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Everything posted by Mirallas

  1. Mirallas

    Wigan away

    I thought Ashley Cole got substituted for Azpilicueta? edit: Ah wait no, that was Ivanovic.
  2. Mirallas

    Wigan away

    Good, now score another one please
  3. Mirallas

    Wigan away

    West Brom will probably win against QPR: 3-1 nearing the end. That does put a bit of pressure on EFC
  4. Mirallas

    Wigan away

    And lose control over midfield
  5. Mirallas

    Wigan away

    I see a lot of good intentions, but no chemistry between the players.
  6. Mirallas

    Wigan away

    I don't complain, I think Sylvain is better than Johnny anyway.
  7. Mirallas

    Wigan away

    Come on Kevin, do something.
  8. You know, it doesn't matter anymore whether he's coming or not, Vadis Odjidja's thread will already be remembered for a long time on this forum
  9. My current concept of who you probably are in real life is the chubby middle aged guy whosits around at the bar of a pub telling one 'funny' remark after another, talking really fast and easily socializing with everyone, who knows a bit of everybody, but who doesn't really have a single group of best friends. People probably ask you every now and then to repeat what you said, cause they didn't understand it cause u talk so fast (is it the nerves? is it the excitement?), so you repeat your funny or witty remark and they give you a friendly laugh in return. Nobody really hates you and everyone accepted you as a part of the scene. You're not an offensive person, nor are you mister popular. You're not really outdated, nor are you hip. You're you, a part of the furniture, some people might find you 'boring', but you come as you are and people who accept that are worth more than gold. Is that a bit accurate?
  10. MEANWHILE Odjidja is yet to score his first goal for Club Bruges this season. That's another fact. But he's improving, getting back into shape. edit: Sorry I'd be lying. He did score a goal in a Champions League qualifying game against FC Kopenhagen. A stunning action, even though he was shit throughout that game.
  11. Well that takes care of one problem. "DK".... to me, that stands for Denmark....
  12. Avin, ur a cool guy, but I never seem to understand your jokes for some reason.
  13. There isn't really such a thing as a "Belgian waffle". There are 2 common kinds of waffles: the Brussels waffle (light and crusty, square shape) and the Liège waffle (heavier, sweeter, softer, rounded shape). Often, what you see abroad is these so-called Belgian waffles are actually a crossing between the 2 kinds of waffles. Here's a Brussels waffle: Liège waffle:
  14. I never noticed anything peculiar or exessively different in the refereeing between ManU games and other games. That was until I saw Manchester United - Tottenham Hotspur (last week was it?) And I saw a game which had perfectly representative refereeing to other random fixtures and it gave me a sense that the refereeing in previous ManU games has been entirely different than this game. I don't know if that makes sense to you guys? But for the first time since Manchester City's famous 6-1 win, I have seen a team break free against ManU and play exactly the game they envisioned on playing. And Spurs won. Other Man United fixtures had a sense of utter boredom to me. And then there's this mysterious ability of Man United to always know how to win games and leagues, even when they're crap. Up until now I always thought of it as the result of a psychological advantage, but.... ... many of us are very well aware of the corruption at the Swiss Fifa.
  15. Yeah I suggested Mignolet as well before, after Howard played a lousy game He's about as good as Vorm and Krul but isn't as popular in the footballing communities for some reason. But at least it keeps his price relatively low, and that way you get a superb and young goalkeeping talent for a decent buck. One downside is that Sunderland have shown themselves ambitious in their transfer politics, so they'll be hesitant to let their own young talents go. Even though they still have Keiran Westwood.
  16. Who else thinks Gareth Bale looks like the young John Travolta? For some reason every time I see Bale I think of Grease. YOU'RE THE ONE THAT I WANT YOU ARE THE ONE I WANT OOH OOH OOH HONEY!
  17. He is Welsh; there's no evidence of him having the Belgian nationality. Audrey Hepburn was also born in Belgium, but she didn't have the nationality.
  18. Some further facts: There were more Englishmen in the town of Bruges in the 19th century that there currently are English players at Goodison Park. There are also more Englishmen in Liverpool than there are Belgians in Bruges. On the other hand, there are more Belgians in the Club Bruges senior team than there are Belgians and Englishmen COMBINED in the Everton FC senior team. There is no record of any player with the Belgian/British double nationality at either Club Bruges or Everton FC. There are no English players in the current squad of Club Bruges, but Bruges has known 3 English players in it's history: Ray Clarke (1979), Roger Davies (1976-77) and Brian Hill (1967-68). Club Bruges lost 2 european finals in 1976 and 1978 against Liverpool FC. There has never been any confrontation between Everton FC and Club Bruges.
  19. sounds good, cause he's starting to get back in his best shape. But he's inconsistent as fuck, so scouting during only 1 game will not give you a good concept of the kidn of player he really is.
  20. Forumclub.be full of absolute idiots of the kind of which you wonder how they ever fertilized the egg. They can only type one thing, being "" with which, according to scientists, they repeatedly point out what a person usually looks like in their company.
  21. but seriously: 1) Baines 2) Fellaini 3) Jelavic 4) Coleman 5) Mirallas 6) Osman 7) Heitinga 8) Jagielka
  22. Distin without a doubt. No competition for the way he performed.
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