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Everything posted by thoward18

  1. Very much doubt he'll be going on loan anywhere. He had all sorts of injury problems during the season and I imagine the team will want him to heal. I could see him going somewhere just for the sake of fitness but I can't imagine Red Bull NY loaning him out for legitimate games.
  2. Hard to put a specific timeline on everything (unless I'm just an idiot and misread the article) but I get the impression that the suggestion of a loan came well before news of Kone's long-term injury. Like, around the transfer deadline.
  3. Assuming what Martinez is saying is objectively true, I don't like this at all. The fact that he feels he is better suited collecting his paycheck and fucking around with the reserves than going out on loan, improving his craft, and proving something to Martinez and others doesn't indicate someone who is motivated to be the player he can be. That's not to say I think he doesn't give a shit, but it makes me question if he has the attitude needed to compete at this level. Talent is enough to let you be a good striker in League One or a middling Championship team but it takes a hell of a lot more than raw ability to be a quality striker for a mid-table or higher EPL team. I'd cut my losses.
  4. His wages don't justify his role on the team. Removing the contract is itself a cash influx. Anything we can get from another team is a bonus.
  5. I don't really know what you want from us. During the short time he was available he did absolutely nothing to give any encouragement. Even when Jelavic is depressed and lacking confidence he still puts together a few nice runs or makes some really good individual efforts. Kone did nothing except miss a few gifted opportunities. By the time he is healthy again he's going to be halfway to 31. It's not like this is some 22 year old project. I saw a lot of people shit on the Barry addition and even a few with McCarthy and they've received nothing but compliments since. I don't think people have a vendetta against Kone. It just hasn't worked out. At this point I'm basically counting him as a sunken cost. Hopefully he can get back into playing shape and contribute some goals next season in rotation duty and cup ties, but I see that as best case scenario and I'm certainly not going to hold my breath on it. Martinez is going to have to seek a better, more secure option at striker during the summer.
  6. Yes, injuries can happen to anyone. However, the term "injury prone" isn't some sort of curse or anything. Body parts that are damaged will be permanently weakened. Kone severely injured his knee during both the 08/09 season and 09/10 season. Obviously there are a number of variables, including luck, that will affect a player's health, but it's not exactly shocking that he's gone down with another knee injury. I'm not going to go so far as to say that this was inevitable, but let's not pretend this is some fluke accident. We basically bought a used car with 150K Kilometers on it already. Not surprising to see it have engine issues.
  7. Tim Howard has a beard and saved a penalty this season. Steven Naismith does not have a beard and didn't save a penalty this season. I think it's pretty obvious what the difference maker is here.
  8. I don't think the locker room atmosphere can be downplayed. Obviously there are good guys in every locker room who will welcome guys in but I find it hard to imagine a group of veterans who would step up to the plate and be passionate about the club and help integrate new young guys in quite like Baines, Jagielka, Distin, Howard, etc. We've got a real class group here who represent the club well.
  9. I don't think it's fair to downplay Lukaku's finesse play. No, he's never going to be Wayne Rooney, but he has pretty good ability on the ball for a guy with his frame. He's not just some goon like Emile Heskey who can only bully the ball into the net. Obviously that's a big part of Lukaku's game and he's going to score a lot of goals that way. But he's also a guy who is capable of chesting a ball down at the top of the box and then rifling it into a corner. Or bring a ball down in midfield and then make a perfect through ball. We've seen him prove capable of those kinds of finesse plays already. The Drogba comparison is convenient because of the Chelsea connection and because they look similar but they really are the same kind of player.
  10. Of course, but we're not getting him for free. Especially for a team like us, where every penny counts, we have to be smart with what moves we make. Would Rodwell be nice to have and give us some really good depth down the middle? Definitely. Is he a player we need? Not really. McCarthy is here for the long-haul and Barry seems likely to stay beyond this season. I think we'd be far better suited in adding a young central defender.
  11. I don't see what Rodwell brings that we don't already have. If he started his career with Tottenham instead of Everton would this thread even exist?
  12. I promise this is the last time I'll bump this Well, we did it. We needed a win today in order to get our first trophy. We went down 1-0 about 5 minutes in after a former player for our team who always kills us scored. However, Thierry Henry scored an absolutely ridiculous goal to level it. We then scored FOUR goals in the second half, with Cahill in the middle of everything. He was subbed off at the very end of the game so he could get the deserved ovation and holy fuck it was loud. Thanks for giving us a guy who will forever be considered a legend in New York soccer. Here are the highlights, in case anyone is interested. I know MLS will never measure up to the EPL in a number of ways, but hopefully you guys can watch this to appreciate just how passionate and dedicated our fanbase is. http://www.newyorkredbulls.com/news/2013/10/match-highlights-ny-5-chi-2
  13. Boo Fucking Hoo. We paid a moderately large sum, by our standards, to bring him in. Virtually every job in the world requires a competent performance; especially ones which pay a large salary. I'm sure he's a nice guy and I'd be very disappointed if Everton fans attacked him personally. But being judged on your professional performance is inherent to the job, and right now he's not proving to be worth a single penny spent. If he wants to turn the tide then he should work hard to get back into playing form and start producing.
  14. I will shave my balls with a cheese grater and let John Terry fuck my mom if it means we can keep Lukaku.
  15. As good as multiple guys were, with Osman especially standing out, it's a completely different game if Tim Howard does not come up big on a number of occasions in the first half.
  16. thoward18


