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Everything posted by Mirallas

  1. Get in I have the feeling this is going to be an afternoon like I like it.
  2. How much would Sunderland ask for Mignolet?
  3. Well looking at Arsenal today, I have to say if Everton finishes above them, they probably finished above their class. That, or Arsenal collapses or becomes completely inconsistent.
  4. If we had Hargreaves than that question wouldn't pose itself. (spare yourself of any injury-comments. I'm aware of it and I find it rather irrelevant given the nature of his proposed contract.)
  5. Sun is shining, slightly chilly outside, nature is declining towards the winter. Everton hosts Southampton. Perfect game to put on and mute, while listening to this song: Sitting by the window, looking at the garden outside occasionally, having a sip of apple wine.
  6. I'll decide for myself whether I'll accept any apologies.
  7. Yeah, shiiiiit for real, Avin. What's your problem, mate?
  8. Pep would flop at Man U. His style does not fit ManU whatsoever. It'd be just another AVB. Mourinho and DM would be much better options. Wenger would be as well, but if he did he'd be assassinated by Arsenal fans, cause that's how they are.
  9. I've been to that website and the first photo I see is of meat being grilled above flames, which is a mistake against the basics of barbequeing. Not criticising, just showing off my knowledge
  10. Many of you might know the typical Didier Drogba fan chant "Didier Drogba tra lala la la, Didier Drogba, traaaa lalalalala" My question is, What original song is this song based on?
  11. We foreigners love Cheryl. Not her singing, just Cheryl.
  12. Everton will win the league when I marry Cheryl Cole. edit: Hey admin, this was my 200th post. Can I upgrade from Bert Gabriëls to Hans Teeuwen please?
  13. I got to give it to you, I've never been amongst more optimistic football fans than this Everton forum. All the others constantly underestimate themselves and do nothing but complaining, but here I see you guys speculating about the probability of a historically good season.
  14. Aww yiss!! Hargreaves He'll be playing a better role at EFC that what you guys think I'm pretty excited by this one.
  15. Oscar Pistorius. What's your excuse? Pistorius has no legs, yet he competes at the olympics with the worlds best athletes on the 400 metres. Owen Hargreaves has some great football in him. I believe in the guy. He won't make high demands. He's a great player, even if it's just as a backup for just in case.
  16. Let me get one thing straight here: Owen Hargreaves is one superb footballer. cheers
  17. Mirallas


    I shall now retreat to toonforum and nag their asses off. cheerios
  18. Mirallas


    I know I posted it earlier in this thread, but it was in the middle of a lot going on, so no one saw it.
  19. Mirallas


    What are you going to do about it?
  20. Mirallas


    ya man lol laughing is the only thing you can do when you should be 4-2 up with normal refs
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