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I know their not available in England yet but when i was in New York i went into an Apple store and tryed one out. They are amazing!! I really want to get one when they come out (which is apperntly christmas) but i reckon they will be really expensive when they come out. Though they were relativley cheap in the usa. £250. Which isn't bad when you think its a Ipod, a satnav and a phone. I reckon it will be close to 500 when it comes out over here.


there apple stuff is so much cheaper than ours. You can get an 80g ipod for 140

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ive got no mp3 player and my phone is shit. will get one but im going to wait till the price comes down as i would never pay a huge amount for a phone, no matter how cool it was


You get a free phone if you take it on a contract, you can get contracts for as low as 12 pounds a month, equal to £144 pounds for a year. Thats what you would pay to buy a decent phone isnt it ? in which case you are getting all your calls free for the year.


Pay as you go is a rip off, highest priced Call charges.

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the iphone looks wicked, but i got a Nokia N95 a couple of months ago, it doesnt look as pretty as the iphone, but id be extremely suprised if the iphone can match it in anything other than looks.

less megapixel cam/vid, slower browser, both got sat nav, video play back, mp3, tv output, head phone jack.

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the iphone is so cool though, and the internet is very fast because it uses wireless, so for me would be very good on shefield campus as the whole place is a wireless zone.


the whole touch screen thing is very cool too.


and also the screen is crazy- it knows when you rote the phone and will ajust the screen accordingly. so if you want to view something widescreen you only have to turn the phone around


it also has direct access to youtube which is pretty cool

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