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Posts posted by c1982

  1. When you go for a run and all of a sudden desperately need a shit but you're still fucking miles from home.


    A mate of mine fell foul to this... had to ditch his kegs!!! (After a few bevvies he asked a few of us if it had happened to us and was obviously looking for someone to relate to his displeasure - noone had neadless to say!)

  2. I would be happy to agree with you if you said he cheated. There are a lot of players who do. In fact I suspect there is more than a lot of players who at one time or another 'play' for a free kick. However personal insults like that reflect badly on us as Everton supporters and as for ranting about getting his leg snapped shows how immature you are. Never ever would I wish personal injury on any player, ( well apart from the one who rifled through my fianceé's drawers while I was away. Although I can't fault his taste. Yes he was a Liverpool player at the time too.crying.gif ) Yet even when that happened I never wen around posting infantile comments about leg snapping. That is simply childish and nasty.


    Really, really, really, sorry for asking but who? I%20surrender.gif (sorry again!) I won't be offended if you dodge this question and tell me to bugger off!!! (it's surely not just me who's intreeged by this!)

  3. He hasnt just arrived is what im saying.Remember when we were linked with young english striker Darren Bent at Ipswich? £2.5 mill wasn't it? Remind again of his combined transfer figure now? I'm using Bent as an example but you get the idea


    True. But we're not going to get every quality youngster and equally we're linked to most as are many others... I remember the Shite almost signing wonderkid Dean Bowdich!


    I do remember Bent already being a very good striker and not much of a gamble when Charlton signed him, we couldn't muster the money but we did sign M.Bent and Cahill that summer and didn't do bad that season either!

  4. This is the type of rumour that gets me going.


    1) Affordable

    2) Real link to club

    3) Young talent

    4) Good investment


    Not in that order but i feel obliged to place affordable as number 1 ;)


    Hope he comes in january. Even if it wil cost the club, wouldnt want to see what happens if teams like Marsaille and Inter Milan also offer him a contract when he is a free agent.


    Without knowing much about this guy or holtby they would be 2 players I'd love at our club - they've both got little stories about why they are Evertonians and little things like that make a signing more special, that and the fact that both lads seem to possess true quality.


    In saying this I want a 1st team striker first and foremost.

  5. 1. Analyse your season so far in 1 sentence...

    MysticalDescent - European football is so easy, that we've completely messed up our once solid defence just so that it's more challenging.

    Jamo on the Wing - Very inconsistent, mainly due to us rotating the squad for our Europa commitments.

    Algor - Great start followed by being humbled by very average teams

    Dexter97 - We seem to be having a few problems adjusting from being "plucky underdogs" to our new billing as an "established PL team".

    Linx - Frustratingly weird. Top of one of the toughest Europa Groups and still absolutely awful away from home: we can nearly beat Dynamo Kiev after a 2,000 mile journey but can't beat Bolton just up the M6! We can hold our own against the top four sides and get thumped by Bolton and Sunderland. WTF!?


    2. What are your thoughts on Everton's start to the season?

    MysticalDescent - I tend not to pay too much attention to how Everton start seasons, being notoriously slow starters and all. Looking at the table, I wouldn't be surprised if that's where you finish this season.

    Jamo on the Wing - Started a bit shakily but same as ever Moyes will get results.

    Algor - Normal slow start, getting stronger every week.

    Dexter97 - Same old same old, although the financial difficulties seem to be biting a bit more this term.

    Linx - Usual stuff. You could do with getting all top six sides for the first six fixtures because I'm sure DM writes them off anyway. You'll finish top ten if injuries don't take their toll on your small squad.


    3. As 'outsiders' looking in, what is your knowledge/views on the current 'takeover talk'/fans unrest at Everton?

    MysticalDescent - I don't really know a lot about it, to be honest. I think Everton may have missed the boat. A bit of investment a few years ago could have got a fourth placed finish, but now Everton are in a weird sort of tier on their own. There's the Man Utd, Man City, Chelsea tier, then the Arsenal, Tottenham, Liverpool tier, then Everton on their own, above teams like Stoke but miles away from the others. It seems strange that the board are apparently actively seeking investment, but they can't find anybody with any money willing to get involved in a Premier League club, when foreign takeovers are going on left, right and centre.

