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Everything posted by Matt

  1. came up on twitter, someone complaining etc.... Just thought Id share just in case
  2. very strange indeed, at least you got an answer though Mike
  3. http://www.thedailyt...ter-tirade.html No need for the insults from the barcode fans but : is this site a piss take site? edit: apparently so.... its been a long week
  4. errrr, what? What about the Norwegian dude who decided to attack people at a lake, theres dickheads everywhere. Dont want to detract from the tragedy but singling out 1 country annoys me. Anyway, wishing a speedy recovery to all and wishing the best to the families affected.
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2176218/Johnny-Heitinga-Spartak-Moscow-target.html 4.2m is an insult....
  6. aaah, thats where it was. Couldnt find it through the search!
  7. http://www.scribd.com/doc/62701660/Vibrac-Charge-190811 in case anyone is interested...
  8. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/stoke-city/9333978/Stoke-City-favourites-to-sign-Michael-Owen.html please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please ......
  9. Louis, you know the rules young man!
  10. i'd imagine that would get dry over that amount of time, no?
  11. Mark, Ten - thought of you guys! http://mashable.com/2012/07/19/3d-dark-knight-art/
  12. thats what the rumours are, we need this sale before we can tie Nuts down....
  13. is it being managed by Evertons FAQ? Sounds eerily familiar....
  14. the British broadcasting cockmasters not allowing British people to see their site? Thats insane..... Theres 5 pages of it so wont put it up. Amazing though!
  15. sorry to question you guys, but surely queuing to spend money on the possibility of winning more money is better than queuing to buy something harmful? Thought you didnt smoke anymore Mike?
  16. sugar crashes, especially those that hit you straight away.
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