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Moe Joe

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Posts posted by Moe Joe

  1. We've beaten both Liverpool and Manchester United to get where we are. Our boys will treat this game how it is, the F.A cup final; we have more heart and desire while Chelsea had it all rested in the Champions League. Our boys must up the anti come May 30, Osman must play like his life depends on it and he must control his part of the pitch, I don't want to see Malouda of all fucking people beating him. Fellaini must hold up the ball and because he has made it without a yellow card until the final, he will be more aggressive and will hopefully pack a punch against Essein/Terry/etc. Pienaar and Baines' play will be marked as it has been our main attacking threat in the last two games against the chavs, so we must hope that Osman tries at least something with Fellaini down the right.


    No offense to Saha, he is a decent player, but we must play like we did when he was out; we simply just will not out play Chelsea and Saha can't latch onto the hoofballs as well as Jo, so we'll need to resort to set plays. (also rely on Fellaini/Cahill's flick ons)


    We're going to Wembley and we're going to put up a fight.


    P.S bring Vaughan on for the last 10 minutes/ET

  2. I think it's good business for Chelsea , but not sure he would give me the same confidence in our defence as Jags did .


    He is still a kid really , and looks a bit effeminate to make me believe he would be a hard man at the back .

    I mean jeez , the guy is almost kissable after 12 lagers and a curry :lol:




    I agree but at least it is back up and Rodwell will still be able to improve his midfield game before finally reverting to defence.

  3. Have you not noticed how often he gets caught offside? He's shit at breaking the offside trap for the most part.


    I've seen him get unlucky on a few occasions and at times he has been in line it was just poor refereeing. I'm going off the Chelsea away game look out how many times he got in front of Cech.

  4. i agree with every point, other than the one in bold haha, his speed is minimal if im to be honest, his positioning is getting better but he needs to work on his sprints with and without the ball, an area which needs improvement


    I disagree. I think he is good at breaking the offside trap and getting into 1 v 1 positions, it is just his finishing which lets him down, low and hard each time it is so predictable for the goalies. :angry:

  5. Selling Cahill would be a foolish move. If Moyes sold him I think I might punch him in the face. Just becasue a player is getting on it doesn't mean that we need to "cash in". IMO alot of players move to Everton as a career move, not a money move, and a career is what they will then forge, staying with us for the long haul. Cahill loves Everton, we love Cahill. Selling him is not an option.




    I change my opinion.

  6. By future , I'm talking about if he gets offered a contract .





    Yobo is the same age as Jacobsen .

    Howard is 30 .

    Cahill nearly 30

    Neville is 32

    Saha nearly 31


    Should we cash in on these players while the iron is hot ?


    Yobo - quick for his age and if he keeps up his fitness I can see him pushing out another 4 years.

    Howard - He's a GK and is still very fit, look at Schwarzer and he's in the later stages of age.

    Cahill - Definitely cash him in as he is becoming slower but he is very loyal to the club and I don't think we'd get as much as we'd want for him.

    Neville - He'll retire at Everton and become a coach, even so no one would really pay a reasonable amount. May aswell keep him happy and keep things easy.

    Saha - Would get very little money.


    In my opinion we should let the above remain at Everton as they are nearing retirement and wouldn't get much money anyway. One person which may be cashed in is Arteta who is 27 - he's in his prime and has a good 5 years left in him, I can see bids going over 20 million for him.


    I do think Fellaini is the replacement for Cahill though and Saha is easily replaced.

  7. To be honest when it comes to the DMC/MC part of our game I'd prefer Defour because even if Mariga came cheap we couldn't get a work permit like mentioned. 4.5 for Castillo is a waste in my opinion.


    Anyway I think Neville does the job well anyway but if he goes Castillo would be gone, thus, no back up. Furthermore Neville will retire in a couple of years and although Fellaini is the future, I see his hands on approach being too much for the Premier League's defensive midfield role and I see Moyes molding him into an AMF.


    Then again we're fairly versatile. Jags can play MF as can Rodwell but our squad is small enough as it is.

  8. Howard - Untested.


    Neville - Decent attacking outlet and good defensively.


    Yobo - Had a few errors but was mainly all around solid, these games before Wembley will do him well.


    Lescott - Didn't see him much and that was because he did nothing wrong. Did his job, good defending.


    Baines - As usual, comes up great with Pienaar. Although most teams see our left side as a weak link now - I can't fathom as to how many times the Spurs waited for that left side to be exposed, but hey, wasn't it great when Yobo ran the pitch and made that tackle? Anyway, crossing wasn't his best today, but it will be on May 30.


    Gosling - Didn't see much of him and he lacks a bit of pace, but just like Cahill/Fellaini, he's in the right place at the right time, unlucky to have struck the post and he was extremely composed to take that opportunity like he did. His all around game will improve, don't worry. I think his finishing is better than that of Osman TBH. :)


    Rodwell - He is a naturally a CB so of course he didn't offer anything in the attack but defensively he is a beast. I love it when the man gets past him and he just charges them down with his huge body, sticks his lanky legs around them, just barely missing contact, and leaves the attacker calling for a foul.


    Cahill - Stood his ground, good performance.


    Pienaar - As usual, he worked his bloody arse off. His end product is improving which is great and while not perfect, is better than it was 3 months ago. He is improving and that is vital for Wembley - I reckon he will rip Ivanovic apart.


    Fellaini - Typical Fellaini performance. Good flick ons, good holding up the ball, SOME meh passing. Did ok.


    Jo - Underrated performance. Jo is great at making forward runs and he was unlucky on a number of occasions to be called offside when he wasn't. He would have kept running just like the Chelsea game. His finishing is pretty predictable though, anyone notice he just strikes it left foot low right corner every time? :P


    Saha - Meh performance, couldn't even make a touch.


    Osman - Some good passes but seriously looked lethargic.

  9. What happened to Hibbert?


    Anyway, my line up going by worst case scenario of Osman AND Jacobsen being out.











    Subs: Nash, Rodwell, Vaughan, Wallace, Baxter, Agard.


    Best case scenario:











    Subs: Nash, Gosling, Rodwell, Vaughan, Castillo, Wallace.


    Nontheless, from now until the F.A cup final, we have to hope that One of the ones of our MAIN starting XI don't get injured, or we'll be seeing more of Wallace and Baxter etc. :/

  10. everyone is taking about a right sided midfielder.

    surely left is more of a priority! we have no left footed midfielders.

    id much rather we got a genuine lefty in, stick pienaar on the right. he does great with baines down that left, but he would add the creativity we dont have on the right, and bringing in a lefty would give us much better balance.


    as for jo, no thanks, shite (prove me wrong today jo)


    But what if City let Jo go on another season loan?


    Also, I agree with you on a left sided midfielder; imagine how a natural would link up with Baines! Sexplosion down the left for sure.

  11. Well, we have a pretty good striker that at the moment is 4th choice, and I think he deserves more, a loan to a PL club would be very good for him.


    I'm talking about Yannick Djaló, don't know if you know him, but you can take a look at him here:






    He'd be a great loan signing, a very quick lad.


    However he is very small and could never fit into the 4-5-1 with Cahill behind him. He'd play great in a 4-4-2 with Vaughan or Yak though, but the 442 is where we go wrong. :(


    Same build as Andy Johnson haha.

  12. Osman in top form is better than Gosling. However, at the moment, from recent performances, Gosling has looked twice the player Osman has and I don't give a damn if he's 19. Look at Vaughan, he's 20, Gosling is only a year off that - I think he should be looked into as I hope that IF ossie doesn't pick it up for next season, Gosling will start or we'll have a winger.

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