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Everything posted by Formby

  1. I wonder if that's a generation thing. Owning the book / vinyl, feeling the cover, reading the insert, was part of the appeal (for me, anyway). I'm not sure that's the case now. Getting old.
  2. High street bookshops are all in trouble. Sad for those of us in the writing business, as the switch to digital copies means it will be even harder to eke out a living. Books will go the same way as records.
  3. Really intrigued as to how many books people actually read on Kindle, as opposed to buying the 'real' thing and reading that. Has the eBook taken the place of the physical copy for anyone?
  4. This. If he goes to United and they manage to do something with him, good luck. He does nothind for us, bar getting injured.
  5. I think they would have been better with, Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth or, more pertinently, An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.
  6. May be a bit too far out the box, but I’m sick of defensive stuff. So I’d try: Howard Drenthe - (never understood why you can’t have a left-sided right back – gives us extreme pace and width here) - Distin - Heitinga - Baines Fellaini (to break the play up and distribute) Osman - Bily - Barkley (have them constantly rotating positions – get amongst opponents in upper third – all can shoot) Vellios - Anichebe (system would work great with a bona fide striker – sell Rodwell and invest to get one, please – but, if this is all we have, these guys would have to run the damn channels, hold the ball up and use their bloody size.) New Manager
  7. Formby


    Erm, so your view was based on what you heard...and those people 'who saw nothing of the game' (like yourself) - were basing it on...what? Were they guessing?
  8. Formby


    Absolutely - as these indicate: http://www.skysports.com/football/user_ratings/0,19768,11065_3472281,00.html http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/football/fa-cup/2011-2012/everton-tamworth-492976.html If you wear blinkers, you're only going to see what you want to see.
  9. Formby


    I think he took half our on-target shots. Nice back heel, too. Why do you single him out? Was the team a bag of shite or just him?
  10. Formby


    Wondered how long that would take. You've missed him the last couple of matches?
  11. Absolutely, she should go. If a white politician were to make an equally crass comment like ‘black people love to play the race card’, I would hope they’d do the honourable thing. The fact she’s allowed to stay on shows utter weakness on the part of the Labour Party.
  12. Bearing in mind the treatment of Suarez for his mindless racism, anybody else find it odd Diane Abbott stays in her job? Yet another example of the hypocritical double standard on the racial playing field?
  13. This season and large chunks of last season. Agree with all this. Those of you who wanted Bily exiled must be delighted in the upturn in performances since. Run out of adjectives to describe my disappointment, not just in the players (who, in most cases, just aren’t good footballers), but in Moyes, who has run his options, the team, his tactics into the ground. Hoping he does the decent thing and goes. He can take the dead wood he’s been using and build himself an ark. Perhaps, we can then bring in an attack-minded manager.
  14. It's okay. I think I must have mis-read your smiley. Wasn’t Evra part of that group of racists and homophobes in the French team who treated Yoann Gourcuff so disgracefully at the World Cup? Remember reading he was at the time. http://en.yagg.com/2010/07/08/france%E2%80%99s-world-cup-fiasco-and-now-homophobia/
  15. I think that's dodging the issue though, Mike. The question was whether you thought it would get the same response. In the NBA, Kobe Bryant was hit with a big fine and condemnation (and his comment was directed at someone who wasn't gay). http://www.suntimes....at-referee.html The question remains whether you feel, in this country, and football in particular, if you want to narrow the parameters, that a gay slur or a xenophobic slur would carry the same weight as certian racial ones? I feel they don't. I feel a lot of things are tolerated which shouldn't be.
  16. At the risk of sounding contentious, this whole issue with Suarez and Terry just shows how political the whole racism debate has got in this country. Would a hue and cry like this be given over any other racial term? Would a Pakistani player, or Chinese, or Arab or Jewish player be given the same column inches if they’d been the victim of a racial pejorative? Would anyone bat an eyelid if a footballer made a homophobic remark (America has made far greater strides than us on this, making sportsmen and women far more accountable). Would insulting someone’s religion, or bashing the Germans raise any more than a few smirks? I very much doubt it. Having degrees of acceptability and gradations of condemnation in regard to colour / sexuality / religion is absolutely farcical. All racism is ignorance and stupidity, and surprisingly enough, it can come from a white person, or an Asian, or a Chinese or, indeed, a black person. Of course, the BBC / media don’t like to advertise this because they’ve got a political agenda and their heads in the sand. They don’t want to hear what really goes on in Moss Side, Toxteth, Tottenham, or in those little Lancashire towns where white and Asian youth have running battles every weekend. Many things get said in anger and not reflect how a person really feels. It doesn’t excuse the comments Suarez and Terry made. Saying unacceptable things just shows up what we all are: flawed, nasty and often hypocritical. What it does do (depressingly) is show how far we are off resolving deep anxieties about race in this country.
  17. I'm sure he feels the same. I look forward to the replacement Moyes has in mind and wish him well, too.
  18. Table is in reverse. The Colts are the worst team in the NFL. Miami 9th worst (not best).
  19. Fair enough, but let me ask you this: do you think he's really getting the most out of our squad? Do you consider them all Corbetts and Trotters? Have we any decent players who aren't being used properly, do you think? And consider this, if he had money to spend, do you think his tactics would be any different - would he spend wisely? - or would he choose players that would fit into his system? I don't like his system (though I confess it has served us well at times). I think we need something (someone) else.
  20. Moyes definitely deserves our gratitude but he is not a high calibre manager (imho). People rise to the level of their incompetence. He's now found his. You can put this down to the money he'd not had or you can put it down to him. I favour the latter. That in way denigrates what he's done (which is considerable), just to say that i don't think he's the guy to take us forward. All we're wishing for is progress - on the pitch - and, based solely what's going on there, I don't think he's got anything left to offer us (his tactics are sterile, predictable, defensive, negative, uninspired, baffling at times, clueless at others). I'd drive him to the airport.
  21. In a word, no. We were playing Norwich and our master tactician is still at the helm. Let's see what he throws up on Wednesday against mighty Swansea.
  22. Harsh? Maybe. But plenty of others go missing without getting the same kind of flak. Arteta looked a dud for much of last year. Looks okay this year with Arsenal (because they play cultivated football, not agricultural hoofball). Moyes saw something in Bily, bought him, then didn't get the best out of him. That's a managerial failing. I also think it's tactical, though you may argue. I saw Bily play with Barkley in a pre-season game against DC and their one touch stuff was fantastic. Moyes obviously doesn't go for that brand of football. He never played the formation again.
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