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Posts posted by CaptainFerguson10

  1. How do you know Moyes is more annoyed than any fan? That's meaningless speculation.


    How do you know it's not a problem on Valencia's end? Do you seriously believe Everton would make up that they've applied for a work permit for Banega?


    I've yet to see where Everton have officially commented on Bystrov. So far it's just been SSN and papertalk.


    Senderos had personal terms agreed. And Kenwright fully admitted than we were still negotiating the fee. That may or may not have fallen through.



    There are more logical conclusions than a co-ordinated "business strategy" as you call it.


    Firstly is moving to Kirby whilst not having the finances logical? Things don't always work that way, well at least with Everton. And speaking of meaningless speculation, where the proof for Senderos agreeing terms? Come on, let's not be a hyprocrite now.

  2. Keeping it simple, the most obvious hole is our lack of signings. You seem to think that the executives, directors and even Moyes are in on some sort of conspiracy to falsify transfers to placate the masses. Which is so completely ridiculous it's beyond belief. If a conspiracy was in order, much easier would be to sign 2-3 freebies on middling wages and come out on a PR campaign about how strong our team is and how we just needed some bodies.


    Conspiracy is such a tainted word, I prefer business strategy myself. Let's take the latest transfer news, the Russian Bystrov club saying his transfer is news to them, Bengera playing for his club last night while his manager said important players like him are going nowhere, and Senderos being 'signed' then unsigned due to differences in the fee. All of these stories come around times when either the club needs ticket sales or it's under fire, I would love for the club to prove me wrong but I seriously doubt that.


    They are tons of pass examples, if you want me to go on? And I believe Moyes tries his best to get them in, but he isn't in control of funds though Mr Kenwright is. Moyes is more annoyed than any fan, I can tell you.

  3. And if you look at YOUR history you'll see that all you do is moan about everything. You moan when we don't go for players. You moan when we go for non - European players. You moan that Everton mention deals on the OS. You moan when there is no transfer news.


    It's all getting a bit ridiculous. When there's any doubt or ambiguity in anything to do with this football club, you seize upon it and fill the void with the most senseless drivel that has ever been seen on this forum...


    And we've had some pretty impressive drivel recently.



    P.S. .. I quite like DangerMouse...


    Birds of a feather flock together, so I'm not surprised about that. I'm upset because it's ground hog day this summer, but only seemingly worse. If your happy with then it's up to you, because at least be accurate with what you say about me as most of what I say is credible, don't fall into the opposite of that thank you.

  4. To be honest, I'm not sure on this lad at the moment, reading what previous managers have said etc. he seems to struggle with life, as he had a 'difficult' childhood and cant settle outside of Argetina! I would really like us to sign this lad, even if he is cup-tied, he can play later on in the competition, providing we get there.


    My cousin got sent home from work in manchester the other day ,as they had to close the site he was on. As it wasnt his fault, the company paid for him to get the train back 1st class. He said he seen Moyes get on the train with everton staff and a young-ish lad with dark hair (not a current everton player). my cousin couldnt get close enough to hear them talking but he said they were going through files etc. I thought this may have been Banega but if he played last night, it mustnt have been him...wonder who it was, possibly an agent? This is genuine, and i dont want to get all the abuse of being a liar etc... i am merely adding to the rumour!




    Not calling you a liar, but why would Moyes take the train? Surely our finances can't be that bad that we couldn't afford a taxi/bus?

  5. Perhaps the most pertinent part of the link above is this ..........


    However, Spartak manager Valery Karpin told Sport Express that he knew nothing about any deal.


    "I only found out about this in the Internet, and I was very surprised," said Karpin, who is also club chairman. "There hasn't even been a hint of talks."


    From that it would appear that all the rumours were in fact just that!


    That's what I was afraid of.

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