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Watford Player To Be Deported?

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Watford's Al Bangura has had his application to stay in the UK turned down.


He has a job, pays his taxes (£150k at least last year), does voluntary community work and owns his own house and even has a 9 day old son who was born in this country with his girlfriend who was also born in this country.

If he returns to Sierra Leone he risks being mutilated and/or killed by his father's tribe.


The government are quite happy to let immigrants stay in this country who offer nothing to society except to take council houses and benefits with little or no intention to work for a living.


Those are the people who should be chucked out of the country, not some one who has worked hard to get where he is.



He is going to appeal the decision, but unless the Home Secretary gets involved I can't see much joy with that.



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he has been doing, so no.


it's disgraceful, he comes here, he works hard, he earns his money and pays thousands in tax, and we want to get rid? what about the asylum seekers that stay here and do fuck all, they have more right do they? and they'll make him leave his wife and kid too, pathetic if it happens.


he'll be almost certainly murdered if he returns because of his family history.

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...what about the asylum seekers that stay here and do fuck all, they have more right do they?


Of course not, stop believing what you read in the tabloids.


It's wrong because it's wrong, not because he's a footballer or because of how much he's paid in taxes or because he owns his house or that he does voluntary work.


Are we suggesting here one law for the rich and talented and another for the rest?


Be disgraceful if he's deported but it happens all the time to people in his situation and that's equally disgraceful, just that nobody notices or cares.

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Of course not, stop believing what you read in the tabloids.


It's wrong because it's wrong, not because he's a footballer or because of how much he's paid in taxes or because he owns his house or that he does voluntary work.


Are we suggesting here one law for the rich and talented and another for the rest?


Be disgraceful if he's deported but it happens all the time to people in his situation and that's equally disgraceful, just that nobody notices or cares.


i don't read tabloids, for that reason.


surely allowing some to stay and deporting others is suggesting different rules? im saying that there should be yes, for hardworking and not so hard working. this is our country, i have no problem with people who come here and work hard and make themselves a living, but it pisses me off no end, when people come here and are on some sort of benefits and doing fuck all. yes there should be separate laws, because im not happy paying taxes for some fuckers who dont contribute anything to my country. honest hard workers like this lad deserve to stay here, they IMO earn their right to stay here, england is not a charity.

Edited by CraccerC
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Same rules apply to all, some fit the criteria, some don't. Like some people pass an exam, some fail....doesn't mean there are two different passmarks. I'm just saying it's wrong to suggest otherwise and it'd be wrong (imo) to discriminate purely based on financial contribution.


Perfectly valid viewpoint though Craccer...sorry about the "tabloid" comment, you never struck me as a S*n reader I have to say :) .

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terrible, that he could become separated from his baby. and the circumstances could cost him is life.

i couldnt imagine not growing up without my dad (as a lot of people have to) but knowing the reason for that is down to the government. fucking joke


what if he just went and married his girlfriend asap?

Edited by StevO
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i don't want to judge a player on financial capabilities but more what they do for the community in general, the financial aspect is obviously a part of it, but is bangura not a great role model for black youths who come from poor areas? his charity work, the life he has made for himself considering the torment he must have gone through as a kid, to come here at 15 and achieve what he has. it's funny we have these problems in london with these gang shootings almost every day, this black on black violence, we get a role model and effectively tell him to fuck off, makes me laugh.

why let people into the country that don't contribute, as i said we are not a charity. am i wrong in suggestign that the US has strict regulations for this sort of thing...i'm sure i read it a while back that they had to provide something to get granted emmigration/citizenship. makes sense to me, why let people come here with no intention to become a part of society and then turn away those that give 110%, a lot more than a lot of brits on their benefits.

economically it makes no sense to deport the lad, morally it doesn't either. i think he's an inspiration and has just as much of a right to be here as anyone. LET AL STAY!!!

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