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Everything posted by Shukes

  1. Naisy great work. Great run by Rom too to cause the trouble.
  2. Great effort from Lukaku. Good powerful running.
  3. Naismith has been the only one to play a ball through. Agree he shouldn't have started, but he's been our best player so far. After 15 minutes you actually saw Lukaku telling Naismith to drop back. I would still put Ross back on though.
  4. Looking at his face i think he's gonna do it himself.
  5. Well that was pretty bad. Barry has been dire, Mirallas all over the place...and not in a good way. Lukaku...in the changing room still. Only two players doing anything so far. Lennon trying. Naismith his usual self. Stones dreadful defending there.
  6. Funny but so far it's only Naismith that seems to be able to play a pass.
  7. Were missing Ross. He can gold the ball and change direction and pace. We're in too much of a hurry whenever we get the ball. Very lucky there.
  8. Not the start we wanted. But there's only 12 mons played, we have plenty of time. No panic stations.
  9. I used to moan at team mates for not pinging balls into me. My point was I could control anything they threw at me. But the players around me didn't have the confidence to fire them in...so I had to learn to adapt. Ross problem is that his brain see's things that 90% of hos teammates can't. He needs to adapt his game to play in a team.
  10. Two thirds of the team are out on loan. We've been playing out under18s pretty much all season.
  11. It's also nice to see the club supporting the most loyal players.
  12. The game has sped up in leaps recent years though and this is why we don't see many 16 year old wonder kids. Has Lukaku gone backwards because he has only scored 9 PLG this year? I think a few of our players have had a year of transitioning and we'll see the benefits next year.
  13. Matt....do us a favour and write Barkley off please.
  14. We only need 3 players. More importantly we need to keep what we have. We don't need a new goalkeeper. We do need more cover at eight back and centre back...depending on the boys coming through. We need another attacking option. I would be happy with three decent signings and only the old guys with no legs leaving.
  15. I believe that by the end of next season you will all look back and think you were crazy. Barkley is going to light the place up next season.
  16. I could be wrong! Stands a good chance to be honest haha.
  17. I see Pienaar as a player that receives the ball in a standing position and either moves the ball on fast or turns sharply. His mind os light years ahead of his body. I see Lennon as more of a headless chicken with pace tp burn. Effective but in a completely different way. Lennon always chases back with bis pace, while Pienaar just doesn't get forward as much so seems to be in the middle more....i am sure that he used to get slated for his lack of defensive effort too.
  18. Love to see him here. Can be explosive at times.
  19. Ye I would like to a stoke win too. Have to aim as high as possible. We need to hit Villa with a high tempo as they are up for it at the moment.
  20. Framing my champions league position for this week before I go back to being relegated.
  21. No Everton fan would laughter mate as we all totally understand where your heart is. I would love to put in the vault as Kone goes on a scoring streak for the rest of the season.....i would sit there with a massive grin!
  22. Reading through that there is the possibility of a player accelerating at a greater pace when he starts hos jump....this them means the slower down process lasts a little longer than the slower players...thus giving the illusion of hanging in the air. What it does show is that players can spend different amounts of time in the air.
  23. So your saying Timmy Cahill dispelled the theory of gravity? ;-)
  24. He jumps early. Cahill was the king at this, could jump early and hang. It's so difficult to get up there when jumping second.
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