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Everything posted by carlmc25

  1. bang on, as far as I'm concerned - behind Wenger and Ferguson Moyes has proven himself to be up there with the best managers in the Premier League. He has done a fantastic job and even his substitutions are now starting to make sense, he is our main asset as far as I am concerned, not Arteta or Lescott, but Moyes. I do think we can finish 4th, particularly now we've been knocked out of the FA Cup. Liverpool are on the slide, they are suffering from a lack of motivation as now their season boils down to a battle for 4th, which is the worst they could have realistically expected at the beginning of the season - they will be feeling the pressure, unlike Everton who had no expectations of finishing 4th (due to playing in various competitions) and suddenly we are looking about the strongest of all the teams. No way will City last the pace, like Blackburn they just aren't good enough all round to keep winning game after game. I don't think Villa are either, but they are a lot more solid all round than either of the other 2 rivals behind us so I think they could push us and Liverpool if the wins dry up a bit. We just need to get through this current patch whilst African Nations is on, if we can do that and still be level with Liverpool or thereabouts then I think we can have a big time crack at it, especially as pretty soon Liverpool's minds will once again be on the European Cup. Fernandes could make a massive difference in January, with Osman coming back then we can put him out on the wing (until Pienaar returns) and get Fernandes into the Osman CM role in the 451. We just need Vaguhan or AJ to start firing as we look solid everywhere else and have options in virtually every other position. Some big players of ours haven't even hit top form yet - Arteta, Vaughan so once they do we could really be flying. As far as I'm concerned, and I've believed all along - once we signed Yak - we're the 5th best team in the country and there isn't much in it between us and Liverpool, especially when their manager hasn't got a clue in the Premier League. Yet you still get Liverpool fans who tell you that not a single Everton player would get in theiream, it's funny how much better than us they are yet we're level on points and would have been ahead if it wasn't for Clattenburg.
  2. sorry, didn't obviously mean to say buying Downing at this stage in his career would mean we've got a Beckham at his peak. I was just making the point that, whilst pace is usually the major attribute associated with quality wingers, it's actually the quality of the delivery that makes the goals. We've all seen SWP in particular waste so many good positions with his poor final ball, in fact SWP is another player who has looked way out of his depth (imo) when playing for England.
  3. more like 100 times the player, even Kilbane was better than VDM. Downing at one stage was one of the most promising players in the country, he didn't play well for England (although on his début against Greece I seem to remember he set up 3 of the 4 goals we scored) but then again either has Lescott, Gerrard normally plays poorly etc etc. He was injured fairly badly in 2006 and took a while to recover and unfortunately I think he just needs to get out of Boro as he's obviously not got his heart in the club anymore. His crossing has always been his major attribute and he is not slow at all when I've seen him. People forget that Beckham couldn't beat a man, had little pace and wasn't the worlds best tackler, yet he was the best crosser I've ever seen and set up more goals than most of the rest of the wingers in the premier league put together. If we sold McFadden and brought Downing in for the same money I'd welcome it. Yes he may be a risk, but he's young and hungry and he does have some class about him imo. If you just look at the some of the articles written about him in the last couple of years then you can see he is highly rated. I wouldn't want to spend big money on him, but if Moyes did think he was good enough then I'd trust him.
  4. interesting, I had no idea. don't Inter Milan have about a 50 man squad, they must have some seriously frustrated, not to mention out of shape, players!
  5. VDM is still twice the player Downing is? are you being serious? Downing would probably go for about £7m, we can't even give VDM away. VDM must be about the worst signing Everton has ever made, he's an absolute joke. Downing may not be a world beater, but Moyes would snatch off Southgates arm if he offered us downing for VDM and Southgate would most likely be collecting his P45 later the same day.
