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Fifa 11 League - Join Us All Now


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Hi fellas, a new joiner here.

We have got a fifa league going on our forum (wont tell you which one fellas, but we play over the park ;) , anyway we are looking for a few more players, and fellow scousers would be ideal, as we may meet up in pubs for our cup finals , and actually play the finals on the pub xbox 360, and massive screen.


The league is not a pro league where you play as a player each as these are messy, we are playing as teams only.

Choose your team, then get started, our main league now has 32 players, The march league is full , but the april league isnt, also has a div 2 for those of us under rating of 9.

league is called rawkapril, i will pm the password to all who wish to play.

Oh its also xbox 360 only, we are all too poor to afford ps3,s haha B)

thanks fellow fans.



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Dont take much notice of them people.

I remember reds and blues together in the 80s, used to go to both grounds to watch matches

and im a red.

But thats yesterday, and now both sets of fans are stupidly bitter,

i do admit to intensly disliking man u though.

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