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Everything posted by Matt

  1. no mention of figures, but if they paid 3.5m for Becks, maybe 5m coming our way? Either way, should be enough for a Pienaar transfer.....
  2. Bit of a different attitude to "dream on" though mate, recognizing he needs the experience. Hes young and not the brightest (at least, how he comes across), but he could come good.
  3. ending up with 5 a side on a full size pitch after 120 mins of footy?! I know theyre fit mate but that'd be a push...
  4. hes 23, hes got plenty of time. Ossie didnt start to show signs til his early/mid 20s. Hes never going to be a world beater, I accept this. However, he can play on the right - no dreaming involved, hes done it before and for the majority of this season, hes been hampered by injuries. He can only get better if he is given time to play and coached well. All that said, he should not, under any circumstances, be considered our future RB in my opinion.
  5. i work in an international community Mike (87 nationalities in the project so far), I cant help it!
  6. if it wasnt meant to be bitchy, i apologise. Shitty day in the office... edit : and just as I write that, just had 2 weeks of vacation approved in June! WINNER!
  7. oooh, zing.... or how about that young french lad Maggie, impressive end to the season, can play left or right side...... Or, as you say, Coleman who is young and will only improve if he gets games when hes fit. Suppose you want an ageing American who has not played a full EPL season (just about half as season in 2 years) in his career ahead of developing youth that we already have on our books, who have played as well in just about as many games? It comes down to this - we have no cash. We might get enough for 1 player and that should be Pienaar (who is no spring chicken but has much more experience and has contributed much more than Lando). We will rely on our youth going forward and they should be given the chance. You could argue Donovan could come over and they could learn from him, but Im not sure theres nothing he could teach them more than Pienaar could. Lastly, Im worried that the same thing would happen as with Cahill - adored by the fans but starting to falter and the love is being tarnished. Can you imagine the disappointment in the team and fans if he didnt succeed?
  8. and from the man himself: even the OS is quick to announce it http://www.evertonfc.com/news/archive/2012/05/25/new-deal-for-distin
  9. this. Not sure I agree with people being desperate for him to fail though mate.
  10. Im sure it is too, but theyre not the 1st team to win on pens, not even the 1st english team - pretty sure he had nothing to say when Utd beat Chelski several years ago. Old fool....
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18190250 interesting! Hope theres loads of examples
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18205513
  13. http://www.totalfootballmag.com/premier-league/newcastle-in-battle-for-8m-rated-rodriguez/#.T79qPp8VLkY.twitter
  14. how long did it take you to work that out then Mike?
  15. pretty sure the average player has a wage per year that earns all TTs salaries combined...
  16. indeed it is. I put 1/5th in then realized it was 1/4 and forgot to remove the 'th'.... Sorry boss
  17. I like McEchran, but another youngster in midfield ahead of ours? no thanks. Lukaku needs to be given a chance and he could be good, but why would he come to us when he can get the Chelsea wages?
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