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Gerrard Dive.

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Did anyone see Gerrard's penalty shout on MOTD last night? They showed a replay which made it completely clear he wasn't touched, the commentator asked "How much contact was there?" and didn't answer his own question.

Hansen, Lineker and Shearer said nothing. The ref didn't book him (which he should have done if it wasn't a pen).


Must be great to have a player in the team who's above the laws of the game :rolleyes: .

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Very difficult to find any mention of it in any reports but I found this on Yahoo...


"Ten minutes later Gerrard was fortunate to escape a booking after a clear dive as N'Zonzi stepped away from the challenge during a penalty-box pinball..."


It was definitely another one worthy of that vid.

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Cheating at it's worst!


Had to laugh at a rafa comment the othet day, it was to do with the Ngog diving incident against Birmingham....probably one of the worst dives in history, no that's NOT what rafa said....he said "he's a good lad, who never dives.....I've NEVER seen him dive like that in training" :lol::lol:.....


Why the hell WOULD anyone dive in training?


They will build a statue of Gerrard, it wil stand proudly near the one of shankley.

Just mind as you walk around it, that you don't trip over one of his outstretched arms, as the prone position is one that Gerrard feels comfortable in I guess that's how he will be remembered :rolleyes:


If I'm wrong and the Gerrard statue does end up with him adopting a standing pose.....then please, please for health and safety purposess, fix it down well.....because the slightest touch or gust of wind will bring the mighty gerrard falling to the ground.....wouldn't it?

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Did anyone see Gerrard's penalty shout on MOTD last night? They showed a replay which made it completely clear he wasn't touched, the commentator asked "How much contact was there?" and didn't answer his own question.

Hansen, Lineker and Shearer said nothing. The ref didn't book him (which he should have done if it wasn't a pen).


Must be great to have a player in the team who's above the laws of the game :rolleyes: .


Yeah also saw it and wondered why they didnt make more of it, Lineker is scared to upset Hansen, And Mr Personality (Shearer) always agrees with him anyway, and he also talks out of his arse.

Its about time the Refs and the Authorities got to grips with Mr Gerrard, like you say he seems to be above the laws, i'm sure if it had been a Blackburn player diving he would have been booked. :angry:

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Did anyone see Gerrard's penalty shout on MOTD last night? They showed a replay which made it completely clear he wasn't touched, the commentator asked "How much contact was there?" and didn't answer his own question.

Hansen, Lineker and Shearer said nothing. The ref didn't book him (which he should have done if it wasn't a pen).


Must be great to have a player in the team who's above the laws of the game :rolleyes: .



Lol Its not just the laws of the game he seems to be above just ask any DJ's in Southport!

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From football365's brilliant MediaWatch piece today (anyone who does not read MediaWatch everyday, then they really should, because it's brillaint. One of the only national media sources that roundly takes the piss out of football:-


Ban This Filth!


The Daily Mail, that last bastion of moral decency and keepers of the flame that is fairness and sportsmanship, have been running a campaign for a while against diving, hoping to rid our game of this appalling scourge.


Launching the campaign back in September, the paper wrote: 'Today Sportsmail launches a campaign aimed at shaming football's divers. It is called simulation, but it is cheating. Players falling theatrically, conning referees, deceiving opponents and, ultimately, cheating supporters...


'We believe our campaign will embarrass the cheats into staying on their feet. We also ask our readers to join us in our crusade by exposing the conmen. Contact our diving department (right) and we will publish the names online and in print...Today we ask for your help. Expose the cheats.'


Today they offer the latest instalment of their crusade, lambasting Herman Hreidarsson for joining the 'ever-growing list of players who have successfully duped a referee this season'. This is ignoring the fact that the big man clearly just fell over, and admitted on Match Of The Day that it wasn't a penalty.


Mediawatch assumed that this effort to expose the 'cheats' extended across the Premier League, so skipped to their report of the Blackburn v Liverpool match, expecting to see similar outrage.


Curiously, there is absolutely no mention of brave England hero Steven Gerrard's tumble.


How very strange.


A Handy Stocking Filler


The Mail weren't the only offenders though. The Sun fails to mention the incident, preferring to big up Stevie for managing 500 Liverpool games, while The Daily Mirror dismisses it as a 'penalty shout' and describes Gerrard as 'one of this country's best ever players'.


The Guardian developed a similar Wenger-esque selective vision, The Times only mentions Gerrard's name in passing despite giving half the page over to a picture of him, and The Daily Express only includes him in a quote from Rafa Benitez.


However, the award for finest sin of omission goes to The Daily Telegraph's Henry Winter, who you may recall spent much of the last couple of weeks demanding Thierry Henry be banned from the World Cup for cheating, and who 'Tweeted' on Saturday: 'Justice! Watching Portsmouth-Burnley in Cape Town cafe...and everyone could see Hreidarsson had dived'.


Available now as a lovely Christmas present; 'Gerrard: My Autobiography', ghost-written by Henry Winter.



And From That Autobiography...

"If I saw a team-mate doing it (diving), I would definitely have a word."


Presumably it's going to be a confusing morning in the Gerrard household as Stevie has a word with himself.

Edited by jamiemaher85
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And From That Autobiography...

"If I saw a team-mate doing it (diving), I would definitely have a word."


Presumably it's going to be a confusing morning in the Gerrard household as Stevie has a word with himself.


NO....no,no! You misunderstand Mr Gerrard....when he says if I saw a team-mate diving, I would definately have a word!......he means with the ref!!.....obviously with a penalty being the only possible result.Why he even had a word with the ref when HE dived against Everton......."penalty"....he said.......and "put that yellow card away ref, and give that Hibbert a red........don't you know who I am" :gay:

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Big flaw in the Mail campaign (isn't there a big flaw in every Mail campaign?)....


Hermann Hreidarsson joining the '....ever-growing list of players who have successfully duped a referee this season,'


Why do they have to have successfully duped the ref? Is it somehow worse to cheat (which I don't think Hreidarsson did anyway) and get away with it than to try to cheat but not get away with it (although Gerrard did get away with it in as much as he wasn't carded).

The intent is the same.

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