporter for 5 years, having no football pedigree before that in the states, but I'm becoming more and more scared that the club I've learned to bleed for will soon turn into a Barnsley type itself.
  3. If no Lennon, we have Mirallas, Deulofeu and Pienaar as our only three true wingers. We saw enough of Naisy and Barkley floundering out there last year and it doesn't seem Cleverley's forte either. As much as I love old Ossie and think he's still got some gas left in him, he's more of a back-up #10/CDM in my mind than any competition for a winger. If we're consistently playing a 4-2-3-1 as we have been virtually all of Martinez's reign, we need more than three wingers to fill depth, Europa League or not. That doesn't account for the fact that he will push all three of those for places with his work rate and his consistency in tracking back, not to mention what he did for Coleman to revive the latter part of his season. With Mirallas and Deulofeu both picking up knocks before the middle of August, I say we need Lennon and 3 more.
  4. Just a rumor though. Howard's been divorced for a couple years and his ex-wife has been back in the states for a while.
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