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jacko 1990

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Everything posted by jacko 1990

  1. i wasnt trying to show u up, just not that many ppl know it .
  2. any1 see the programme on Roy 'Chubby' Brown last nite??? 1 of his jokes, How do you fit 20 asylum seekers in a Shoe box? i will let you think of answers before i say answer.
  3. that comment makes me think u were being sarcastic
  4. but the worry is that the bigger teams like Chelsea, who's subs are more deadly than the most teams First team will have more players on the bench to pick from to influence the game in different ways.
  5. i not sure if ur being sarcastic or not cos i mentioned my R.E teacher, but i dont have a clue where it came from.
  6. Weve Drawn 2, where we have had good chances to score but failed to finish and with the Yak back IMO even after his shinanigans he should go str8 back in their, cos im not AJ's biggest fan and dont think he's a natural finisher.
  7. i would second that Jamie, Last sesason when i had a ST for S'port, Keepers got abused so much. The only time we clapped them was when they fell over when taking a Goal kick
  8. surely it would be better to do it with a Rusty Knife
  9. (Tune of Without me- Eminem) Guess Whos Back, back , back Back agen, The Yak's Back Dont tell Reading http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/everton-fc/...00252-20452298/
  10. A bit of useful knowledge that i found out in R.E class a few years ago. When a word Ends in a 'S' like Russ, and say your typing a sentence like "i Hate Russ's scarf" that is incorrest its actually should be " i Hate Russ' Scarf"
  11. Same here; Fishing, Face paints, football
  12. do i hear a hint of sarcasm or are you just showing your age mike? Lol - Laughin out Loud Lmao - Laughin my arse off Rofl - Rollin' on Floor Laughin
  13. he couldnt hear you because he had his bobble hat on..............
  14. Everton and Southport RS and Newcastle Sunderland
  15. if you made that yourself Bill thats very impressive.
  16. i know what he means by quick feet, and i still stand by my word, i dont think he has quick feet,
  17. What books that mike 'Where's Wally'?
  18. surely their could be a better one, seems as he doesnt have quick feet.
  19. We cant let pat and his Oz mate's watch the blues i vote for USA.
  20. im sure loadz of country will be fighting to get the Fulham Vs Derby game!! So if Iraq win the bidding for Man Utd Vs Chelsea will they let them play their?????????
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