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Everything posted by carlmc25

  1. we're basically already through so I think Moyes should be rotating. Surely we will see Gravesen, Baines, AJ & another (Anichebe/Vaughan) maybe McFadden etc. I'd give a couple of players a break, maybe even bring in Jags and give Lescott a quick rest, possibly Hibbert rb and move Neville into DM so Carsley can have a breather too. I don't know! but I'd be very surprised and a little disappointed if Moyes didn't take the chance to give Gravesen, Vaughan and Baines a run out.
  2. it's a strange one, we didn't defend well at all earlier in the season so maybe Moyes isn't convinced about his defensive merits or maybe because we have such a small midfield Moyes wants a bit more height at the back for set-pieces? that being said, I don't think Valente is much taller?!
  3. I didn't think it was a balanced subs bench, we had two strikers and two defenders. Imo we should have just had Jags on the bench as he can play fb or cb and then had a midfielder or someone with a bit of creativity on there - Gravesen or McFadden - who can possibly change the game. It's no use bringing on two strikers when the midfield couldn't keep hold of the ball, Gravesen has a bit more power and presence about him as well than the lightweight Osman and Pienaar in particular. I'd always have Gravesen and Vaughan on the bench if they weren't starting (and they were fit), both of them are enthusiastic and confident players who can come on and change a game.
  4. I'd be a bit surprised if Stubbs got the job. Why not give Stubbs the reserves to manage as his first stepping stone and let Andy Holden have a go as Assistant Manager? I don't know much about Holden but it's always appeared that he's done a very good job with the reserves, isn't he worth a go?
  5. Encouraging performance in many ways. Yes we didn't play particularly well, the 451 didn't work as well as it has been and switching to 442 made little or no difference, the weather was bad, we were up against a decent team away from home and we still came out with a result. It's very satisfying to get back to basics and keep a clean sheet, great to see the defense back on form. Still don't quite understand why Baines is out and I thought it was a mistake not having Gravesen on the bench, in fact Gravesen, McFadden and Vaughan are all capable of winning a game imo - far more so than the likes of Jagielka/Hibbert. When we are struggling to pass the ball around effectively bringing on Gravesen can make a big difference, particularly in a 5 man midfield. Still, considering the way the match went it was a good point.
  6. it may not be surprising he struggled and the reasons may be understandable, but the fact is, he had a fairly bad injury then came back and struggled for form, so they've loaned him out to us - basically that means, so far, he has flopped. Whatever the reasons and justification, that is the bottom line. Next someone will tell me VDM hasn't flopped!
  7. which is the same thing, especially after only a year and a half.
  8. we're not just looking at it from a goals point of view, that was just added ammunition. I'm looking at it as he's only played 25 games for them and they're now loaning him out with a view to selling him pretty cheap, that's surely the sign of a flop in anyone's books?
  9. I always thought that Faddy could play the Cahill role but Moyes never seemed to want to play him there (more as a traditional striker) when Cahill was injured so we have to assume that Moyes doesn't fancy it. He hasn't got the pace to play on the wing and I just think it would be probably for the best all round if he moved on, I think he has too much talent to sit on our bench but at the same time he's unlikely to ever be first choice. Being greedy it would be good having him on the bench as he can make a difference and with Yak/Anichebe possibly at African Nations then we may need him, but doing what's best for all parties I think it's time for him to move on and make a name for himself somewhere else. We have far more need of cover on the wings or a really decent CM than we do a fifth choice striker.
  10. even when he plays and scores Moyes seems to leave him out the next game etc so he obviously looks to be about 5th choice striker at the moment. I like Faddy but I just can't see him being happy that far down the pecking order. If McLeish is taking over at Birmingham I can see McFadden being one of his first signings in January, I reckon about 4-5m+. I'd be sort of sad to see him go but 4-5m+ for a player who seems destined to start every game on the bench (at best) is good value and could be used to strengthen the midfield.
  11. I always said he was a good player (for us). IF he was such a success at Dortmund and is only on loan to build his fitness then why on earth would they sell him to us when he's playing so well? If they sell him to us then I can only assume it's due to them not being too keen on him, either that or we'll have to offer silly money. I hope we get him as he looks a fantastic buy, but if Dortmund do sell him to us then I think that has to define his stay at Dortmund as a flop Another example of a flop is Brad Friedel, he looked absolutely abysmal at Liverpool and has gone on to be one of the consistently best keepers in the league at Blackburn. All I'm saying is not every club works out for every player, but the one manager who did get the best out of Tommy G is Moyes, so if anyone is going to get him playing again then it's him.
