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Posts posted by seve

  1. Both Arteta and Pienaar were journeymen when Moyes bought them. Arteta had failed to make it at Barca, so went to Scotland for two years. From there back to Spain to Sevilla where he didn't exactly shine before Moyes bought him. Pienaar played well at Ajax but never settled at Dortmund. Pienaar was actually the same age when he joined on loan as Cleverley is now.

    Arteta was never a journey man the skill was always clear to see as for failing at barca so do 99.9% of players

    cleverly has never shown any class at best his England caps were generous to say the least he had 10 years under fergie never got better

    never a first teamer either cup games or loan spells.

    It just highlights our lack of ambition and as for the 5 year contract that worked well with Martinez im sure it will be the same with this lad.

    you say pienaar and tom are the same age have you ever seen tom play anywhere near pienaars level because I haven't.

  2. Is this it then our level to bring in journey men who will make no difference to the team just because he is free?

    where are the artetas,graverons,pieanars, who will make a difference, they are out there.

    Non of the above mentioned cost a lot.

    I know you will say Tom is an England international but come on did you actually watch him last year

    6 ok games out of 36 not good enough I would sooner give youth a chance or even sign rodwell back?

  3. Don't remember seeing anyone call you that crusty, or anything approaching it. Post the evidence and we'll take action against those concerned though because that's not acceptable. Equally if you can't show the evidence best to take the accusation back.

    Once again a put up or shut up approach no need for it

    I don't know what discussion page I was on it could have been one of half a dozen.

  4. How anyone cansay this lad is a potential world class player is beyond me. 50 million? Not in a billion years he was absolutely shocking today and if it was just today I could accept it but it's been week in week out for most of the season bar the very odd decent (not even brilliant) game.


    We should get shut now for a good price (in reality highway robbery) before everyone else starts realising what a lot already know.

    Fully agree pad, when I suggested this some weeks ago I was called from a pig to a dog

    when we criticise our own its for the sake of the team not an ego trip to prove we know more or less than anyone else

    although some of the comments on here make you wonder.

  5. The same thing crossed my mind, tbh. When we went on that little run of victories I thinking to myself I hope that it doesn't make Martinez think everything's fine and dandy.

    I think with his quotes already about who's staying next season answers your question.
  6. Seriously can't understand blaming a keeper for a deflected goal. De Gea and the rest may have saved it, but then again maybe not. Either way, those keepers cost 15m+ and no amount of money buys good fortune.

    I think the discussion about the deflected goal is irrelevant the man is past it his reflex's are gone, lead in his boots.

    his kicking is poor he wont come off his line to help anyone and you can see the fear in the back fours play

    with the extra money available through sky 15 mil is not a lot for a top keeper and an extra 3 or 4 places up

    the league you can knock 4 mil off that.

    but Evertons problems lie with Robertos unwillingness to change

    and next season will be exactly the same.

  7. Benteke is probably the hardest striker for a keeper to come out ( a long way ) and claim against. Look at how Coleman managed to keep Harper off the ball for Jags. For that goal if you watch where Jags came from to mark him, it's more on him for me. Not many keepers would have stopped any of those in the Kyiv game, infact I do recall Tim making a class save when we were perhaps down 1-0. I think perhaps you need to stand behind the goals for a game and witness how quickly it happens. He's been at fault for plenty, but sometimes there is nothing a keeper can do.

    What I actually said he could have helped the defence out but he never does

    benteke was only just out side the 6 yard box when he headed it he could have at least put him off instead of just standing on the line as usual

    As for standing behind the goals to see how fast things happen is very funny next you will be telling me those nasty men kick the ball to hard

    at him and its not fair.

  8. I agree Robles was treated unfairly after some good performances.

    What I mean about being lucky are the moments where a better forward would have punished him...let's face it there were a few.

    And Robles three clean sheets were as.much about the defence as him...He wasn't making ten works class saves a match to keep us in the match.

    Now Tims 3 in 4 matches statistically should match that shouldn't it?

    But for some reason it's not as good...that's the bit that boggles me.

    Two players have pretry much identical records but one is better than the other.

    So you are saying Robles 3 clean sheets were because the striker was piss poor or the defence was better

    the same defence Tim was behind,for his first 4 months of the season and I take it tims 3 clean sheets were against top class strikers and the defence had nothing to do with it.How bias can you get and you have the nerve to tell me im not being fair.

    Robles performance against west ham was outstanding then he was dropped.

    if you want to talk about luck and poor finishing look at that world cup match of Tims super saves again.

    As for the 5 in the Europa cup 2 were unstoppable the other 3 he could have done better.

  9. I dont see Tim at fault for any of the 3 against Villa, he has had a piss poor season yes, but to lay blame on him for those goals is beyond me. He has made some crucial saves at crucial points the last month. You're right - it does not out weigh the negatives, however its not fair to give undue criticism.

    You could say he saw the first one coming in from a long way out for the first header that depends on what you think a good keeper should do

    he could have come out he saw it was in the air for long enough, let jags know he was coming and at least given benteke something to think about

    I find it a strange comment when he let 3 in it was nothing to do with him, like when he let 5 in in Europe nothing to do with him

    it sounds like you are making my case for, if a goal goes in Tim is not interfering with play.

    There are people like Czech, kasper schmeichel, begovic out there for not a lot of money.

    by the way I did not say it was his fault he let 3 in against villa I just said he let thee in against a relegation side

  10. To be fair Crusty, Tim had a few really good games since he's been back, also quite a few clean sheets.

    When Robles had three clean sheets he was the new messiah although he also got lucky on a few occasions that we all picked up on.

    Doesn't Tim deserve the same treatment?

    Im not sure about quite a few clean sheets in proportion to Robles 3 on the trot in very few games

    I like the way you say Robles was lucky but Tim had good games a bit of bias there?

    I thought his treatment was shameful, when Tim was fit again and reinstated it must have drained what little confidence he had

    I can not for the life of me see how a good April makes up for a pathetic 6 months, most of his games in April he never had a save to make ie man u

    and he just let 3 in against a relegation side.

    I don't even know if Robles is the answer I only Know Tim is not

  11. Most important position on the pitch,his worst season yet has a couple of ordinary gams in April (where he did not cock up)

    and the first six months of the season are ignored

    just shows total lack of ambition and the direction we are heading in.

    Martinez totally ignoring the fact of leaking goals was our biggest problem,

    but you would expect me to say that, so after 55 years I wont be attending goodison park next season.

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