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What If Sheff Wins The Hearing?

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If Sheff wins this hearing and the panel orders them to be reinstated (like their chairman is claiming will happen) and West Ham docked points, what do you think the powers that be would do?


Would they accept it at face value and send West Ham down instead (and risk being sued by WH)?

Would they keep both of them up and tell Derby, "sorry, you aren't promoted after all" (and risk being sued by Derby)?

Would they keep 21 teams in the Prem and play an odd schedule where someone always has a week off?

Would they invite WBA to also come up and play with 22 teams for one season, like the old days (and do a "4 down, 2 up" at the end of the year)?


Seems to me the FA is in a no-win situation here. If any of the three teams (West Ham if they're docked, Sheff if they lose the hearing, or Derby if the FA played "pick on the little guy") aren't in the Premiership next year, they're going to be furious and seeking any legal/financial relief they can get. But the problem with having 21 or 22 teams up is that it leads to a longer season (bet our small squad would love that) and more teams dividing the TV jackpot, which means less money for everyone, and none of the other 18 teams would be happy with that.


I wonder if they would try negotiating a settlement with the loser (Sheff or Ham) where they'd get a share of the Premiership pot anyway if they'll just shut up, drop any suits, and go down to the Championship. Kind of like a parent using a new toy to buy some peace and quiet. :D

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I don't think Sheff will win the hearing despite what their chairman says for the very reasons you have stated above. The Premier League will have so many problems it happens it's unthinkable so I think something will be done to ensure they don't win it.


If they do, the PL have no choice but to relegate WH I guess given that the decision will be to dock them points. Unless they dock them from the forthcoming season and say "Sorry but..." to Sheff Utd.


Will be interesting whichever way it goes.

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Difficult one but they created the problem for themselves by not docking West Ham in the first place. It was only because it was so late in the season that they didn't do it....it was the right and proper punishment at the time and it still is. If justice is done West Ham will go down.

Edited by MikeO
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I feel the decision to keep the situation as it is has already been made, this whole thing smacks of lip service being paid to "justice being seen to be done", any decision other than the the current fine is out of the question. The legal ramifications could only damage the EPL and all involved.


Sheff Utd, take Sean Bean and go fuck yourselves, if you hadn't played so fucking badly you would not have found yourselves in this situation in the first place.







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