  6. totally. In fact, it's now getting to the stage (if Manny is indeed signing) where we are actually looking VERY strong in the CM area (in a 451) and it's now the wings we need to look at strengthening - particularly if/when McFadden goes. Osman didn't really excel on the wing like he has in the middle, so that really leaves us with Pienaar (still only on loan) and Arteta as our only realistic options. If Moyes does sell McFadden, especially with Pienaar at African Nations, then I can only assume he is eyeing up a winger. That being said, I'd still like to see another class CM brought in to give us the realistic option of playing 442 - although some of the football we've played this year in a 451 has been brilliant, just imagine how good it could get with Fernandez pulling the strings as well and Baines fully fit bombing up the wing.
  7. the guy has totally lost his confidence at Boro and needs to move, but a year or so ago he looked an excellent prospect. Both Arteta and Pienaar weren't exactly flavour of the month at their last two clubs but Moyes saw the potential and signed them. I definitely think Downing will be too pricey for Moyes to go for him, but I do think he may turn out to be a very good player. I know youtube can make anyone look good, but I found this and it's the type of stuff I remember Downing producing fairly regularly a year or two ago. He's better than VDM and McFadden on the wing.
  8. he was really poor against us in the recent match but in the past he has also been very impressive on occasion. I would be disappointed if we spent big money, but if we could get him for a decent price then I'd personally give him a chance. From memory, he can be an excellent crosser of the ball and a genuine left winger. Be competition for Pienaar at least. As I say, it would have to be a reasonable price (which is unlikely).
  9. excellent, well thought out posts gjeess. I agree with a lot of it, but I will come back to my favourite reason for the malaise which has affected our team this season when playing against the big boys - 442. We have played 451 once against the top 4, and guess what, we got our only result - a 1-1 draw away at Stamford Bridge (although we have undoubtedly been unlucky on other occasions where mistakes cost us big time). We actually didn't play particularly well on the day (most likely due to our midweek exertions in the UEFA cup) but we still ground out a result. The problem in the other matches (midweek is the finest example) is that we undoubtedly had big players missing, particularly in the midfield (although Chelsea were without a lot of their best players as well) but our midfield was nowhere near as strong as Chelsea's and for the first goal in particular they just walked through the middle of us. The midfield is where games are won and lost in general, ok sometimes luck or defensive howlers can win a match, but in general whoever controls the midfield and possession wins the match. Everton are unbeaten this season when playing a 451 and we have played our best football in years as we've been able to get a lot of possession with this formation and we now have the players in Pienaar, Arteta and Osman who can pass the ball around and move into space. With Fernandes arrival also hopefully imminent this should make us even stronger. I honestly think if we had've had a fully fit team, playing 451 this season against the top 4, we would have gotten a lot more results. Hopefully we'll prove that in the second leg at Goodison, Everton are no longer a long ball team - but on occasion, as you rightly pointed out, we panic and have this defend what we've got mentality, even when playing against 10 men without a striker on the pitch.
  10. I agree that we may see him involved as assistant coach or something first, possibly in the England/Newcastle set-up - that would seem the logical step. I doubt any manager of Newcastle would welcome having Shearer in the backroom though, waiting to take over if there's a few bad results!
  11. I understand the logic, but imo you're either a good manager or you're not. Lots of managers look good in the lower leagues or with the lesser teams (Peter Taylor, Mike Walker, Neil Warnock) but then they can't handle it when you need more than motivational skills - like an eye for a player and tactical nous. Obviously some managers have come through - Moyes, O'Neill, but by the same token some managers have gone straight into high profile jobs and done well - Dalgliesh, Keegan, Paisley. I think you either have it or you don't - I can't see a guy like Alan Shearer, probably on a big wage with the bbc taking a wage cut to go and manage a team like Hartlepool. I can't imagine Shearer ever managing a small club, he's too big for that.
  12. and sometimes it's better to stand up for what you believe. Anyway, can we just get back to the football rather than how unpopular I am.
  13. look I get it, you hate me. Can we move on because I've got better things to do like talk about football rather than get personal with people I've never met. edit: I only blew my own trumpet as I was getting flak left right and centre and people calling me an idiot, I just wanted to defend myself.
  14. I would assume that Moyes must be one of the most higly sought after managers in the league, outside of the top 2-4 managers (Wenger, Ferguson and probably Benitez - also Ramos due to his success in Spain) due to the way he has built a young and ever improving Everton team. I can't see him going anywhere yet and when he does, I think it will be a big club.