  12. good point, many of our players only flourish in the 451 system - we all know Carsley is no great shakes in a 442, but then again none of our central midfielders are. The fact is in a 451 he has been consistently excellent over the last few seasons and he will go through a brick wall for Everton, I don't think he is the most talented of footballers but in a 451 he'd be one of the first names on my teamsheet. A word for Neville as well, a player I'm not overly enamoured with but once again has been excellent since switching to RB but never gets any credit even when he has a hand in a few goals. No one could possibly say Pienaar was a success in Germany, he may have had a knee injury which knocked him back but as far as I'm concerned - playing only 25 games, scoring no goals and being farmed out on loan (with an option to buy I thought?) suggests flop to me. Whatever the reasons, he's a good player As for Tommy, no one is saying he is the long term answer or that in a 442 he is definitely what we need - as blue4ever said we need the powerhouse CM that we've been craving for years. All I'm saying is he gives us creativity and energy and let's not judge him until he's been given a chance, I still think he has something left in the locker.
  13. I'd personally take exception to he was only good for 4 months. He was always our most talented player and was only totally inconsistent as Smith played him constantly out of position (right winger) like he did with virtually all our players, and because he was surrounded by useless players. He was excellent when Jeffers/Campbell were in the team and even Radzinski benefitted from his incisive passing. He has constantly been excellent for Denmark over his career and I think you are doing him a great disservice. He MAY not be the same player as when he left, but he's already transformed a couple of games and who knows how important those points could be come end of the season? All I know is, if we were drawing 1-1 at home with 20 mins to go, I'd rather bring Gravesen off the bench to play some killer passes then any other midfielders on the bench, it's not as if Jags is going to come on and spray the ball around and split defences. Gravesen still has an eye for a pass, he's already shown that in about the 50 mins football he has had for us, that ability to open defences is priceless and a commodity we don't have enough of in our team. If Osman/Cahill got injured then Gravesen would go straight into the 5. As well as Osman is playing, I still have a belief that Gravesen could make us even better, If he's past it then so be it, but I don't think anyone can say for definite he is until he's had a few games. The bottom line is he was on loan and I think he's raised morale of both fans and players. He'll make an impact. As for Blue 250's comments, I can see what he is saying - you do go have players you obviously dislike and can't seem to watch without prejudice. You said Carsley was totally past it, had no pace, and that Jags should be playing, you were wrong - like you were about 451. Carsley has once again been immense in a 5, it's about time you gave him some credit. edit: on another note, everyone goes on about how Gravesen couldn't cut at Celtic, yet they never mention the fact that we only have Pienaar on loan because he flopped at his other club and Sociedad were farming Arteta out after only 1 season as he had majorly disappointed as a replacement for Alonso - we both know what great players they are turning out to be. It doesn't always work out for any player at every club he plays for, but Moyes knows how to get the best out of Gravesen.
  14. not much, but then again his presence might have inspired Osman to produce his best and he came on and won us 3 points against Bolton, created the winner against Sheffield Weds etc and it's only early days. I think Gravesen will turn out to be a good deal, there's still time for him to come through and he must be nearing fitness now, he's obviously a very popular player in the dressing room too so his effect on morale and his experience and ability being passed on to the younger members of our team shouldn't be overlooked either. I still think Gravesen's time will come.
  15. we've reeled in Blackburn and made up 5 points of difference (a few weeks ago they were 5 points ahead with a game in hand) plus Man City are closer and teams like Newcastle and West Ham are starting to fall away a little, plus we extended the gap on Spurs at the weekend. Blackburn play Villa tomo night so someone will have to drop some points there (let's hope for a draw) and then if we can beat Portsmouth (big ask but as far as I'm concerned we're the better team) then all of a sudden I think we could jump a few places next weekend. I don't think teams like Villa can sustain their form, they haven't got a particularly great team and Blackburn have a decent first eleven but not much cover. Portsmouth have streaky players, they can be blistering for a few weeks then not score for months, I'd expect us to get past them too and from what I've seen of City they're in a false position. Cup runs are the only worry for our league form, but this season I think we may finally have the squad to do both. I mean we have players like Stubbs, Vaughan, AJ, Anichebe, Gravesen, Baines, Jags/Hibbert, McFadden who can all come in and do a job, some of them will probably even improve the team (Baines, Vaughan etc). I really am excited about this season, we just need to beat Portsmouth (certainly not lose) it's the biggest match of the season so far for me.
  16. I think we're a better team than Portsmouth but the only worry is after such a big win sometimes you go into the next game a little complacent or get frustrated easily if the opposition don't roll over. Portsmouth is massive now, if we can beat them away then I definitely think we'll be in that top 6 come end of the season - if we can turn them over all the teams like Blackburn, Pompey, Villa and City will know they have a fight on their hands. I don't think there is much doubt we have the fifth best team/squad in the premiership, now it's time to prove it. Let's get stuck in after them from the start. COYB!
