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Everything posted by fcssl

  1. I know it is making a joke out of a very serious nature...however, I think that in today's society, we do sometimes need to make light in such depressing circumstances...especially when the person who is being pointed at caused so much misery which is not easy to comprehend. If you do treat everything with so much seriousness, you would end up in a secure ward!
  2. So kind...I want somebody to make me a decent avatar and signature... Incidentally, my name is now out of date...as we have updated our website to www.fcssl.com ... Unfortunately, I have never got to grips with Photoshop...but I would love to....!
  3. My granddad used to have loads of tattoo's on his arms, after all, he was a gunner in the navy! When I said I wanted to get a tattoo, he advised me against it...and said "if you do, don't get a womens name emblazoned on your skin. Women come and go, so opt for your club", he then showed me a tattoo of the crest of Everton on his chest. What a bloke!
  4. Absolutely tragic. Okay, I will say this though. I have owned dogs in the past, including a bitch Doberman. She was not the friendliest dog at all, and because of that, when she died, she was the last I would ever own. I now have a rabbit! lmao! There is absolutely no reason, as far as I am concerned, for people to own dogs, unless they are a member of the emergency services, a farmer, blind, etc, etc, etc, after all, would you readily invite an ugly violent uneducated raving psychopathic lunatic who drains your money into your home? Not likely! My thoughts and sympathy goes to the family and friends of the little girl...and I hope that Merseyside Police and the CPS have the balls to do something about the fool, her own uncle, who kept this animal despite the repeated warning that it was dangerous!
  5. fcssl


    its hard not to laugh! Shame!
  6. fcssl


    eh? my brain is getting itchy now! hmmmm!
  7. typical. I think that unless it is advertised, usually in writing, you do not really have a leg to stand on - however it would be nice to think that most electrical superstores would honor their employee's error as, well, the customer is supposidly always right. Shopping online is definately the way forward though in my opinion. You usually get a discount (as you are not paying the wage of some f*ckwit like in your experience) and you are covered by your credit/debit card if it fails to turn up. This time of year, the electrical superstores do hire a load of retards over the christmas and new year period - seemingly to just annoy and piss off potential customers.
  8. Sorry for my late post, but have a good one mate... I am late due to work commitments yesterday....BOOOOO!
  9. Not exactly a sympathetic view point, but this has just emerged on the net in the last couple of hours...take it for what it is I guess... Spoof ESPN coverage of Saddam's Hanging This spoof video, nothing too graphic, nothing too nasty, but a little off none the less...you decide and form your own opinion.
  10. interesting results...which just go to show that Evertonians DO care about the behind the scenes lot. Not one person, so far, as poll voted 'dont care', which is only to be expected. 11 votes for 'GO', with 3 for 'STAY' and "Mac is a stuff muffin'. Amazing.
  11. Sounds a very good idea to me...at least it would reinforce our argument even if nothing happens as a result of making such a video.
  12. lmao...did not know that story...absolutely brilliant! You just could not make it up.
  13. Well, there is a leaked camera phone recording of the whole execution. I have just watched it, and it is available widely on the internet, however that version does not really show much. It opens with Saddam being shown to an elevated stage. There is then some sort of reading, possibly the right and reason of hanging, then the noise and a quick glimpse of Saddam falling throught the trap door, then the screen goes blank. It continues for about half a minute until a few 'strobe' photographic flash type lighting gives very quick images of Saddam swinging (and not in the way which his wife would probably have enjoyed!) It is available on www.filecabi.net if anybody wants to see it...however, I am not going to be posting a direct link in case anybody 'accidentally' clicks on it.
  14. Okay, Stevie G may have raised a fair few pounds for charity, but I am sure that many other none famous people have done this too and they dont get an honour. The New Years Honours List is a complete and utter joke. It seemingly awards the rich and so-called famous for being, well, rich and famous. Listening to Talk Sport earlier and even a RS said that if they are handing them out, surely Howard Kendall should have already been given one? Not going to get an argument from me on that one.
  15. Hmmm, okay. Anyway, while the western news agencies mull over whether to show what happened, here is the latest from the Arabian channels. This clip shows Saddam in a white shroud after being executed earlier today. Click here to watch. It is nothing gruesome or twisted, but this is the real thing apparently. Only click if you want to watch!
  16. You know, Pat, that is probably the reason why it has not already been done. How sad!
  17. CraccerC, if you really are a financial adviser, I will take you advice with my next mortgage!
  18. Well, hopefully nobody is going and we will only increase our member base in 2007. All the best to everybody anyway.
  19. Its never nice to see a life end...however, I think this is the exception to the rule. He caused misery, chaos, pain and upset for so long and thought that he was above the law and was untouchable. The only downside is that the families of those tortured, murdered and dumped in mass graves may never find out exactly where their loved ones are - however at least they will be able to live a free life themselves now that this truely evil person has departed.
  20. nice to see Wayne is respecting his humble beginnings...what a frickin judas tw*t. I have never liked Manchester United and this has just deepened my hatred of their club...but not Mancunians! If it was not for our club, he would probably still be kicking a can around outside a Spar wearing blag clothing. Fucking c*nt.
  21. What a fantastic result. Okay, Newcastle are dwindling in squad numbes at the moment, however nothing should take away the way we played today. Listening to Radio Merseyside's commentary and post-match phone in, it was a real decision and trouble choosing a man of the match. Each and blue on the field seemed to have played their heart out. I just hope that we are able to keep hold of Vic and he does not do another Rooney on us in the future. It was also nice to see Neville getting onto the score sheet...at last! Who would have thought that we would be standing so high in the table coming up to the new year, and be playing with such a positive attitude. I can not wait for Sky Sports Football First a little later on...along with a couple of beers, I am going to see out 2006 with a bang... Nice one! COYBB!
  22. a frightening fact and statistic. What worries me longterm, not this year though...is that if we were to be relegated we would have even less investment and would be likely to slide further and further into a black hole of debt. The only option is to sell the club and get rid of old Ken, but then, I am not saying anything that we have not heard before.
  23. Probably only in a conversation because Naysmith really doesn't have an argument! lol!
  24. I know with some other games (but mostly on the PC) you can download skins and different things to include into games. I did this once so I could get a Ferrari 456GT on Driver.
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