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Jimmy the blue

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Everything posted by Jimmy the blue

  1. Any one got a vid link please ? I think we'll edge it by the odd goal. One of the kids to pop one in today
  2. As I said I think the picks will be Casey and Clark, Faldo wouldn't want Monty beating his appearance and winning records would he I agree Mike the USA will be a different proposition with out Woods, with him in the team you have to take his entire entourage as well. I never found Tigers attitude to the Ryder Cup to be particularly inspiring as is it a coincidence that their side have done nothing ever with him in the team? That said I can't see us losing to be honest, our players are more used to the formats from amateur days than the Uni Graduate US sports stars who only ever play medal
  3. A good win today and you'll be saying 'bring them on'
  4. Who do you think will be picked by Faldo tomorrow, my choices are Clark and Casey. The media are starting a pick Monty campaign but IMO the warhorse has had his day. Others in the frame include Poulter, who has taken his ball to play stateside, Dougherty who I don't think is good enough, Peterson who is good enough having won on the US tour but Faldo seems to have ignored and some of the very good Scandinavian players Who do you think will get the Faldo nod?
  5. The aim of this thread was not to suggest that Howard was a weak keeper or that Turner and Ruddy were not up to it but to highlight what has gone wrong with our club financially. It seems in a matter of weeks we went from needing an experienced keeper to that need to become a forgotten matter. The only reason I can see is that yet again unless the animal is free we can't afford him. We had been strongly linked with the young Peterborough keeper who had been called into the England squad but now not even a mention. It is all symptonmatic of no funds being available, remember we have not as yet been told why Wyness resigned it is being accepeted as a bland resignation. The startling thing as far as I am concerned is Moyes plan for an experienced keeper has apparently been dumped without a ball being kicked, Turner and Ruddy are no better or no worse than last season. Where has the money gone enabling our manager to complete his plans?????????????
  6. We have all made comments about the lack of financial out lay this summer and postulated as to whether or not we have money. Not long after we released Wessels DM pointed out that a good understudy was essential to push TH but no signing has been made? If we do have cash why haven't we signed someone or have we suddenly found lost faith in Turner and Ruddy? This may seem a minor point but in view of DM's comments and the fact that we had that Portugese lad Victor something or other, who got chased many weeks ago we would have made a signing by now. If we had the money DM would have fullfilled his wish as decent keepers have a premium and don't come as freebies since we managed to get Nigel Martyn for sod all
  7. Thanks Stefan, I'm looking forward to seeing him play more than any of the others mate
  8. I never even remotely suggested that believing Standard had an excellent chance of bring down Rafa's house of cards, which they nearly did. As DM says I think we can beat them
  9. and I came on here to be cheered up, shit
  10. There is an old Irish mate of mine who will be over the moon if this came off, imo he was about three yards a minute slower than Lee Carsley and he whinges like fuck. We could get by with out him but its feet in shoes we need and he is an experienced Prem player. By the cringe DM and BK are doing some window shopping this week, about two months late but hey ho
  11. No one here wants to see Rafa lose his job, honest, he's doing great
  12. You can imagine Joey and the Yak calling him 'get your arse over here boy this palce rocks' or words to that effect. God willing the work permit will go through before Villians and Barcodes try and pinch him
  13. My memory may be wrong but didn't we pay £2/3 mil for VDM on deadline day, do yourself a favour and look at his career appearance record at all clubs, it is a disgrace. My comaparrison to Saha is real as Louis has not played a full game for nearly a year. I trust Moyes but he got stung by the idle Dutchman and I don't want similar with this guy, not every bargain is worth it. Saha on his day is very good, can you tell me when he last starred in any game my memory isn't that good?
  14. I wonder how much our Nigerian contigent influences this lad?
  15. 606 Evertonians are saying that DM has told Radio Merseyside that we have signed him on a free (surprise surprise ) I would expect that we have paid his contract up at Utd or similar. The last time we made a signing of a player like this it was VDM and just look at the drain on our resources he turned out to be, we can't give him away and I understand DM can't stand the sight of the bone idle bastard round the club. To the guy who said 'I don't give a shit about VDM's injuries, I do as should all other hard working blues as he is drawing nearly £1 mil pa from us
  16. I would feel worlds better if we got this lad. My Welsh mater has raved about him for ages saying that when he is sold we should be in for him, fingers crossed he would cost about £5 mil
  17. Well I'm pleased you liked it, it was meant to be in part serious after you played them off the park both at home and in the cesspit. You now face us, a shame for you to be beaten by both Merseyside clubs Joking to one side you play good football, clear crisp passing from players with vision, I look forward to our meeting with your team and having a good game PS a letter will follow nearer the game
  18. Although meant in jest I do agree with you Licker but then thats a whole new can of worms especially in the light of developments on both new ground proposalsB)
  19. He's a placebo for not getting their stasdium on time
  20. When ever is VDM fit, please tell me. Saha does have a poor work rate, always has had hence he does not meet what I believe to be Moyes criteria. Everyone on this board wants the best for our club and I don't think this guy is and I bet many Utd fans feel happy at his departure
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