    Jamo on the Wing - I get the impression that Kenwright is a decent bloke but doesn't have the clout to take the club forward. Whether he wants to relinquish control is another matter.

    Algor - a great club, well managed with a scouting network everyone outside the top 4 should learn from, shit ground. Any investor will need to to find over a quater of a billion quid on building a new ground and that makes you unattractive I am afraid.

    Dexter97 - Don't know a great deal about it, but it strikes me that Bill's asking price might not represent the best value for money for potential investors.

    Linx - Don't know much about it but I'm surprised that someone hasn't come in sooner. Out of all the clubs inviting a takeover, surely Everton have the most kudos and potential. I know no one would have wanted them but why did Venky's go for Blackburn when Everton were up for sale? I can only imagine BK is putting people off by asking too much.


    4. What are the current feelings/expectations at Stoke having esablished yourselves in the EPL and even succeeding currently in Europe?

    MysticalDescent - We're in a good position to get out of our group and I hope we will. I would like us to go as far as possible in the Europa League because it's such a rare event for us and another FA Cup run would be nice. If we got those two, I'd actually take a 17th place finish.

    Jamo on the Wing - I want a top half finish this year but that will depend on Europe.

    Algor - Staying in the prem & semi's of eufa cup would be great.

    Dexter97 - Surprising amount of negativity around the club at the moment, some of which is understandable, but we're on a steep learning-curve this season. TP needs to learn how to better utilise his playing resources when fighting on several fronts. Apart from that - Loving it.

    Linx - If we finished top ten with a good run in Europe that would be a great season. It looks remote at the moment, though. The heavy defeats we've suffered in the last 5 weeks have been very unStoke-like and have left me fearing the worst.


    5. Which 3 players should EFC be wary of on Sunday?

    MysticalDescent - Walters, Etherington and Pennant. Walters makes things happen and puts in an incredible defensive shift, while if the two wingers hit form (Pennant is currently off the boil just as Etherington is getting back to his best) we look very, very good. Pennant bottled it a bit at home to Everton last year, so maybe he won't like playing against you in a hostile atmosphere.

    Jamo on the Wing - That's tough away from home as we're gash! Realistically it's Pennant, Etherington and Walters.

    Algor - etherington, pennant and walters.

    Dexter97 - Walters and Ethers definitely. Apart from that it depends who bothers to turn-up on the day. I'm backing Huthy for a return to goalscoring form!

    Linx - Etherington, Walters and don't underestimate Crouch.


    6. Which 3 players are you most wary of from EFC?

    MysticalDescent - Cahill - not scored for a while, bound to get two or three from set pieces. Fellaini - a bit dirty, but a good player who I'd love Stoke to have. Distin - almost certainly the best defender not playing continental football this season.

    Jamo on the Wing - Cahill (bound to break his duck), Fellaini (sp) and Baines

    Algor - cahill, fellini & rodwell.

    Dexter97 - Cahill (due a goal), Fellaini (will beat our two centre-midfielders on his own), and given our current weakness down the right, Baines.

    Linx - Baines and Cahill. Our post-Europe and poor away form could conspire to give Saha a chance to show his old form.


    7. ...and finally. Your post Europe form is a little shoddy to say the least. Can you stop the rot on Sunday at GP? Score?

    MysticalDescent - No. It's not so much that our post-European form is shoddy, it's that every game after Europe has been away from home and we're garbage away from home. You should expect a win.

    Jamo on the Wing - I'll take a 0-0 which after my recent away excursions would be most welcome!

    Algor - No we will lose.

    Dexter97 - As has already been said, we're shite away even without the Europa League. In some respects, I'm glad our post-Europe games have been away, as I'd written them off anyway! Heart hopes for a draw, head says you'll beat us by two or three.

    Linx - No. 3-0 to Everton.


    8. (Optional) Obviously the news of Gary Speed's premature death has shook the football world. At toffeetalk we have shared some great memories and paid our respects to a once hero and a lifelong blue. If you would like to share anything please add it onto your post. We'll show our respects pre-match and here's to a good 'old fashioned' EPL match on Sunday.

