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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. You mean like a bloke is really civil to a girl he wants to chat up untill she rejects his advances??? Then when he hears what he doesn't want to hear he calls her a pig? think those of you calling for your team to lose only making a pre excuses because you fear you can't compete with city. i wish there would be a way to banned you from entering to goodison tomorrow(maybe for life for your own club sake), you bunch of losers! It has been made more than clear to him that for the local supporters the Evertonians life will be made a misery by the woodwork emerging "gloaters" who arent really bothered about football and slate Everton at every given opportunity.
  2. What gives a kopite the right to tell us about integrity??? They surrendered against Chelsea 4 years ago in order that Man United didn't win the league (1 shot on target on 90 minutes, a gerrard gift to Drogba) - Liverpool fans declaring themselves cockneys for the day with banners, buying up half and half scarves... When Redknapp rattled in a 25 yard winning free kick that may have gifted the league to Man United (but it didn't) it was met with stoney silence by the fans.... So I repeat, what gives them the right to start dictating how fans should be in this situation etc etc etc
  3. Every time I've seen Diame i've been impressed. For less than £4m is a bargain - he is easily a £10m player. Will strengthen our squad no end and add some steel. McCarthy isn't going to be able to do 45 games at the intensity we are used to seeing - more to the point he shouldn't be doing that many.
  4. some players just dont have any idea what others would give to be in their place - way to throw it away Apostolos lad...
  5. Found something out before which may have a certain Steven Gerrard questioning whether he is the victim of payback.... In 2010, Chelsea and Man United were neck and neck for the title... Chelsea needed to visit Liverpool a win to stand a good chance of winning the title. Outside vendors were selling half andf half solidarity scarves which Liverpool fans were buying.... Liverppo, still stood an outside chance of 4th place. The scoring was opened with Gerrard passing the ball to Drogba who went through and scored... was it to stop Man United winning the league??? Only Gerrard knows... but isn't it funny that he gave the ball away to a chelsea player that led to Liverpool hoping that Everton will not roll over against Man City the same way it could be argued that Liverpool did for Chelsea.... May 2nd 2010 http://www.theguardian.com/football/2010/may/02/liverpool-chelsea-premier-league-report
  6. http://www.squawka.com/news/2014/05/01/chelsea-wonderkid-i-want-to-be-the-player-young-player-of-the-year-next-term/20140501103659 I'll be honest, not many see him as young because of his size etc, but even still I wouldn't have had him up there. Close ish... but not up there.
  7. Bill said it was ring fenced... Gregg knew otherwise and offered to stump up the cash for Kings Dock in a bid to take over, Kenwright seen the risk of losing the club and along came Christian Samuelson and the made up Fortress Fund. A very convenient "means to an end" as Ian Ross described it. Kenwright retain power, Kings Dock never happened and lets just say we would be looking at a ridiculously well funded club if it did. There are a few factors in getting the numbers up which a new stadium will alleviate. 60,000 is achievable, no question in my mind. Transport:- At present getting to Goodison is a pain. No parking, no nearby train staitions. Its a big factor. I've had my car done in, my brother has, train journey from wirral is a bit of a pain with crammed trains. Restricted seats:- There are loads of them at Goodison, even the ones that arent restricted can have you at bad vantage points. Facilities:- 15 minute wait for a pint and pie, disgusting outdated toilets. The very fact that we can attract 37,000 fans with previously less attractive football and the above to consider says we have far greater potential. In the 80's we were getting 45k+ in a terraced stadium. My guess is that for the average game we will see 50k fans, for the likes of the derby, man united etc 60k. An increase per match of £700k - £1m (factoring in improved commercial revenue)
  8. Everton fans get called bitter blues? Never seen so many Liverpool fans giving it large after Chelsea got beat last night. Chelsea had the audacity to thwart their tactics and potentially stop them from winning the league.
  9. I think the stadium will be strangely flat, like a pre season friendly atmosphere. No ooohhs and ahhhhhs, polite applause. The players will sense off the fans the passion or lack of it... It won't be arsenal or man utd... A very very strange situation.
  10. Disgareeing is good, this place would be boring otherwise! I'm just worried about us buying Lukaku for that sort of money... got a bad feeling and really can see why Jose loaned him out... For that money I would want to be buying Lallana - Liverpool will be very strong if they get him.
  11. It isn't a Yak vs Lukaku debate - but in all honesty I would take a fully fit Yak that Moyes bought over Lukaku - absolutely no question. Lets be honest this is a try before you buy... lets say you had £100k to buy a car, you went and had a Ferrari to test for a week, some days it felt great, others it felt pretty average and the dealer said "you need to put 10,000 miles on it till you get that great perfromance all the time", are you telling me you aren't going to have big doubts??? £20m isn't the sort of money you dump on a forward with a bad first touch in the hope that he gets better, £10m-£12m yeah and then you got to hope he does get some consistency because when he is off his game he is a sub waiting to happen.
