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Everything posted by Formby

  1. If you've been watching Everton all these years, I think you'll have seen enough pantomimes, comedies and tragedies. Standing on the stage isn't a theatrical term, as far as I know; I just meant there was nothing like taking in the atmosphere - seats et al!
  2. Nothing like standing on the stage. Hopefully, it will inspire her!
  3. The lad who plays Jean Valjean has an amazing voice, Steve - he'll go far, I'm sure. What's his name? Always been a fan of Les Mis. Your daughter's school has done an incredible job here. Well done!
  4. Thanks, Matt. You probably won't have heard of them - unless you're a crime aficionado! Wrote crime novels several years ago. Now write for YA.
  5. Aside from their tax avoidance and snooping, I object to their copyright infringement in relation to Library Book scanning, which has deprived authors of their already depleted sources of income (an issue that affects me personally).
  6. Gone back to it on political grounds - anti-Google!
  7. Not sure if it's related but I can't copy and paste from Word into this box, either.
  8. Hmmm, just trying that now, Romey, and still not able to - I can't even copy and paste your reply into this box!
  9. Can anyone clear up a technical issue for me? I am unable to use the QUOTE or MULTIQUOTE function buttons when replying to a topic. When I press either, it just goes to the Reply to this Topic box, but with no quote inside. I never used to have the problem and no changes have been made to my settings or the browser. Any ideas?
  10. Hi Mike, I'm not a regular poster, by any means, and have somehow managed to miss this thread. I am really sorry to hear of your ill health and hope you recover quickly. You are one of the stalwarts of the board and always come across well. Wishing you and your family all the very best.
  11. Ice hockey: I'll go with Sweden - best goaltender. Was a regular at the Manchester Storm when they played at the MEN. NHL games are amazing live - different experience on TV, but if you follow a team, no less appealing.
  12. No matter how much you’re irritated by holier than thou vegans, they surely pale in number beside the meat eaters who insist on asking vegans to justify their diet. Not sure if the aforesaid meat eaters ask Muslims or Buddhists to just their religion (probably not), but with veggies and vegans, it seems like open season to take a pop. Many informed and intelligent people eat meat; it’s a shame, then, that the only arguments vegans hear are of the ‘what would we do with all the animals if we didn’t eat them?’ variety. Who cares if you eat meat? Who cares if you’re a veggie / vegan? Live and let live. The only real difference between vegans and meat eaters is that vegans expend that courtesy to animals as well as people.
  13. Formby


    'Women, as some witty Frenchman once put it, inspire us with the desire to do masterpieces, and always prevent us from carrying them out.' (Oscar Wilde) I have, unfortunately, found that to be true. As I have this: 'All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That is his.' (Ibid)
  14. Moyes back? Never. One of those marriages where things may have been amicable but the fire had long gone out. After a few weeks apart, you realise how little you miss them. The Spanish hottie on the other side of the road may be on the hirsute side, but she talks a good game and is prepared to experiment with different positions. That's got to be worth it. Viva Roberto!
  15. Ramadan's in July this year. Wouldn't really affect a Premier League player till 2020 when it has moved back into April!
  16. Looking forward to seeing a more cultivated brand of football under Martinez: was very tired of the cheap plonk Moyes habitually served up. A nice glass of cava will go down nicely.
  17. Islam has a problem all over the world. It is being dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century and many people can't adjust. Christianity and Judaism have had longer to process change, going back to the Enlightenment. Most Muslims I know (including family) do act strongly, but what more can you do other than condemn and disassociate yourself?
  18. Sad to hear of Ray's demise yesterday. The Doors have been the soundtrack of a large part of my life. Rare to get a group that spanned the commercial and the artistic: that were quirky, literate, and yet had mass appeal. Ray's keyboard sound was massively influential. His meeting with Morrison on Venice Beach, immortalised in Stone's film, is part of rock'n'roll folklore. As well as a hugely talented man, he seemed a reflective and humble man with a great sense of humour. RIP
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