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Moe Joe

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Posts posted by Moe Joe

  1. F.A Cup and season is over, now it is pondering time!


    BUMP btw.


    Ok, first and foremost, Hibbert chokes against higher opposition. He's great against the mid-table side; against the top 4, he's shit. That's that. Horrible. He can tackle well but he is always off the pace and lacks confidence. Guus Hiddink knew he was a liability and that's why the Chelsea lot sent four men at him. Hibbert wouldn't be sold for much either, he's 28.


    Lars Jacobsen was much more composed, he would actually get the ball out of danger and attempt play. However, he needs a back up man.


    I say we keep Hibbert, but only play him when it is neccesary, not against top flight opposition. Jacobsen can't play week in week out and arguably, he is just 'ok', so here is my first priority.


    Starting XI Fullback or Back up Fullback


    Hopefully one that can play on the right or the left, as Nuno looks to be going and is aging. Kyle Naughton or Steven Taylor would fit the gap beautifully. However, we only have Baines on the left, and all in all, three centre backs. With money being tight, we need to get the most out of what we got. If the worst happened, if Baines got injured, we could revert Joleon to the left and bring in another centre back. Yobo lacks confidence and it will come back with time, but we still need back up. Mancienne would be nice back up.


    Back up Centre Back


    and hopefully


    Another Fullback, one to back Baines up


    This will fill any gaps in defence and protect us for the inevitable. But damn, at what price? Everton now have expectations, we have set a standard - it makes you wonder if the board pulls the money out to keep them. I think of it this way, if Baines and Lescott break their legs, what the fuck do we do? I'd expect to see our defence mentioned in transfer rumours the MOST over the next three months.


    Our midfield is great. Pienaar runs his heart out, Arteta holds up the ball well and at the moment his composure is missed, and Fellaini flicks on headers and is hard to mark (he suffered tonight because nobody was near his flick ons). However, Osman is a liability, and goes quiet in games. Our right side is our weakness. If we are going to challenge the top 4, teams such as Arsenal and Manchester United will take after Guus and attack our liable right side. Osman cuts in way too much and leaves the Right Back exploited too much; a right sided NATURAL winger would do us great, Osman can leave in the summer as he only shows up in 1 out of 5 games - he needs a massive overhaul.


    Right sided winger


    In the defensive midfield area, we are fine. Fellaini will eventually mould to that position (going up for corners too to get us goals), Neville fills it well as it is, Rodwell fills it well, and Arteta can fill it as well if need be.


    Up front, we don't want another striker crisis. Yakubu will be fit and he will be our main man. Awesome. James Vaughan is a very quick lad and will come through the ranks, eventually being striker number 2. Great. Anichebe is getting stronger and he has potential. Great. Louis Saha is sharp in 50 percent of his games, and he is also aging - the problem is, he will only get worse. After this, that leaves Cahill/Fellaini/Baxter to step up, I think we'd be better off with a number 4 natural striker, ye know, just in case. Someone like Jo (improving by the day). Hopefully not another Saha like Michael Owen.


    Natural Striker


    That is five things. I'm asking too much. Moyes must have a headache trying to piece together this stuff. :lol:

  2. Jo would have been an asset at Wembley today. His hold-up the ball play was dearly missed, he links with the midfield well and drops back (would have beefed us up). Although his finishing needs work (and trust me, it will improve, he can take a banger of a free kick), he will always support the striker and when Cahill inevitably goes, Jo may be able to step up.


    In my opinion, he'd be a great long term investment.

  3. I am so proud of our boys.


    You have to be gutted but you must look to the future.


    We were simply outplayed and lacked the creativity and sharpness in attack we have had in recent games. Moyes and the boys will come back stronger this year, I can assure, and next year lets break into the top 4.


    Gutted, sad, but love my blues.


    Wanna know what I hate? The broadcaster choosing Australian commentary.


    "Timmy Cahill iz too gud fo everton matey, he shud be playin fo real madrid"


    stick it up your arse you daft fucks.

  4. I was watching a few Standard Liege games, dating back to when he played for them.


    He'd go up for every free kick, every corner etc, for the fans to roar and the opposition to mark him like crazy. He was notorious for his jumping and his head. In the end though, in his season, he only ended up with 8 goals. He has 9 goals in 30 for Everton, a much better ratio.


    This has been from the delivery of Pienaar, Baines, Osman, Cahill (in FA cup) and hoofballs from Hibbert/Jagielka


    Imagine how much more he'd score if Arteta was fit, or hell, hypothetically and jokingly speaking, imagine how he'd handle a Beckham cross. :lol::rolleyes:


    I think that if Fellaini is given the perfect ball, balls not from Hibbert/Osman but from Arteta etc, he's going to beat his defender every time. That is quite a trait, and I think he will be leading the table and challenging the golden boot in coming years. Especially if we do end up with a LW/RW with a bang of a cross on him.


    What do you think? The potential, in my opinion, shines back like lightning.


    Edit: This may be a stupid thread but don't mind me; quivering and excited, I can't contain myself for the final.

  5. I want:











    Vaughan's pace will trouble Terry more so than that of Saha. The kid was the third fastest kid in Britain at the age of 13. Fellaini and himself will pressure the Chelsea lot in to making mistakes.


    Bring Rodwell for Hibbert, revert Nev to RB, place Saha on in the last 10. Maybe in ET bring off Fellaini, push Cahill up and bring on Castillo or Gosling for a run.


    Either way I believe in David Moyes. I wonder how Fellaini works as an impact player? hmmmmmm



  6. Earlier this season, well after the Wigan away game to be exact, I posted a rather scathing verdict (and I was hardly alone) of a disastrous performance and questioned where are season was heading.

    At the end of the post I also questioned the input of Steve Round and pondered was it the players getting used to his way or the other way around and whether or not he could cut the mustard at Everton.

    I am delighted that I, in ways, have been proved wrong and it appears that Steve Round has contributed immensely to the strong second half of our season.

    This may also be in evidence in the atrocious season that Newcastle United have had, maybe missing the input of Round, culminating in their relegation.

    David Moyes obviously holds Steve Round in great regard and it appears that they have gelled well as a coaching pair, true Round is not an animated character but maybe that mix of Moyes' touchline animation and the calmness of Round, it reminds me a lot of Wenger and Pat Rice, will form a great team and lead us to greater glories.


    I never thought of that. :huh:


    That is a very good point.


    Anyways the good thing with Round is that he knows the game well tactically. If he stayed at Newcastle they may have kept Ameobi on the bench.

  7. Some forum sites really do have some repulsive people on. I got alot of stick when I went onto the Sunderland board for the Talking To The Enemy section. Bunch of bloody narrow-minded idiots on there, there were a couple of good'uns there, but the majority just hurled abuse. The Spurs site I went to last week was probably the best i've been too. Very nice bunch. Good looking site too.


    The TTTA for the Chelsea F.A cup final won't house nice people, you should see some of their F.A cup threads; predicting 3 and 4 nil <_<

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