  17. I don't really mind what formation we play as long as we win and win well. 442 can only become a viable formation if a brilliant CM is bought, we have a good enough team to play 442 now and win a lot of matches, but I think we'd only finish top 10, in a 451 and fully fit team I think we can push the top 4 all the way, that's the difference. I was very pleased to read this from Moyes in today's Echo: We’ve found a style of play which suits us, makes us attacking and gives us options. But more importantly it fits the players we’ve got and suits their abilities. it's what I've been saying all along, it doesn't matter what formation you personally prefer, you have to pick the formation that suits the players you have on your books. The 451 is a masterstroke on Moyes part, I mean we got into the top 4 with Marcus Bent up front on his own and a far inferior team to that which we now posess. We really can go onto big things this season, I definitely a fancy a very healthy league position and some silverware, Everton are coming back and I think a lot of other teams in the premiership definitely do NOT want to play Everton. A special word for Lee Carsley, it may be Pienaar, Cahill, Arteta, Osman, Yak getting all the headlines but Carsley has once again demonstrated his worth as the DM in 5 man midfield, I've said it before and I'll say it again, there are few better in the premier league as an out and out defensive midfielder. I literally cannot believe we can now have Vaughan, Baines, Gravesen and McFadden in the stands and still win 7-1 (and should have been more). oh and didn't realise we had no match midweek! I assumed we were playing in Europe
  18. well I think everyone knows where I stand on the 451 having banged on about it since the beginning of the season, I'm just glad Moyes has gone back to it and proven all the doubters wrong. Glad to read the comparison in the Daily Mail match report of our 451 with that of England on Weds, they were gushing in their praise of our system and how fantastically we play it. The bottom line is with a fully fit squad playing a 451 system we are in the top 5 teams in the league and as long as we don't get too stretched by the cups etc I think we can push the top 4 all the way, Moyes has built a fantastic team at a fantastic price. Ryan Babel cost about 12-15million or something, Arteta cost about 2.5m - says it all. Even Yakubu is now looking a brilliant signing, even I didn't see him being suitable for a 451, yet he is playing superb. Let's keep it going and turn over Portsmouth, then we really can start thinking big. I'd give Gravesen, Vaughan, Anichebe, Stubbs etc a run out in midweek and keep everyone fresh for next weekend.
  19. carlmc25


    can there any be doubters left that 451 is our best system by FAR? I thought we'd play 442 today but as I've said all along, in a 451 our team is totally in a different league. We are playing some of our best football in years and even though we only have 1 up front we are far more attacking with this formation (and obviously far better in defence). These are exciting times for Everton, just a pity we had a few iffy results early in the season otherwise we could push for top 4. Just let in a soft goal though, 3-1 now. We need to push on second half and get another goal, I thought at 3-0 we would bring on Gravesen and AJ but now we'll probably keep the same team until late on unless we get a 4th.
  20. carlmc25


    I agree, I think it may be 442 today and if so that team looks about right to me.
  21. didn't Shearer say he wanted it a couple of weeks ago, if he has his badges then he's odds on for the job imo.
  22. I wouldn't exactly say Gordon was an 'awesome' signing, he paid about £10m for him, you'd expect a good goalie for that amount - for my money Howard is the awesome signing, equally as good (if not better) and probably about half the price. Keane isn't in the same boat as most other promoted teams, how many other managers who have come up from the Championship spent the money he has? I think spending that money they should be expected to stay up without too many difficulties, yet they look unbelievably poor. Let's just hope Everton do them over on Sat!
  23. carlmc25


    sunderland are poor so we need to win this one. I think (if fit) Vaughan may start alongside Yakubu to really get at them early and try and get a couple of goals, this is the type of game we can play 442, especially with Vaughan creating havoc. I can see us getting 3 or 4 and Arteta getting back to form. COYB!
  24. not overly concerned by Irvine leaving, as long as morale isn't affected too much. I can't really remember too many players we've bought/ brought through who have become much better players in their time here and we've only been successful playing one formation, can't seem to defend a corner this season etc. He's done a decent job but like others have said, I'd like to see some new ideas brought in and a bit more attacking flair and better defensive organisation while we're at it!
  25. I thought Lescott, whilst looking a bit nervy with the ball (5 yard pass man) was fairly solid and didn't do a lot wrong, he got in a few good positions to clear crosses etc. None of the goals were his fault, the 2nd goal he was possibly slightly guilty of by losing the header on the halfway line etc, but in reality it was Sol Campbell who looked like an absolute bona fide donkey, he's totally lost his pace. Wayne Bridge was absolutely abysmal, stonewall 1 out of 10 performance, and Micah Richards wasn't much better. Carson was to blame for at least one of the goals, as was Sol Campbell. The whole team, Crouch aside, were useless. Gerrard put in the worst captains display I've ever seen, I've always thought his performances for England were lacklustre but last night he was a disgrace. The pitch was heavy tho, every single cross we put in (Beckham's cross for the goal and one from Wright-Phillips aside) didn't beat the first man - reminded me of our match against Nuremburg when Arteta had the same problem on a heavy pitch.
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