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Everything posted by thebluenose

  1. id rather see turner as No1 keeper with someone like niemi on the bench or vica versa
  2. i hate smackheads. if they are sick enough to rob cathedrals and beat me up and steal my money for their habits. then i believe they should be comdemed to death
  3. i hope so too. i hate souness as much as i hate rooney
  4. and BT doing his mikel forsell lookalike competition
  5. time to get a bat of the baseball variety
  6. well he aint likly to die for a while as he has gone off the drugs and he has lost alot of weight due to the gastric bypass operation he had. plus he is also doing alot of excersise lately so i dont think he will die for a while
  7. he said to me he wanted to stay because all evertonians were good people
  8. hes got good english even though hes only been in the country for 3 months
  9. uk: the power-snap us: black velvet. allanah myles
  10. what a defence hibbert yobo kroldrup valente/ferrari
  11. well i think everyone can agree on this one. great save faddy (just dont try it again in future)
  12. see cahill's reaction to the given double save. really pissed off and frustrated. i think he should be given a few days off from training just to give him a rest
  13. godfish i like it. however i found another joke which i heard on radiocity. i missed the beginning so ill make part of it up: a seikh (spelling?) becomes prime minister of england. he makes up a brand new law which stops long prison sentances. the law is every criminal has to recieve 100 lashes from a nine tail whip. he goes to see the first sentance carried out. in the prison he sees a manc a scouser and a geordie. he says to them 'now because i ave good memories of your respective cities i will grant you all 1 wish' the geordie steps up and asks for a pillow to be tied on his back. he takes the punishment and after 20 whips the pillow is ripped off and he recieves 80 lashes. the manc steps up and asks for 2 pillows tied to his back. the 2 pillows rip after 40 lashes so he bears the other 60 lashes. the seikh goes to the scouser and says 'now i went to liverpool as a lad and i loved it. friendly people and good footy teams. i will grant you 2 wishes' the scouser says 'i want 300 lashes' the seikh looks at him with horror and says ' you are a brave man as well as an honest man now whats your second wish' scroll down the scouser says. 'iwant the manc tied to my back'
  14. i dunno why but i think the minute silence is a bad idea. granted we do it for the poor souls who died in the wars. but we seem to do it for everyone. ok i did pay respects to best. but i didnt hold a minute silence. the applause was a great thing to do. i think we should do more to respect people who died rather than a minute (or shall i say a 20 sec silence)
  15. well we got a few hopeful strikers coming through vaughn anichebe hopkins midfield we got sergeant vidarsson and goalkeeper we got ruddy
  16. if chelski are selling. wouldnt mind crespo on loan
  17. well i think that the FA cup is the perfect chance to see if turner is good enough. see how he does in it.
  18. i stayed for the vaughn goal. i was in the paddock shit view but had the best view for vaughns goal
  19. we are as good as west ham in producing youngsters
  20. ill never forget that because i was there when it happened
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