    Sounds like Goodison :jump for joy:
  17. thoward18


    Poor first 20 minutes or so, but Timmy kept us in it. Tightened it up defensively from there and made a few nice runs. Need to make better use of possession within the last third of the pitch.
  18. Far from ready to declare the transfer a success. Still plenty to see and plenty that could go wrong. That being said, it's important to remember that we paid the 13M fee not only for what he is right now, but what he will be in the future. He's been a nice asset in the midfield so far. With a few years to mature, learn, and feel comfortable with the club he'll (hopefully) be that much better. Excited about his future.
  19. I think what needs to be put in perspective here is that a guy like Dempsey is loaned out because he wants it and his club are doing him a favor; not for any financial gain. No, we wouldn't get him for free, but Seattle would give him to us for pennies on the dollar because they just want to make Dempsey happy and bringing him to training camp in February in playing shape only benefits them. Bringing an EPL quality player for a ridiculously cheap price is not something that should be taken lightly. I've said this before, but Dempsey is similar to Cahill. Decent technical skills, yes, but what separates him from the pack is his willingness to fight for every ball and wear his heart on his sleeve. Add in the fact that he will have a chip on his shoulder due to Tottenham's (lack of) usage of him and the upcoming World Cup, and he'd give us 110% every game. He can play up top, delayed striker, AMC, central mid, or wing. Basically, a better version of Naismith. We've seen time and time again how the teams that win games in the EPL are not solely the ones who have the best players, but the ones who have the depth to withstand a 38 game season with internationals and cup matches thrown in between. I think we'd be silly not to bring in Dempsey unless Seattle's lost its mind and wants a ridiculous loan fee.
  20. He's been exactly what we needed; a stable, reliable asset in the middle of the pitch. Nothing more, nothing less.
  21. No rumors to report but I felt this was worthy of a bump. On Sunday, Tim scored this fucking beautiful goal to break the record for fastest goal in MLS history. Not only is the goal insane, but the context makes it that much better. It was on the road and in the second-to-last game of the season. Red Bull NY needed to win in order to stay on top of the table, and obviously that goal gave us the best possible start. We went on to win 3-0. So now we head home to play our final match of the season on Sunday. There are a few different scenarios that could play out, but this much is for sure; a win would guarantee finishing at the top and giving us our first trophy in our 17-year history. I don't know the perfect comparison for EPL but we're well known for our trophy drought here in the U.S. Like the Cubs in baseball. I guess Man City before the Aguero goal is a good comparison. If we manage to win this trophy then Tim is a lock to enter our all-time XI and be a team legend. Sell outs are a rarity in MLS, but RBNY have already announced one for this game and we're 6 days away from the actual game. If we get the trophy. MLS might move the time of the game for the sake of creating the most drama or changing the TV schedule, but as of right now the game is probably going to be Sunday at 5PM Eastern Time. I believe that's 10PM in London. Hopefully a few of you will be able to tune in because it's going to be American soccer (football) and MLS at its absolute best.
  22. I don't know. Maybe not at Lukaku's level, but guys like Bent and Benteke and Michu didn't go for ridiculous prices. There are talented young strikers out there for the taking. Just need the right scouting and a bit of luck.
  23. Don't know what that matters seeing as he'd be coming on loan.
  24. Coleman has the starting spot locked down with how well he has played, and I don't know how much outside of veteran leadership that Hibbert has over Stones. Decent insurance in case one of those two goes down but that's about it at this stage.
  25. Happy for him. The guy has been starved of first team minutes. Hopefully he can make something of it.
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