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Everything posted by StevO

  1. bent was a work horse when he had no competition, as soon as another striker came in he wasnt up for the fight. good luck to him at charlton, but he will not score as many as BT
  2. we might have to play Hughes, deserves the chance if anyone does. but probably play neville at the back
  3. i dont know, but i like it. rather wait another year though!
  4. been smilin all afternoon, it really helped wash away the stubbsy blues!
  5. keep him, hes lasted longer than most england managers. besides, his stupidity is hilarious. the media picks the team, so it doesnt matter whos in charge
  6. ask reyes about it! hibbo is the hardest bastard on merseyside
  7. had £1 on BT for first goal, £16 in two games, nice one BT
  8. id defo be up for a BK out protest, a la the Johnson days! (oh how far have the heros fallen since the great takeover!)
  9. if all us TTers put a quid on, thats over a thousand tickets, probably the biggest sindicate ever, we must win it and over throw BK, failing that, it looks like Frank Snr is gettin a fozzie shaped blowjob!
  10. lets just throw hopkins in, bring him back, we need a youthfull forward! and kissock would make a better midfielder from what ive heard, he has been playin as a winger for the res, not as a forward
  11. hopefully stubbs can bring in the never say die attitude that weir leaves at home on a saturday morning! but we need a striker and nigeria to get knocked out asap
  12. tony cottee will be our new striker, or we could sign a proven goal scorer, hmm how aboutn lineker?
  13. What can we do to help out the club? someone has to do somethin! if anyone has an idea or a plan count me in!
  14. im normally ever the optimist (things may well be ok on the pitch the last few weeks) but for once i agree with every thin fozzie has said in the whole time ive been comin on here. this in/out transfer has hit hoome, hard!
  15. gutted, i was impressed with Per, this is a sad day in the history of our beloved club
  16. cant believe this can happen, some people have alot to answer for
  17. please please, dont let him go
  18. just had a look round the web, he played well by all accounts. is currently 3rd in official site MOM list
  19. kroldrup played well? details boys an girls
  20. i keep sayin all along, goals is what i want, i appreciate hard work, but we need end product - the ball in the net
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