    Jamo on the Wing - Gary Speed always seemed a consummate pro who gave his best for all of his clubs. Scored some great goals (mostly from his head it seemed) and his untimely passing is a great loss to football.

    Algor - I can't understand how a man like that can come to a point that he feels so alone and so helpless that the only way out is death! I can't begin to imagine what was going through his head and really feel for his family, RIP!

    Dexter97 - I think the outpouring over the last couple of days says it all. Top player and all-round good egg. Very, very sad.

  6. I posted this on the Oatcake Fanzine website last night...


    Hello Potters, Evertonian from toffeetalk here... I've been given the task to ask you boys and girls some questions about our upcoming encounter so here we go...


    1. Analyse your season so far in 1 sentence...


    2. What are your thoughts on Everton's start to the season?


    3. As 'outsiders' looking in, what is your knowledge/views on the current 'takeover talk'/fans unrest at Everton?


    4. What are the current feelings/expectations at Stoke having esablished yourselves in the EPL and even succeeding currently in Europe?


    5. Which 3 players should EFC be wary of on Sunday?


    6. Which 3 players are you most wary of from EFC?


    7. ...and finally. Your post Europe form is a little shoddy to say the least. Can you stop the rot on Sunday at GP? Score?


    8. (Optional) Obviously the news of Gary Speed's premature death has shook the football world. At toffeetalk we have shared some great memories and paid our respects to a once hero and a lifelong blue. If you would like to share anything please add it onto your post. We'll show our respects pre-match and here's to a good 'old fashioned' EPL match on Sunday.


    Thanks in advance.


    I had put it all together nicely but then lost it!!! major overreaction alert.gif


    I've thought of a safer way to do it now so responses will be up imminently...

  7. I consider my self to be a realistic Lilywhite

    and these are the facts, we do have a history of employing morally corrupt Managers: Venables was caught with his hand in the till, and unceremoniously sacked by easy going Alan Sugar, David Pleat was caught paying for sex outside Kenilworth rd, and I am sure none of us would buy a 2nd hand Ford Focus from O'nest Arrys Car emporium, despite his claims of 1 previous lady owner and Mickied service history and odd looking MOT tickets.


    However as a fan I care more about success on the field and Spurs finishing as high in the league as possible, and maybe some silverware as well, I was one of the few at the time that agreed with the sacking of Venables, and felt really angry at waht he had done, basically stealing of us the fans. Pleat I could care less he felt the need to sleep with Prostitutes, that was between him and his wife and Redknapp is a bit of a tax dodger so what, everybody's at it In my Job I see Mortgage fraud and all manner of Benefit fraud every day, Of course I report it and do my best to ensure these people are investigated by the appropriate authorities, but sadly in the main very little is done.


    Tottenham despite announcing record profits and having one of the richest owners in billionaire Joe Lewis, are Skint, I know this to be fact as they are desperate to raise the funds for a new 60,000 seater Stadium, which is why they have spent fuck all for 2 years.


    Spurs at the moment are playing some of the best football I have seen since the halcyon days of the Eighties, and who knows how far we can go, but how much of that is down to Redknapp, it is well known in the football world he is not a great tactician, but he certainly knows how to get the best out of players, but most of the current 1st team are not Redknapp acquisitions,

    Bale - Commoli

    Modric - Comoli

    Van der vaart - Levy

    Assou-Ekotto - Commoli

    Walker - Pleat

    Adebayor - Levy

    Sandro - Levy

    Pavlychenko - Levy/Ramos

    Lennon - Commoli/Jol

    King - Tottenham youth

    Dawson - Arnesen


    Defoe - Resigned by Redknapp from Portsmouth

    Kaboul - Resigned by Redknapp from Portsmouth

    Parker - is the only true Redknapp signing


    Are spurs just lucky to have a group of players doing the business at the right time or is Redknapp the Mastermind behind it all?


    And the big question who will replace him Next year Moyes ?


    I have thought he will for some time now - since Capello said 2012. The only way we'll keep him is there is a major cash boost here. Wouldn't begrudge him the opportunity either.

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