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Scottish Red

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Posts posted by Scottish Red

  1. Not remotely. Because of my personal opinion on the relative psychological strengths of the two men. Wenger and Mourinho were/are most certainly strong enough to cope with him. Keegan and Benitez aren't (IMO).



    Sounds like a classic case of OCD to me :) .


    I have OCD :(


    And I still think the pressure is on the Mancs. They haven't won their games in hand yet. A bad result today and they are back to where they were.


    That's not to say we weren't woeful yesterday. It was a typically frustrating Liverpool performance. I had a feeling we'd drop points here when I looked at the fixtures weeks ago though. Rafa's talk had nout to do with it.

  2. Benitez' composure is skin deep, he always appears to be on the verge of tears when he thinks thinks are going against him...he has to work hard to look composed....which means he ain't composed at all.

    He has a point but he should never go head to head with Ferguson, only ever going to be one winner.


    Because of what happened to Wenger, Mourinho and Keegan, right?


    Rafa is a different beast to all three of these. He has a degree of sports psychology so knows what he's doing. Accordign to the Post he was preparing this for 3 months. Panic? I doubt it.


    The pressure is all on the Mancs and they know it. It's us on top, not them.

  3. Let's take that sham ........ and jumble it up a bit :P

    Direct Shots ?




    Doc Shitters ? :lol:


    Or Grarghsies could be ' sir gags her ' :D


    Or just to keep on topic :)


    Steven Gerrard - red rents grave .... ahem ;)


    red rents grave eh? I'd think of some Everton ones but it's not really my forte. Plus I can't be bothered. ;)


    Doc Shitters? :lol:

  4. Obviously Fergusons mind games are working :lol:


    Maybe Moyes should try some ahead of our double header next week......things like how can an a striker starved, skint team beat the table topping, mega spending luckypool captained by the best player in the world?


    Rafa, you just cant lose next week.....can you!


    Mind games? Did he f*ck expect this. Absolutely loving it! They can't say the pressure is getting to us because it's us that are top of the league.


    Even a few Mancs I know had to admit that this was absolute "pwnage". The refs are going to be more careful in the Chelsea game now. It was a really clever tactic.


    And Keegan moment? Keegan was almost in tears in his rant (Although I love his passion). Rafa looks composed and he was prepared with that statement so not at all.

  5. Scottish Red are you also registered on here (TT) as Jonny?


    Nah. Although I am a Jonny.


    And I just saw that, yeah, whitemartin. In my comment of ya I thought you were someone else I know though :lol:


    But I'm obsessed with Muse and have been for ages. Porcupine Tree I've loved for about 6 months.

  6. Me and a few mates have been piecing it together.


    First of all there's a video online that you can see.


    Second of all, I can't come across as someone who knows it all as I'm in scotland. But someone close to the club reported on the forum; a trusted member; that this was the case. Two trusted members actually (And another on RAWK although I don't trust RAWK as much)


    However Thirdly, this merely confirmed what many of us suspected from reading various versions of what happened and analysing the CCTV footage.


    What is certain is that he was acting out of self defence.

  7. For me , it's nothing to do with being a red .

    If he's guilty of assault , I hope they throw the book at him . Guys who go around intimidating people , or attacking people are scum , no matter who they are , and deserve all they get ... plus some .


    If he's innocent , then I hope justice is done , and whoever was guilty instead gets the punishment , and Gerrard rightfully walks .


    In either case , his position as a professional shouldn't come into it , nor should it sway any enquiry .


    Regardless what happens , he should be sent off and publically flogged the next time he sees fit to mistake the penalty box with the public baths :)


    Brief argument.

    The fella literally ran at Gerrard.

    Gerrard smacked him once in self defence as any sane person would.

    The guys a big lad so Gerrard's mate jumped to his defence and bottled him.

    Minor injuries.

    That's it.


    Stevie's not intimidating anyone. It was self defence.

  8. No you wouldn't, there was the famous 4 -4 ties in the early 90's (?), which was a replay at Goodison following a no score draw at analfield.

    For the record Everton won the third game 1 - 0 at Goodison (Dave Watson).


    I think it's the first since then but could be wrong??


    Oh yes of course. They slipped my mind. But then we Reds tend to try and forget the 90s as much as possible.


    Just noticed that this match is on the 20th anniversary of Hillsborough. A really fitting tie I think. I hope no idiots on either side spoil it.

  9. I can't believe how people ie lfc and other international players are giving their support to Gerrard.

    If Gerrard is guilty of assault, he is no better than Joey Barton.They want the fame, they should learn to live with the pressure, without resorting to violence.

    Something obviously happened for him to be charged, so why are people giving him their support?


    I know through my red brother, that at least one luckypool forum have had posters already starting to talk about violence towards the assulted man and to his business!! :o


    Here we go again with the death threats!


    Duncan Ferguson was a very good player, but also a bit too handy with the old fists!......He did the crime and served the time.I know Everton kept his job open, but I for one would have been dissapointed with EFC had we openly backed him....or heard fans saying they wanted revenge against Duncans victim.


    If captain fantastic is innocent, then bloody well leave him alone!...........if he's guilty, serve your time mate!


    This is all so unfair......why can't the police just be as nice as the referee's to stevie?


    Four words:


    Innocent until proven guilty.

  10. Luckypool?


    United scraped yet another 1-0 win this week. For them it's the "mark of champions". For us it means "we've been poor".


    I've also been a little annoyed at the "Liverpool don't play attractive football argument". We were class and a joy to watch on Sunday whereas United and Chelsea scrapped their way to three points.


    It must be exciting for a neutral although I know Evertonians must be pretty split on the issue. Surely you don't want to see the Mancs win it AGAIN?

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