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Posts posted by c1982

  1. Sorry, but I thought he was lacklustre and way out of his depth in the Prem.

    I'm surprised he has lasted as long as he has to be honest, especially given that we are skint. When Moyes signs a player, he is responsible for the player being up to the job. The player is also responsible for being up to the job too, or why sign? Both made a mistake I feel. Good luck with your career, but you didn't exactly set the Premiership on fire.


    Going to av to agree with this... when the deal is done all parties just need to put their hands up and admit that it didn't really work out for Bily ay EFC.

  2. Fellaini.


    But Osman had a cracking game, Jags and Heitinga looked very solid at the back, and Drenthe was exciting.


    Spot on - think Baines looked lively too. Keep Drenthe on the right, on the left he makes baines less effective as an attacking force (as Drenthe needs covering when he doesn't fancy chasing back) but on the right he's with hibbo, who it would be fair to say, is less enterprising than baines.

  3. I make posts relevant to what I believe in, not to counter the individual who is making the posts.


    So why do you? I've noticed that you do that alot and yes it does create the "clique" pick sides mentality. I personally don't subscribe to that. But thanks for the year end appraisal though, mentioning my conflict with pax etc is not relevant, He got extreme with several people - and was out of order - eventually getting banned.


    I've never been personal or rude to a forum member, nor do I seek out their posts to "continue my campaign of disagreeing with them"


    You've glossed over the whole point I posted on, eloquence!!!


    I'll get some examples up for you tomorrow if you want? (can't now, am posting on my phone).


    You'd be right in saying I disagree in most of what you say and I see you as a bit of a novelty - mainly because of the tone many of your posts - it was as if they were copied a pasted off kipper - I go on there for nonsensical rumours, I come on here for intelligent chat about the team I love.


    When I spotted eloquence in you post, I spat my tea out hence picking you up on this - it's a bit like Suarez fronting the 'kick out racism' campaign!

  4. I think in your eagerness to point score you've missed the context of what I was saying. Just re-read the past 8-10 posts to understand the topic rather than "oh it's haf, let me pick my side and get a dig in cos he hates bill etc etc"


    Not engaging in petty tit for tat stuff. I'm making a relevant point, get over with what you see my political stance is and just read posts for as they are.


    The moment you mention people failing to put their point over eloquently it's pot kettle - in whatever context.


    You have posted very uneloquently - okay they've improved recently and you make some valid points but I believe this change has come on the back of your 'kipper-style' posting at times getting a little tiresome.


    You got a little 'excitable' initially with first paxgate then the BU and I think you played on it a little but you seemed to have calmed down a little.

  5. Off twitter...



    Everton fans: Steve Ross is not buying Everton. "The reports are false," Miami Dophins sr v.p. of media relations Harvey Greene said. cont'd




    "Steve is not pursuing the acquistion and has never even had a single conversation with the club," Greene said




    Reports are false, Harvey Greene, Miami Dolphins p.r. man said RT @BlueBoysRule @GregOK how true is this? Or is it another load of poo.

  6. Charlton are deffo sorry that they didnt stick with Alan Curbishley, 15 years in charge and a promotion to the premier where he kept them as a respectable mid table team for 10 years, he left in 2006 and they quickly plummeted out of the prem and also out of the championship into the wilderness of the 3rd tier by 2009.

    Similarities ?? It could be the very same scenario here if DM went, Better the devil you know.


    Excellent example. Well said Bill.

  7. Moyes collects defenders like raffa used to collect full backs. Need strikers Davie!!!


    I would bet that Moyes has signed more strikers than defenders in his time at EFC... The problem is he's found the 'right' defenders but only found short term solutions in att. So to say he collects defenders is wrong but to say he's been better at signing defenders in his time at EFC is a fair comment.



    I think we'll definately be in for Donovan on-loan in Jan, also I genuinely think we'll be in for Rodellega if Wigan can't tie him down. He'll have 6months left come Jan and I think the prospect of staying in the Prem and NW would be a very good option - would imagine £4m tops.


    Well that's part one done!!!

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