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Everything posted by Blue4Ever

  1. I hope we get in, because if we drop down the league don't be surprised our better players wanting out. I think the permanent signing of Fernandes and get nugent in I think we would be a permanent Top 7 team. This is a real important year because if we get in we will get better players maybe attract more fans n maybe a bit more money but i if we don't then as i said a few players will be leaving imo.
  2. yer i agree to even though Fernandes isnt really our player lol. haha Id defo take Lita in he's proved he is a decent premiership player and at international level aswell
  3. totally agree im pissed off the way moyes bums the championship, its not asif we get the players cheap there!
  4. I said a couple on months ago Valencia to win it as outsiders, i should have put a fiver on them to win it becuase they were 22/1 to win last round and i do think they will beat Chelsea and play the mancs in the final.
  5. haha everton wouldnt ever pay 15 million for the best player in the world. we will be lucky to get fernandes never mind nugent lol
  6. Yer my figure was based on what sky sports news were saying at the time no worries tho.
  7. Great goal and just helped score another..
  8. he has just scored against southampton, fucking class goal pure brilliance, gotta hand it to him he's proving how good he is. I agree i think he is getting a reputation based on freekicks... he might be a good prospect but 10 million could be well better spent for any team imo.
  9. We would be lucky mate, I think it will be our new highest played fee for a player if we snap him up because i think its around 12 million the clause. Knowing everton we will be trying to negotiate a deal played over years. Lets hope we get him in ay!
  10. Seem to have silenced every1 there mate. Haha i wouldnt say he was shite, he may not have been the most technical gifted player ever but he alot of important goals in his time and used to put the shits up the other teams defenders when he played.... Back to Nugent, we need this lad in, who ever saying Nugent is slow is talking out there ass. I watched a Preston game other day when he scored, he done the job andy does for us but for preston. U just have to look at BT to see slow however, Dave has got the goal threat of Johnson but better on the ball. Slower than Andy of course but still can move unlike other players we have. People would agree Nugent is good if they go away like I did and watch him play. hes a good player.
  11. COME ON!!! we would have no chance gettin in europe without Andy what a legend. COME ED LADS !!
  12. yer u can have some as ur avatar but there might be image restrictions i dont really know.
  13. Yer av gotta chipped box, one off payment and av just noticed that getting sky back soon tho because Virgin r shite.
  14. Yer i agree, its only if we fail to get uefa cup mate. just something to fall to if we dont get Uefa.
  15. i wouldnt agree attacking Arsenal full on were alot better playing like the derby style against Arsenal and Man U and we might have to go at Chelsea last game with uefa cup hopes... I think its better to start with a real attacking formation against chelsea because they dont like it.
  16. i have about 5 of them ill upload later on people. here.....
  17. Id have him but its where will he play?? i think he can play anywhere across the back and defensive midfield, wouldnt mind him here but if we had to pay for him anything over 2 million id laugh at and tell them to forget it as we need money for a winger, Fernandes and a striker which we will never get all 3 whilst kenright is at Everton the stingy twit!
  18. Well i think Nugent is decent.... I wouldnt mind Dave bringin Dave in but ffs, are our scouts limited to looking in the UK or somthing because we only seem to look at english or scottish players. England which has the most over priced players in the world. example look at Martins, 10 million pounds from italy, and imo one of the best strikers in the premiership. and were looking at Nugent for 7? surely theres players out there. You only need to look on fm to find that out haha. Some people wouldnt agree id love us to get Montella in from roma after his loan, he looks a real quality finisher and a real goalscorer who we have lacked for years and with Andys pace running the channels and his goal instinct imo would be a heck of a partnership!
  19. naa i dont want him, nugent is alot more classier aswell. Id rather us spend are money on a proven 20 goal a season player than waste 4-7 million on championship players who u are taking chances on.
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