  12. To be perfectly honest I am quite shocked at how far behind the acceptable level Lukaku's close control actually is. I think that his pace and goals detract peoples attention from how average it actually is. Some games he is ok-ish, when he is off it is embarrassing. I think against Southampton he may not have actually brought more than 5 passes under control, I was sat there with my head in my hands at times reminding myself that this man is actually saying he wants to be in the CL and Cheslea are hoping to get £20m+ for him... If he did develop this skill to 7/10 level he may have a chance, its 5/10 for me.
  13. To be honest Matt i've taken that into account. For me i've seen enough of Lukakus touch and control to see that he is not going to be able to play with his back to his man well enough - when marked tightly by a strong centre half he is a liability. He can't get a ball under control tight enough to allow his physique to do the rest - he has to stretch and go off balance allowing the centre half the opportunity to muscle him off - compare that to suarez or aguero, far smaller strikers but their touch and control brings the ball within their body space allowing them to root their feet and use their bodies effectively, Mark Hughes and Dalglish were experts at this. I just don't think this is something he is going to master because he has always been so big he's never had to.... the same as expecting Peter Crouch to learn how to jump. Those motor skills have all but developed now. Every time the ball comes at him he is almost on red alert to try and react to where the ball is going to bounce to - instead of bracing his body in anticipation that the ball is going to stick. Just can't see him improving a fundemental part of the game at the age of 20. You've either got it or haven't at that stage.
  14. How do we know that no players weren't asked about Neville? or more to the point Mirallas was "asked" and didn't offer the info... Regardless.... highly unprofessional.
  15. For a start, Bony has a better rate of return in a poorer performing side - 15 in 25 prem games Lukaku is 13 in 29 prem games. For me Bony is a superior all round player who would cost less. Remy has 13 in 25 playing for an awful Newcastle team again would cost a lot less given his buy out clause. Jay Rodriguez is another... Goals aside these other players have better footballing ability.
  16. I'm sure half the Everton side were thinking "what is the boss doing playing Phil Neville" - nothing was said. Bit of a dressing room trouble causer our Kev maybe???
  17. I like him when his greed pays off, I don't like him when he ignores players in a better position, repeatedly takes poor corners etc. I certainly do not like this article where he is trying to dictate who and who shouldn't go the world cup. Imagine us now if someone like Gary Cahill came out and said "I don't think John Stones should go the world cup" or Lampard said "Barkley shopuln't go to Brazil" - there would be absolute uproar. Not good for the team dynamic - as it happens I think Januzaj is a very good player indeed and could be a great addition for Belgium in the world cup, that element of unknown raw youth is a great weapon to have..
  18. Next season fills me with much optimism - we drew the first 3 games this season dropping 6 points against teams we dominated in possession but couldn't get the result. We then got rid of felli, got lukaku and McCarthy/Barry and things started to click. We will have a pre season to continue RM's teachings and drills - new players identified to help us further with this. The likes of Mirallas who I expect to see improve his consistency, Gerry & Ross with decision making.
  19. http://whitehouseaddress.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/footballs-new-era-rise-of-counter.html#!/2013/09/footballs-new-era-rise-of-counter.html an interesting article...
  20. Lets be honest this new "sit back and counter attack" like Moyes 4-5-1 win 1-0 system, they get found out - possession based football will win the day in the long run, its just a case of having "options" to indroduce for when teams set up against it.
  21. Lets get to the crux of when all this started... In 1977 Liverpool returned to the city with the European Cup, and at St Geroges Hall grabbed hold of the mike and started singing "Liverpool are magic, Everton are tragic" - in the crowd were many Evertonians who had turned up to give Liverpool a "well done" homecoming... Tommy Smith by all accounts was disgusted by this and from that moment the whole - "watch Everton or Liverpool at home and support whoever" fans packed that in... Soooo... years following by and seeing the 1986 FA Cup final played to mixing fans was an exception. Since then the rivalry instensified, which I am not against by the way... but don't for one minute think that Everton will want to do Liverpool a favour when we have in all reality got nothing left to play for other than giving our fans perma grief off the Part time looking to turn full time fans (but on the waiting list nonsense). I'm not blaming Emlyn Hughes either, that was his personality, a bit of an OTT joker - who didn't realise you can't go hugging Princess Anne on question of sport...
  22. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/worldcup2014/article-2616594/Kevin-Mirallas-told-stop-talking-nonsense-urged-Marc-Wilmots-not-pick-Adnan-Januzaj.html Personally I think Mirallas is bang out of order and indicates a worrying attitude to me which I kind of see when he plays for us - a very selfish one. No doubt I will take some stick for this from Mirallas fans, but there is something about his personality on the pitch which is a little elitist, arrogance can be good, but not like that. This is the sort of stuff that has derailed Holland and France in the past - not good.
  23. Really not bothered. Too raw and lazy at times for me. Especially at the money touted.
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