  15. yes I know it was you, after all it was your post that I quoted? can't be bothered getting involved in another argument as you're obviously looking for one. I made a fair point and I posted because I disagree with you, everything I said I 100% believe - it just so happens I don't agree with a lot of what you say and I'm sure the feeling is 100% likewise, it's nothing personal so why the bitterness? Not to rile you anymore, but I actually thought Keegan and Robson did make a go of it, certainly Keegan.
  16. really wonder what Moyes will do, he must have a selection headache at the moment, I can only assume he will look at Fernandes in training and make a decision - I mean the guy hasn't been injured has he? he just hasn't been playing much, but I assume he's been playing for the reserves in which case he's not going to get any fitter until we play him! Cahill hadn't played all season but because we so desperately needed him we chucked him straight back in and went on an 11/13 game unbeaten streak, Fernandes could play - that would be seriously exciting!
  17. everyone loses some games. Shearer is a bona fide hero, and rightly so. Newcastle are in the pits, they've wasted shedloads of money, they've only got a couple of decent players on their books (and their best player is always injured) and they are basically a rudderless ship going nowhere. It can only get better in reality, put it this way - if you gave me the option of being managed by Glenn Roeder, Graeme Souness, Sam Allardyce or Alan Shearer I know who I'd pick 100 times out of 100.
  18. right on, if only he had pace (and sometimes his first touch leaves something to be desired) he could've been brilliant.
  19. it would be a risk but I think Shearer could actually be a brilliant manager and is exactly the type of manager the Newcastle fans would love. To say he needs to start somewhere like Hartlepool is wide of the mark imo, Kenny Dalgliesh started at Liverpool and he did alright. Shearer seems an intelligent guy, I half hoped he would get the England job! I can't see anyone wanting the Newcastle job (unless there is big money to spend) so I think Shearer is about the best they could do. He apparently has ruled himself out of the job though anyway, but we'll see!
  20. yep, and hopefully they'll drive each other on to producing the goods. Like with Yakubu/AJ, Manny will have Osman breathing down his neck so he'll need to produce consistently to stay in the team.
  21. the only slight concern is that City won their last away game I think! but yes, I don't think City are that good, we could do with getting back to winning ways. I think you may be spot on, hopefully Neville will be RB as he is by far and away our best RB, then get 5 into midfield - it's just a question of who. If Manny isn't at all match fit then I would also bring Baines in and put him on the wing, but then I'm not exactly thrilled with the idea of McFadden in CM, unless he moves him to the RW and Arteta into CM but then, imo, we have far too many players out of position and I think Arteta needs to be on the wing. I think there is a possibility Neville will be in CM and Hibbert will be RB, hopefully not but that's what I can see happening. Actually Baines will almost certainly be LB as Yobo is out and I can't see Moyes pairing Stubbs with Jags?
  22. on paper I don't think there's much in it, but in reality Carsley, whilst brilliant in a 451, is not very good in 442 and that then has a knock on effect and I think Fernandes game will also be affected. Add Cahill to that midfield and I think our midfield is stronger.
  23. depends how fit he is, if he's fit then I'd start him. Our record this season with 442 is poor, we'd be in the bottom half of the table, in 451 we're unbeaten - we need to play 451, if Fernandes is fit (or close enough) then I'd play him as a nearly fit Manny and a well oiled 451 is better than an ineffective 442 with two strikers who get no service (see Chelsea first half). If he's way out of shape then obviously not, but I'd still play 451! That being said, I think Man City are in a false position, I really don't think they're that good. As for Jags at RB, Yobo is at African Nations so I assume he will be playing at CB in his place with Lescott and Baines LB. To be honest, Jags has looked very shaky at RB so I'd rather see Hibbert there, he may be rubbish on the ball but he doesn't very often get beaten 1 on 1. Jags isn't much better on the ball anyway and lacks pace imo. He looks like he may make it at CB after some excellent performances (couple of mistakes and positional questions aside) but everywhere else I've seen him play for us he looked poor.
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