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Everything posted by StevO

  1. i believe your post says you are watching this space jamie
  2. im trying not to set my heights too high, one rig is a start
  3. march 26th the daily post one is dated, the other is a lot closer though
  4. if we dont apply to build in liverpool they cant turn it down. we've been hiding behind the exclusivity agreement for too long. i was mad at LCC for long enough, i think a little closer to home need to be looked at first, give LCC a break for now and see what they come back with when the club climb out of terry leaheys arse
  5. if he was the lad with the curly hair i think he was pretty damn good
  6. i think we need to find an emirate with an oil rig in his back yard and see if he fancies a bit of blue action
  7. when? ive been watchin it for half hour and not seen anythin abuot him, only obinna saha and hunt
  8. how the hell do they get taken over in the morning, then in the afternoon bid for half the worlds attacking talent, and we cant meet the asking price for steven fucking hunt!!! a representative from the group who bought sity said there is no limit to what they can spend, no player is out of the question, they have a list of the worlds top players that they want and berba is only about half way up. initially they will invest £400m-£500m, then they will increse that if they need to. he then stressed there is no limit to what they will do, the only goal is to be number one. i wonder if BK has actually looked around the UAE for investment? there is plenty of money there and they seem to want into the prem
  9. oh god no, id rather have the terrible barton here than sean davies
  10. no doesnt make a difference, assault is assault, just wanted it clarifying. assaulting people every game is well wide of the mark. not defending him, but theres no point in exagerating an already terrible truth
  11. im never pleased, which is just horrible
  12. i thought the evertonian was 15? who did he assault on the pitch?
  13. cool tat, id like a little bigger, to fill the full fore arm, but prob never will. into them shorts mate, wicked!
  14. i'm all for it, would be good for both clubs and great for the city
  15. i got a reply from his assitant, i frequently get detailed business emails too, like i been added to a mailing list. his assistant said what a mad blue he was and she would ask him to get in touch. he never did. he has got a billboard on the main stand though. add david mclean to your list there louis
  16. have you not seen it mark? its lovely! covered in moss, stands not under cover. small. such a palace! dont know how they do it
  17. BT was 8 for one season, then when AJ signed Aj went to 8 and BT went to 9
  18. always admired him as a player, but not as a man. if we could sign joey bartons ability, desire and motivation on the pitch, and not sign him personal bagage, then i'd be over the moon.
  19. right now id take him purely for his effort. but ts not happening so no worries
  20. you not think we already have players richer than him?
  21. i think they are expecting more lies from BK at the first one, so getting prepared for round two. i cant wait to see him sweat
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