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Jimmy the blue

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Everything posted by Jimmy the blue

  1. It seems that Citeh have laid machine gun bids round Europe for Villa, Huntelear and half a dozen others. I feel football may well be entering its death throws with all this money flying round, it will be those with and those without, guess where we are? I will scream if I hear the name of fucking Berbatov again tonight, in fact I may just go to bed and ignore the bloody world.l
  2. We have threads asking for the truth about what went on......................to date no one knows and I very much doubt if the truth will fully emerge until these events are covered in some ones biography. Sell the club, who to, simply question that no one can answer as in the full light of day we are not an attractive proposition, old stadium etc. Yes Citeh were bought again today, look at Newlands and the sum involved. Any one investing will want aq new ground with all necessary expansion areas to it thus ruling GP for good I find it strange how some of you scream for BK to sell but when he tried to make the club more attactive by building a new stadium what did he get, abused by all en sundry. Before demanding this that and the other stop and think about the practicalities, wanting is one thing, we all do, realising those needs is another matter entirely [all i want to know is how much has Moyes got to spend?has he got any? If rumours are to be believed we were forced to repay the Green loans, that is why Wyness pissed off. Yes we will have money in from Aj but that will be in dribs and drabs it is not a lump sum up front. As I said it will all come out in someones biography in years to come
  3. Wind up, without doubt a wind up other wise any one know a hit man
  4. Bloody holiday business gets you always up mate, could still be OK if it has cleared. I heard from my mate before, they missed the worse of it, had a prolonged storm instead with absolute torrential rain. He tells me that yet another Tropical storm Hanna is on its way
  5. We have threads asking for the truth about what went on......................to date no one knows and I very much doubt if the truth will fully emerge until these events are covered in some ones biography. Sell the club, who to, simply question that no one can answer as in the full light of day we are not an attractive proposition, old stadium etc. Yes Citeh were bought again today, look at Newlands and the sum involved. Any one investing will want aq new ground with all necessary expansion areas to it thus ruling GP for good I find it strange how some of you scream for BK to sell but when he tried to make the club more attactive by building a new stadium what did he get, abused by all en sundry. Before demanding this that and the other stop and think about the practicalities, wanting is one thing, we all do, realising those needs is another matter entirely
  6. Shit, bollocks, bastard why are we so bloody jinxed......................................gutted in a big big way
  7. Cardiff are in for Fulhams midfielder Andre Smertin, could mean they will allow Ledley to move
  8. I'd pay his ticket if it ensured he steered clear of us
  9. If somebody is susceptible because they are nervous, or in a eerie situation, its quite easy to scare the shit out of them, try it.
  10. Its nice to know that he has gone training at Newcastle this morning, bus left at 10, seen on SSN. I hope it diverts and stays lost until about one minute past midnight tonight
  11. Bollocks, I thought it was DIC now I'm one shit PS, Citeh are in for Berbatov, just annouced on SSN
  12. Many years ago I was convalescing at Arrowe Hall which was then a NHS home. Its a very old building with oak paneled walls and a oak straw way leading to a balcony that allowed you to look down at the floor below from the first dormitory's. I had suffered a burst appendix which could easily have killed me in those days and I had drains coming out the side of my body. At night I was allowed use the toilet which was situated over the other side of the balcony. It was about two in the morning when I came out of our dormitory and looked down at the stair way that rose up to the landing opposite to where I stood. I watched a pillar of smoke/steam glowing rise up the stairs and move across the balcony opposite and disappear through a paneled wall. The next thing I knew was the night nurse coming up and asking if I was OK, she asked if I had seen the ghost. In all honesty I can't say that I saw a ghost, I say a pillar/column of some vapour like substance, it had no discernible form. Was I afraid, no, has a ghost ever hurt anyone apart from a Hollywood crap story. By the way Most Haunted is the biggest load of junk on the box, scream scream and scream again some will believe, its hilarious
  13. The Americans are in big financial problems and today DIC has bought Citeh, shows you what a new ground can do. Liverpool fans have to realise that their suppose safe net of DIC taking them over cannot happen now and they are more in shit street than we ever knew how to be. A joint venture is the only reasonable way forward for all concerned
  14. This must be the best news we've had in a while, DFIC have bought Citeh and therefore cannot buy the shite now. If the Yanks go tits up financially it will mean very hard times at Analfield
  15. Has any one ever experienced a hurricane. This one has just past over Cuba where a good mate mine and life long Blue has been working, he's a holiday rep manager (piss artist in other words) and despite trying to contact him for the last four days no response has yet to be received suggesting lines down etc. I honestly think that I'd like to experience a storm like this but I'm not that sure I feel very sorry for all those poor folk trying to scramble their way out of New Orleans leaving all possessions behind without knowing what will be there when they eventually return. I think every Republican supporter hopes that the levies hold otherwise Bush will be battered as they apparently penny pinched on the rebuild from Katrina
  16. You could well be right but by then costs will be spiraling. DIC are not noted for investment in playing staff either
  17. Its a pity some of the Liege fans aren't about as they could add their comments. If he's that good it could help us through this coming UEFA game, who are we playing??? That same Beeb column says that we are back in for Smith as well, bollocks, I just do not like him and don't want to see him in blue
  18. Whenever I see your posts I'll think of those bloody shorts
  19. I'm going three as well the two mentioned above plus Larsson. The Barcodes have fewer players than we do right now so thank God Smith will be staying where he is. SSN clock says 24 hours to go
  20. Your right Mike, none of the reasons he gave add up, and he knows it . I'm sure, at the end of the day it will be his head on the chopping block bearing in mind he has a list of enemies already <_<
  21. Nice post mate and I totally agree
  22. Have no fears lads he won't be playing in the middle he'll be in at left back
  23. I'm suggesting that we will win the league next year mate
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