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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Does that mean like a PPI I can make a claim if I catch it
  2. I’d rather save him for the Derby if he can’t play both, I want players out there who no what it means to the City to win the Derby.
  3. Had my jab today all Astra Zenecaed up, just need the Pubs and Restaurants to open now so I can go out and enjoy my immunity
  4. All round Matt’s after lockdown, Pizza and beer now that’s what I call a combo.
  5. I’m not disappointed that we lost by 2 to Fulham I new it wouldn’t be an easy game, they have been a very good team for weeks now creating loads of opportunities in most games they play, what they have lacked in all these games is a goal scorer they found one tonight. I’m more disappointed in the way we lost zero effort and zero ability from the players and the management.
  6. The player I want to vote for isn’t on the list.
  7. Well that was informative from Carlo I think he’s more shocked than us at what he’s witnessed.
  8. Fair play to Fulham they deserve that, we were embarrassingly shit.
  9. I don’t think many would get a pat on the back
  10. Sorry mate your having it, as much as I don’t like Macca even he said it was poor keeping.
  11. He should have turned that round the post that’s how it’s the keeper
  12. James wants off he’s throwing the towel in
  13. Keane twice with the long ball just given away, did he have a dream that he was Glen Hoddle
  14. Subs should have been made after 35 minutes.
  15. Doucoure stopped on that one two move, Coleman pulls him on it
  16. They deserve that and so do we for coming out 2nd half with the same team.
  17. I must have missed that, best part of the game John back with a post in match days
  18. I blame BT sport we always disappoint when they do the game.
  19. Take Gylfi and Holgate of now for Allan and Keane, and stamp for sale on their forehead when they leave the pitch.
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