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Everything posted by thebluenose

  1. well according to the reserves manager (cant remember his name) he said that per aint good enough for the ressis let alone the first team. but i dont see DM selling anyone in this market as he would need everyman at the helm
  2. not from what i heard. not good enough for the reserves apparently
  3. looks like a good defence hibbert yobo ferrari goncalaves
  4. god all the RS people are claiming it was a great comback and they were a great team. fair enough it was a good comback but its LUTON they had to fight back against. so i think its rather embaressing for them. ps: hannah cheers for the updates
  5. yes osman come on. now either win this or take it home to Goodison
  6. told you we need BT up front
  7. id be ok with that team if BT was in instead of bent coz at least we would be up the pitch most of the time
  8. if he is signed i hope he aint another plessis or bosnar.
  9. soz for askin hannah but whats the coursework on. coz i dont do coursework for history in my school
  10. thin lizzy. god that must have been a show to see. phil lynott RIP
  11. yeah id have him on as a coach. could you imagine bellefield on a monday morning. dunc: right laddies today were gonna learn how to headbutt as well as well as scaring the shit outta wee twats called ferdinand
  12. i dont want him we need plaers yes but i personally dont rate him plus his injury recod doesnt help his case one bit
  13. saw queen in may however it prob wasnt as good as it was when dear ole freddie was alive
  14. dacourt was class when he was here first. wouldnt mind him being here for 1 year to boost squad numbers
  15. according to the official site he is on trial now. hope he aint a plessis or a bosnar
  16. wonder what reception he'll get. he scored loadsa goals for em but knowing dumbass millwall fans they'll give him a hard time
  17. in light of the zutons thread i wonder how many bands you guys have seen. ill start with: The darkness Velvet revolver Queen+Paul rodgers status quo
  18. good boost for the squad numbers. lets hope he carries on with the same form he had last season
  19. why dont you fuck off. manc twats (oasis not you)
  20. welcome to the forum. yet again im still one of the youngest here
  21. i saw that perfectly. i was so shocked with the sheer power on that shot. that would have been goal of the season if that went in
  22. i noticed for a while hibbo wasnt puttin in tackles like he used to. but yesterday he was putting them in left right and centre. he also went up alot more and i might add his distribution has improved alot. (stills needs work though)
  23. we have millwall next. field a strong tea, and get the win
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