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Faux Pas Of The Week

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For the first time in many a year I was watching Final Score on Saturday, christ it was awful. From the inane ramblings of Garth Crooks to the impartiality of Les Ferdinand screaming for Spurs to score, he made Phil Thompson look unbiased and the banality of Steve Claridge. However this summed it up for me, after giving his report of the Preston and West Brom goalless draw, Gabby Logan piped up '.....and the goals from that game can be seen later on Final Score' Priceless!!! :lol:


Oh well back to sky sports centre in future :D

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Me suspects some air brushing gone on their Bill ;)


How very dare you :o Suspect an air brushing of Gabby!!!!...........YOU, you, bearded person, you should be air brushed across the chin and neck area for that slur!


THAT is how Gabby looks first thing in the morning, before any makeup aplication. :unsure:

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