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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Might be because it was a stupid choice in the 1st place and the only consolation was that he wouldnt be going.
  2. Except at this rate, Rooney will only be there for the ultimately pointless final game...
  3. not really mate, we wont be able to field a midfield to destroy....
  4. http://twitpic.com/show/full/9rctct
  5. people not saying thank you when you let them through, either doors or on the roads (chronic problem on the continent, you can always spot the English and Americans - they actually have some manners for the most part) people standing directly in front of the door as youre trying to get off the train/bus/tram. Even worse are those who try and get on whilst youre getting off. (actually saw a guy miss his stop because people getting on wouldnt let him off. At the next stop, understandably pissed off, when the same thing happened he growled, yelled and shouted so loud that people thought he was insane and quickly got out of his way. As we pulled away i saw his face - sheer self-satisfaction and amusement. He became a mini-hero of mine) people asking questions / for feedback then completely ignoring your answer / input even though it took you hours, days and even months in some cases to get everything together for them. Scooter riders. I actually saw an accident with a scooter the other day, felt nothing. Usually say a quick prayer at vehicle crashes, but all I could think of was "well he probably cut the guy up and got what he deserved". Didnt feel bad about thinking that either.... No issue with proper motor bike riders because they dont harass people, nip through traffic scratching paint work. They wait their turn to pass and if you give them room, usually say thanks which, as point 1 of this rant might indicate, is highly appreciated....
  6. Sent from a friend. Cant believe we only sold 200 of the away kit last season. Mustve been a typo for 2000..... Or the forum is misquoting: http://members.boardhost.com/everton-forum/thread/1338473606.html
  7. blue shirt with knee-high white socks.......... ...................................................................................................................................
  8. not so much odd news, but some amazing pics of some odd creatures: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthpicturegalleries/9265057/Igor-Siwanowiczs-pictures-of-praying-mantises-stag-beetles-and-chameleons.html?frame=2219027
  9. http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11669/7788211/Reds-stall-over-Rodgers-fee
  10. Not even sure how contractually that would work
  11. thats insane. Must only be for this kit though, I cant imagine there will be no kids/womens stuff going forward?
  12. I saw that, surely theyre releasing them later on!
  13. people. especially people who are usually smart but are being too fuckin lazy / retarded to do even the most simple of tasks. "when can we have a call?"..... JUST FUCKIN CALL OR CHECK THE eDIARY! Thats the least irritating question Ive received today. Also had someone turn up at 10h45, missing a meeting and ignoring all calls because he had to sort something out. Fine, but just tell me I cant get in touch with you then, i'll plan around it. Its common fuckin curtsy (though thats less and less common with each passing day). Also just found out that one of the instruction manuals I was hounded for weeks to make is not correct. Why? Because some fuckwit made a mass of changes to the system without any communication or approval so my 3 days work were a complete waste of time. Fuck it all today.
  14. do they get better sponsorship / image rights deals?
  15. all I can find is this:http://www.talksport...ney-sell-clause which means 120m / 4 = found this too: still around 25m i think?
  16. i agree, it was quick action that saved the lads live, stopping the game as quickly as he did was part of that. Seems like such a simple, common-sense task but you be amazed uncommon sense is.....
  17. http://p.twimg.com/A...Evdcn.jpg:large training kit! It is! all the stuff looks great: http://evertondirect.evertonfc.com/stores/everton/products/product_browse.aspx?category%7ccategory_root%7c10061=Nike
  18. few games a year isnt the same as a full season....
  19. 3 yr contract with 30m to spend (is the rumour at least). My money is hes gone by Christmas..... Oh and Martinez as our manager? The manager who has escaped relegation by getting his players to play the last couple of games reasonably in the past 2 seasons? Behave people. It was funny when he was linked with the reds, its down-right depressing linking him to us....
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